Sunday, May 13, 2007

Why all of us should watch ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

An Inconvenient Truth’ is a documentary that was released for public viewing recently. Although I rarely go out for movies, I had read about this one a lot in the Net, so decided to view last week. This documentary is in most parts is a kind of power point presentation by Al Gore (..well the man ‘who was the next President of USA.…It is not funny!’), and unlike power point presentations it is not at all boring, he speaks with lots of insight and involvement, very interestingly personalizing the issue. So we see a human behind the man, a passion behind the words. In the end you not only know about global warming and how serious the threat is, you also end up admiring Mr. Gore. I couldn’t help thinking if he had become the President of USA, how different the world would be or would he been co-opted by the system as it happens most of the case.

If Britain was once referred to as ‘nation of shopkeepers’, the contemporary USA is undoubtedly a ‘nation of lobby’. So the lobby against the global warming, against ban on guns, against cigarettes have a manual which Cooney boy followed so dedicatedly to scuttle the issue…..the first step is to theorize the fact, so create ambiguity (‘Doubt is our product’ is the mantra) and then add some controversy. This seems to be the pattern followed by unscrupulous people in the corporate. Blurring the lines of need and greed, and placing it as freedom, then idealizing it as democracy is a ploy we are seeing on daily basis. As the documentary quotes ‘if we live in denial we will end up in despair’. We are living in an age where every action (and inactions) has severe consequences on future of the planet. The evidences are for us to see…..we need to ‘connect the dot lines quickly’ before it’s too late. Mr. Gore has done an incredible job. And we should be grateful to him for bringing the issue of Global warming as priority not only at the international, national level but also in the personal sphere of each individual. The documentary places the responsibility at our doorstep in all its urgency, this is what makes it a must watch.

All of us need to watch documentaries like these particularly the youngsters, it should be screened in colleges and discussed. Earth despite all its problems is an amazingly beautiful place. It’s a miracle.