Tuesday, December 22, 2015

SC pitches in with 'age old' verbal chicanery

   Recently the SC added to the deviant narration, though it was hailed by clever media as “Appointment as priests can’t be denied on basis of caste, birth: SC” to showcase themselves as civilised people, but when you read through the fine line it is clear that this is a regressive verdict cloaked as it is in egalitarian intent while aggressively diluting the revolutionary zeal and fervour of social change by TN government in 1970s. Dravidian movement was probably one the very few genuine movement whose enlightened thoughts has been over the years appropriated and blunted by mediocrity justifying squatter’s way into complacency hence into another convenience to grab power in the template of feudal ways. The verdict states that “Appointment of 'Archakas' (temple priests) in Tamil Nadu as per the 'Agamas', treaties relating to its functioning, on Wednesday got the nod of Supreme Court which reiterated that any deviation from the age-old custom and usage would be an infringement of the freedom of religion”. Now we all know what age-old customs of this amazingly uncouth and primitive world is. Upholding these has quite clearly showcased the intent of Judges (whose credential can itself be questioned, given how tardy the legal system is, incompetence is self-evident. Oh yes contempt!!) Giving authenticity to some garbage (also referred to as “agama treatise”, the usage of word treatise is an attempt on giving this crap some civility I reckon) is where the SC has made fatal error of exhibiting itself enmeshed in squatter’s primitive world, indeed it is not surprising as we know their incompetence, acquiescing to elitist framework is how you work out the camaraderie and enhance career. There is ofcourse a world after retirement, and yes progenies have to be settled. Meanwhile verbal dexterity is evident as they try cover up their primitive ways, afterall we are supposed to be envy exuding democracy and this is 21st century!!. They add “...such appointment is not violative of the fundamental right to equality but the appointment of 'Archakas' should be in conformity with the Constitutional mandates and principles”. “…the exclusion of some and inclusion of a particular segment or denomination for appointment as 'Archakas' would not violate Article 14 (right to equality) so long such inclusion/ exclusion is not based on the criteria of caste, birth or any other Constitutionally unacceptable parameter”.  

Brilliant. You could always trust Judges with verbal jugglery and related chicanery. In simple terms it means that in the game of cannibals there is a rule, also treatise, that excludes section B, now SC agrees to this framework as it is ‘age old custom’, the context or intent of age old customs is none of SC business (clever people posit it as tolerance. Hence to meddle with this will be intolerance, the site of angst for liberal sickular elite). Meanwhile they assert that section B cannot be excluded if the age old custom doesn’t say so(?!!). Hence when you deviously put contradictory parameters to create confusion, you cleverly legitimate and illegitimate on the same go so that some egalitarianism percolates into primitiveness. It is a valiant effort by squatter enmeshed mylords. Meanwhile this confusion is used by the powerful devious people to control and perpetuate their worldview. This is an old game that gives semblance of democratic ways but in reality is degrading people. Very recently they handed over key, lock and barrel of Chidambaram temple to squatters, as part of “age old customs”. Ideally the age old customs should have been scrutinised on its human rights record, it will be clear that the custodians should not only be kept away but should be tried for perpetuation of gross violations and if they seek to make hereditary primitiveness and uncouth claims then they should be put behind bars. They can celebrate these vulgarities as culture and tradition in their little pits. The frogs can have their moments of exultation but outside the well it is going to be a different ball game, it is where the civilization begins. They will be scrutinised threadbare. I again call upon the international community to declare India as gross violator of human rights and casteism as worst form of violation, much worse than racism. The sickular primitive elite can con act the distraction of saving the mullah, the reality though is this is a diversion to hide the scrutiny on themselves. Meanwhile legitimatising mullah’s degradation also attempts at legitimising their own primitiveness. The more they seek to protect primitive ways of others (read feudal muslims) more they attempt at hallowed heights of tolerance, hence kindred souls for the world community, meanwhile very cleverly pass in their own degrading home truths as they usurp benefits.  You will notice that elite muslims (include feudal mullahs and hedonist liberals) are extremely sensitive to caste identities of elite hindus, hence assuage the egos of primitive Indian elite. This also fits into the narration of sickular elite keeping the hindus divided hence helping the mullah, hence sickularism, it’s a neat solidarity. It is the beginning of syncretic culture of a region that has appalling HDI index and disparities, and whose elites are known to be amazingly insular and insensitive brutes, devoid of basic decency or attributes of compassion and lacking any competence. Such nonviolence that it kills. Such harmonious peace that it scythe the soul out of any normal human being.

This blogger has enough evidence to prove that there is a very strong extra constitutional authority that functions quite viciously in the grapevine of camaraderie, in the sanctums of cash rich temples (very specifically the debauch’s at Tirupathi) that have overwhelming control over mainstream narration, and is indeed the site of nefarious understanding of powerful squatter ensconced elite. They may posit as political leaders of different parties, indeed loggerheads with each other (recently debauchery of Tirupathi was replicated in Delhi, juvenile and wasteful rituals that mocks at common people, ofcourse with a claim of ‘age old tradition’. All arranged in a sport stadium, in a country that has no use for sports and other exhibitions of competence. It is firmly on the narration of providence and miraculous happening. Kejriwal was seen stampeding with BJP and Congress leaders to get immediate blessings), market gurus, journalists, bureaucrats, corporate bosses, entertainers, judges, sickular intellectuals, feudal lords…so on but they all supplicate to this superior force. I am quite sure higher appointments and stimulus are very much influenced and encouraged by more than benign blessings from sanctum sanctorum. They may have differences but they patch it up for higher goals. It improves the chance of being President or Judges or could even smoothen relation soured by adverse public posturing (the devotion of Kasturi&Sons towards these debauchery has some compelling age old reasons and contemporary strategic alliance). It has the making of hand of destiny that blesses with untold good fortune as also severs brutally if erred. It is no surprise that Indian elite of all shades queue up to these ritual debaucheries in the garb of age old customs, they supplicate till it hurts. Meanwhile sickular liberal elite tug the tether occasionally as a matter of affection.

PS: …and yes to scrutinise these people who work on manipulation and deceits of camaraderie I had to keep myself unoccupied. The reason why common people are kept occupied in the daily drudgery and are also entertained. To add it needs sustained enquiry, being alert to happenings and nuances herein as also wide readings and understanding to get into the depth of Indian debauchery. There are personal tribulations but yes I am very much up for it. This is a long haul, and yes no mercy please.