Monday, October 08, 2018

Mark the scoundrels

These are Congress (INC) leaders in Kerala displaying their cunning self to capitalise on people’s misery as the hapless people try to negotiate the primitiveness and discriminatory nature of sites, posturing as faith, through judiciary. They have, as is the insidious nature, calculated political gain here, as they have in last many decades aligning with extreme muslim organisations (playing minority, wherein in Kerala muslims don’t really fit in the tag of minority. Arguably one of the richest sections these organisations regressively work on religion as political power, therefore communalising and dividing the society while severely marginalised people facing caste atrocities and discriminations, as also tribes, have suffered untold misery and exploitations). They are protesting against egalitarian attempts of society to civilise sites of religion that is known for its horrendous past and moral dubiousness, and have over the decades trapped people into a zombie like state wherein literacy and nutrition haven’t really produced better humans. Kerala is case study on limitations of Indians, and their incapacity to be better humans despite all the possible opportunities. They are programmed to drivel to the basest. Casteist and primitive Hindus match and align quite easily with racist white Christians and monster mullahs, Islamists. As they fatten and are exposed to modern amenities they bring in the worst, and persistently try to force others into the putrid pit in the garb of faith, and if that is questioned on the ground of basic idea of justice then they will cleverly, without any irony, use avenues provided by democracy and egalitarian frameworks to squeeze in their debauched values -hence attitudes, that works to undermine basic principles of democracy and in time these degrade institutions meanwhile leading to backlash from common people, thus reactive forces gain grounds. Therefore, it is very important that principle of justice is upheld that keeps in mind the most vulnerable and exploited. Any discrimination based on the identities of race, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientations is injustice and violation of basic human rights. These are objective realities of a human, that he or she is born with. Religion is NOT an objective reality. Humans are not born with or into a religion. These are human construct. Nation too is a human construct but it has to be adhered for administrative reasons. Religion therefore is a choice, is an idea to negotiate life. It is not an identity one is born with, and any attempt to push this as such will be strongly resisted. Religious fundamentalists (monster mullah see blasphemy in leaving islam which is to be dealt with death. Such is the inhuman values that they profess, also putting severe pressure on inter faith alliance thus a free thriving society), as also casteists (like Gandhi, thus against religion conversion as also caste as blessing), have been manoeuvring religion as an identity. These have been getting enthusiastic support from fattened fluffs in West, who having no connection with realities or context of common people negotiate with the feudal power brokers and pretenders. Religion if seen as an identity is a negation of being human, hence humanity.         
Coming back to depraved opportunistic congress leaders in Kerala they belong to a political party that has ruled the country and state for many decades. Apart from the regressive social context these leaders emerge from and thrive in they have, by the virtue of being in policy making positions, severely degraded the society in last many decades. They provided deviant ecosystem and nurtured values by extending patronages thus infecting society. This therefore gets reflected in art and culture too, in the mainstream dealings and is thus normalised. They have been known to perform untold atrocities during emergency in the state in 1970s. The leaders involved in mass killing (particularly of idealistic youths) and atrocities on common people (like the shrewd temple hopper Karunakaran), were not surprisingly sided and promoted. Congress leaders have been regressive force in Kerala, and like in the centre, were voice of feudals and casteists with a penchant for mullah feeding (at the expense of common muslims) that was choreographed to offset the crude values and debased selves. 
Congress, and its allies, in Kerala is known for some severely degraded people, feudal arrogance and egoistic entitlement, that will make you shudder. To further themselves they could go to any extend, even use innocent common people to score against rival within the party. Take the case of ISRO spy case wherein an innocent and highly dedicated talented scientist’s life was ruined. And it is because of his admirable uncommon tenacity that he was able to prove his innocence after twenty long years of soul depleting battle with tardy judicial system. Nation needs to recognise his sacrifice, and must be suitably awarded. There are hundreds and thousands like him who have been ‘taken care’ by these third-rate people posturing as leaders who also manipulate, misuse and politicize bureaucracy into their own reflection as warring corruption driven incompetence. Think of how, let’s say HAL, was purposely neglected while they amass millions through juicy arms deal. It’s a world of live and let live. You do your sh*t we do our sh*t, it makes a tolerant diversity, and when push comes to shove we go licking. If you delve into depths of these you will know how opportunism works and how blessed people sharpen their talent in nepotism, blatant corruption and wanton greed while posturing as pious god fearing gandhians and liberal secular stars meanwhile people slip further into misery.         

Post script: It was Communist who brought in land reforms and put pressure on feudal forces (the first elected communist government in the world was unjustly dismissed by casteist feudals at the centre). The egalitarian nature of policies made marginalised and exploited people assertive, that in turn created space for better schools, health services and attempted at vibrant society (its different matter that the society reckoned itself into stagnant pit). Meanwhile Congress at the centre was scuttling these matters, if not land reforms atleast stringent inheritance laws would have helped to balance amazingly iniquitous and unequal society. The problems we see in India, of low HDI and virulent casteism -inhuman value system, is the product of irresponsible ways over the decades. Hindutva is only a minor extension of Castetva.