Tuesday, January 21, 2014

AAP looses credibility at an alarming rate

Like most Indians I am quite saddened , more than saddened maybe angered. AAP had such spectacular possibility. They wouldn’t have been the third front as some in media were exaggerating but yes a significant presence, a presence that is essential, particularly, in places where the two party system has become entrenched at the cost of common people. Two party system is a joke, taken too far it severely threatens and polarizes society that is ready for violence. The incompetence and arrogance of entrenched interests and political class sought a voice against and AAP emerged as a delightful option. It seems the ‘leaders’ of AAP have got carried away and have messed it big time. Perception has become quite important in the age of 24x7 media and has a detrimental impact in the making of middle class world view. However even the sleightest of conjurer has to have some credibility, perceptions is difficult to be sustained over the long period if the credibility is lost. Clearly the issue on which AAP is out on the street lacks credibility, it seems made up for media worst there are egos coming into picture. The visceral rant and chaos is an invitation to trouble makers, this could easily spin out of hand. This blogger agrees that State government should have control over Police, and Union may have some part of it in its control, indeed a new force could be created. It is rather trite to argue Delhi police should be under control of Union government for national security reason. The crime in the state has serious ramification on the society and elected leaders of the state have a role to play in finding solution. Though the irony of a party fighting for autonomy to control of the police force is not lost.  

Once you are in a responsible position there is a way of dealing with issues, I am not suggesting these are sacrosanct (there is ofcourse anger and cynicism against the political class). Anarchy is not bad but should be the last resort that too when other options are exhausted. When the CM of a state claims to be an anarchist then it is a question mark on the whole political system and the feasibility of the institutions. People have elected their leaders to solve these very problems. Anarchy is the end of system, it is denying the mandate. It is quite a dangerous situation and puts in a very bad precedence.

It seems AAP is quite in a hurry (they need to understand that they have done exceptionally well and this unnecessary urgency without any ground work doesn’t augur well) and fixers in the national party see it as a threat and are waiting for to attack and discredit, indeed the entrenched political and cultural elites (mostly some very mediocre people high on corruption and nepotism, the reason why this society suffers) are extremely good at this. The Indian crab mentality is part of the folklore. Unfortunately AAP has fallen into the trap. The question of decency in discourse is seen as a major asset, it is a different matter that they have been sucking on people and cause of immense misery, AAP has tripped on that one too. They have made classic outsider’s mistake!! Even this would have been forgiven if the credibility was intact….

AAP has channelized chaos and energized the system and gave new hope to millions of people tired of selfish and corrupt elite section. Now it is their responsibility as leaders to fulfill these aspirations. It is becoming increasingly clear that they are not upto to it. We will have some self congratulating smiling fixers in the scene claiming ‘didn’t we tell you so’ or ‘we know better’. O yes they should know better they have been ruling and now they pass it on to the progenies; of course they should know the tricks of administration. In the meanwhile Indians languish at the bottom of the pile. Worst than sub Saharan countries, you say. Really?