Saturday, August 31, 2013

UNSC must take action

There is something heinous unfolding in Syria, and is quite clear that Assad regime is involved as more and more video evidences come out. Further confirmed by the fact that the UN investigating agency is prevented, nevertheless any action has to wait for final authorization from the UNSC. We are quite aware of 2003 Iraq invasion. Any such misadventure and macho moves will have severe repercussions as is happening in Iraq –a country reduced to everyday misery, and still no sign of WMDs. Those who ‘sexed up’ are still roaming free, I am sure all expense taken care by arms dealers. Wonder how the civil war is sustained in Syria, obviously outside forces are involved. An arms embargo to the region will be a good start. Instead of preventing the civil war and losses of lives outside agencies are fueling destruction.   

Despotic regimes who give no importance to democracy and people’s aspirations are no different to the so called Royals. They want to hold on to their privileges, thus they create system which fights for self preservation rather any human values or ethics. Even symbolic presence in countries like Britain speaks volume of the mindset. Any privileges due to birth should have no place in civilized society, these anachronisms are also an insult to former colonized countries, these represent a symbol of past atrocities (for a start how about jalianwala/bengal famine). Huge castles are built on miseries of common people, in this context the Independence Day speech by Indian PM from red fort is jingoism in its setting, you really cannot express values of liberty from a medieval edifice, for that some egalitarian framework is needed. Shocking was the admission by a head of a State, namely Julia Gillard, that she is knitting for royals, thankfully she is out. So when countries like Britain takes high moral ground on Syria we know what they are standing on, it is ‘proud’ history that beckons. As far as India is concerned it is a dustbin case, a nation sold out by its mediocre manipulative elite.