Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Death of a photojournalist

Recently a photojournalist died while trying to take picture of water train, he was attempting a high angle shot when he got electrocuted. While the high end squatter saturated media take higher moral grounds in the comforts of studios and columns, as they negotiate, arbitrate and bond in characteristic dexterity of words, ofcourse for the sake of nation, there are people who are underpaid, exploited and neglected. They are also part of media. Meanwhile mainstream media infotainment includes some amazingly third rate media controllers, stupidity of celebrities, the movie cheapskates (indeed they also have intense gaze on US entertainers and little degrading bits they offer is seen as high art) and the amazingly mediocre cricketers. When asked to circumnavigate the world, Karthikeyan went about it earnestly while wily Ganesha took a round of God Shiva and Parvathi. The interpretation being parents are the world. The latch is on the cleverness, wiliness significant part of narration while anger/celestial curse constant backdrop of godly affairs (compare this with compassionate Jataka tales). The squatter degradation is obvious, hence positioned as interpreters, the arthaarth leeway, is a licence to include any nonsense and assert their disgusting ways in elaboration. While amazingly despicable elders are sought to be equated to gods and asked to follow, that therefore seals, or will complicate, any dissent to these ethical deviances that forms culture. This therefore acquires religious values that percolates as family traditions and hence contribute to the putrefication of society. The muck has centuries of making. The humble Pavlovian creatures of habit. Back to the story, like wily Ganesha, media too covers the world by taking the round of lawyers, politicians, mediocre actors/movies as art while stupid game cricket as sports…as these frogs croaks in the well and define, redefine the world they also wonder why such wonderful world is being ignored by international community. So while people get ready to defecate along the railway tracks and wherever the squatter saturated columnist defecate in queen’s english (please Word NO CAPs FOR queen’s q, no way) and pat each other for unheard nuances and turn of sentences. As they consolidate the degradations and seek cosmopolitan ways. 

The vulgar sight of wallowing in money reminds of maggots feasting on fatty carcass. Money is reduced to muck while some pedal all day to earn few hundreds in crowded cities. No wonder people are so religious and superstitious, while the elite section too are aware how precarious their claim is hence this miracle seeking camaraderie. Having least of talent they even disseminate their personal secrets and whatnots to salivating media as news, while the so called media  -a clever business venture no doubt, degrades itself to get its share in the raining fortune, sometime they snarl that is referred to as debate. The kind of money they make by misusing and manipulating, what is referred to as branding in higher echelons of decadence, is absurd. When scrutinised this is nothing but unethical and serious moral breach that is constantly gnawing into the fabric of decent ways. There is a serious gap between talent and earning, so much gap that talent becomes abstract as they end up doing anything from dancing to singing to acting to playing cricket (probably the only game around that gives hope to even the worst of sportsperson, there are ofcourse commentators and columnist who will pack and elevate this crudeness into olympian levels of subtlety) as they hog in limelight for whatever reason and with desultory ease multiply their money. Some have even monopolised the definition of talent and are redefining it to the lowest possible denominators. That may look enticing for common folks, and give feeling of hope, but these are strongly walled.  And yes those outsiders who do get in don’t try to reform or be ethical but join the loot, indeed compete as vicious insiders to grab as much the easy picks as possible. These lewd exaggerations must be severely taxed as these are nothing but unearned income based on manipulation they use business jargons but this is an open loot by louts. Will they severely tax these unearned incomes?

I was reading an article by another photojournalist (Anand Shankar) and is quite revealing… 
The media loves to call itself the watchdog. But it utterly neglects basic practices that other industries rigorously follow as a routine. In my almost eight years in the media, not a single supervisor of mine (or the human resources department, since that is the fashion now) ever did a programme on occupational safety.
I remember the year was 2006, I was being sent on an official assignment (junket) to Malaysia. The logistics of the assignment was being paid for by a sponsor. I enquired whether they did the travel insurance for journalists too. When the reply was negative, I knew that the insurance had to be done. I went ahead and purchased it myself.
But I was in for a shock when I asked my employer, a grand old newspaper from South India, for a refund of the policy amount, since I was travelling on duty representing the organisation. My employer refused to pay the insurance for its own employee, a paltry Rs 700. What is the employee supposed to do if taken ill or in an accident abroad?

Grand old newspaper from South India?...aha and which one could that be? Despicable. I gather it is a sinking ship. Debauched tirupathi and intense camaraderie worth tonnes of ill-gotten gold should produce long traditions of miracles!