Monday, June 04, 2018

The bleak world of Pranab

It is while interacting (and eavesdropping into conversations) with retired senior bureaucrats, who spent later part of their career in the highest echelons of power in the treacherous Lutyen’s Delhi, that you become intimately aware of the amazingly degraded people at the helm of affair steering the fate of this beleaguered society in the last many decades. Most senior bureaucrats, with some rare exceptions, are full blown egos -assiduously emulating their masters, who seek compliant audience for monologue on their past exploits. Post retirement these occasions become rare: with no power comes no sycophants. It’s a basic dictum of cannibalistic scums salivating for next deity in Delhi, carefully copied to all power centres across India. Hence this constant stampede for power, while some ransack whatever outlets, like market media or virtue signalling occasions, to salvage whatever semblance of power to afloat, some even mime it, as they lose entry to gravy train meanwhile contacts are alarmingly incommunicado. It’s a grim battle. All for the sake of common people -who indeed keep slipping into worst of all parameters jostling with bleakest places on earth for survival.
I am calling him ‘Pranab’ because of a viral interview video with another of market media’s mediocre representative whom he chastised for “interrupting” and arrogantly reminding him that he is “interacting with former president” (jantha nahi meh kon hu? Or better still the one you encounter on the streets of VVIP delhi “jantha nahi hai mera baap kon hai?” or someone who cautioned me after doing wrong “Don’t mess with me man you don’t know the kind of contacts I have and what I can do to you”. In the mean streets of Delhi, lower end outsiders have to be extremely wary. It always has the potential to go horribly wrong and nobody will be bothered). Its amazingly petty to use such language ( that too someone who has held almost all senior positions, and was assiduously nurtured by the forces that be, for last many decades. It surely speaks of the uncouth worldview at display. Their rent seeking entitled life seems to be revolving around immediate need to make people feel small in their presence and therefore feel blessed. Meanwhile the journalist concerned, who has latched on to big time virtue signalling secularism, exhibited amazing lack of vigour or journalistic ethics (most likely he had put all his eggs on camaraderie and least expected this turn of events, it’s a breach) and even apologised! When you ask them to shut up they crawl! Why did he apologise? It’s the job of journalist to question and counter question, and if the interviewee is not comfortable he could say so. Not by ego mania ‘you know who I am or I was’? The fact that the fellow agreed for interview means that he will be vigorously scrutinised, it’s a two-way process and nobody is lower or higher. As mentioned earlier this fellow is the beacon of Castetva force and as such is quite sensitive to hierarchy, and likes of him have spent their life time on weaving these matters at the expense of governance, and these have percolated into government machinery and institutions severely degrading democracy. 

So, by eavesdropping a discussion I gathered that post Sanjay Gandhi’s death Indira Gandhi had become quite vulnerable. And as is the case with this depraved society there is a thriving business of predictions, astrologers and divine speculators, all kind of charlatans circled in as advisors, and those surfeit in assured blessings were always in the forefront (The audacity is such that it is also being equated to as science evidently to buttress the claim of grand understanding of universe that others are yet to catch up with. Such is the audacious claim of bunch of intellectually challenged. Previously they crept in as divine advisors of kings and quite easily reduced them to stuttering incapable nincompoops, hanging between fate and fatalism, meanwhile severely degrading the society. History is evidence of Indians lack of calibre or organisational skills, with some rare exceptions here and there. Hence the leeway of peaceful and nonviolent narration that clever Gandhi became an alibi at the expense of common people who endure amazing form of violence inflicted in a way very few societies have been able to accomplish. Castetva narration is desperately hinged on purity of nonviolence with Gandhi as showcase). Indira Gandhi’s vulnerable state was even mentioned by Pupul Jaykar in her book. Already casteist forces had firmly established into the democratic institutions and had begun cannibalising it, the progress we see now has to do with few exceptional and committed people as also democratic nature of technology that helped empower common people but on most parameters India remains a dustbin case despite so much potential, promise and possibilities. The garbage at the top tentacles run deep as they parasite on common people.

It is in this milieu that Pranab effortlessly enters. I am trying to find out where his talent lie that he was cushioned into important positions. He is not communicator, undecipherable words in thick Bengali accent and a propensity to loose temper shows serious psychological lack, makes it horrible. Nor he has any oratory skills nor any charisma. These are serious indictment for someone moving around as politician (that too 'senior' leader) trying to represent hapless and oppressed people. So how did he not only survived but thrived? What stood for him was camaraderie that casteist forces had established around power centres, around the family in this case. It was when Mr. Rahul Gandhi blatantly claimed to be “jeneu dhari shivbhakt” (indeed caste revivalism that should be seen as slur if context is understood) and was being anointed (as it were) that things fell into place. It was the rise of ‘jeneu dhari shivbakts’ in early 1980s that ensnared the family and Pranab was right there in the thick of it without any discernible talent or skin in the game (like any sycophant, who are helidropped on unsuspecting people as leaders). There were so many possibilities to create egalitarian nature of society and unleash potential of people but likes of Pranab were not only woefully incapable but incapacitated by twisted feudal casteist mind trapped in his own muck Indeed after he took over as FM (for whatever reason, in mid 1980s) the disparities and inequity, in already beleaguered society, only increased. Pranab-Reliance-Tirupati is an aspirational template that the depraved across the country emulate to further nepotism and corruption in the cloak of purity. A transaction of blessing that very few are fortunate is being confirmed, hence the cue, the beginning of stampede by masses to please the powerful gods. It encompasses everything that plagues this society and the perils of Pranabs only added to the misery while cleverly manipulating the narrations. Habitually, they have well placed their litters too as caretakers (what “chatur bania” referred to as trustees, the self assured ones entitled to trickle down goodies). Egoistic insecure sycophants who measure others in the same scale so as to dispense patronage and largesse, this therefore percolates down over skills, merit or even rule of law. A careful study on plight of Indians can be traced to these nefarious designs by garbage at the top.

That likes of Pranab was confident to assert out of Congress (without any mass appeal or skills herein) has to do with his immense assurance in camaraderie skills authenticated over decades of temple hopping and dispensing state patronage to these despicable casteist feudal sites in the name of faith while severely undermining egalitarian traditions and compassion driven narrations. He has been a go between Castetva and Hindutva is because of the camaraderie that he assiduously built using state machinery as also trampling over the aspirations and hopes of common people. These he exploited to hilt and was immensely successful in the cannibalising ecosystem of lutyen’s delhi. While pliable market media connived to hail him as some kind of negotiator, the truth as usual is chillier. Castetva forces final homecoming is Hindutva, all else is side show meant to amuse. Secular pouting mullah feeding mediocre casteist feudals can masquerade as liberal and try their best to stampede into local and international narrations with their angst and virtue signalling. They will be exposed.