Saturday, December 15, 2018

Low calibers blessed as Indian journalists

Indian journalists, like all other aspects in this beleaguered society, emerge from worst of social context -a milieu of valueless opportunism and incompetence (there are exceptions but these are rare). To make the matter worse they have been fed and nurtured by caste feudals, the sycophants ruling the roost in last many decades, therefore played to the script at the expense of hapless vulnerable people who slip further into desperation (as is pointed in every HDI statistics) while low calibers climb up as stellar trustees. The situation becomes worse in poorer exploited part of the society that is known for worst forms of social interactions, meanwhile basic amenities are always kept wanting by corrupt system therefore people are trapped in their own misery. This works at multiple levels of assertions. The incompetent feel powerful as being blessed while miserable will have to work on blessings hence queue up for blessings while the caste feudals double up as divine stakeholders -sanctum squatters, for further milking the miserable into a cycle of fate. They enthusiastically elaborate these tragedies to the wide-eyed receptive fluffs in West as Indians viewing life as an ongoing process! There is always mirth in these interactions, a tact camaraderie is shared particularly with monarchy driven ‘democracy’ of Britain (this bunch have severely degraded India by not only through colonial exploitation but significantly through the kind of people it has nurtured and fed, before and after the so-called independence, who took control of Indian institution as also the narration) of how much we are special. Ofcourse British were much smarter, Indians could only be cheap copy.

Sycophants as leaders stampeded into power centres, leapfrogging from sanctum vacuum into modern ways that British had tutored, cozily settling as trustees. Characteristically they spread their depraved value system and infected institutions as they grew. In the last many decades, one institution that abrogated power to itself while isolating from grime of politics but cleverly positioning as influencers, has been the media. They replicated all the trappings of sanctum, even conjuring presiding deities too. They performed the impossible task of fitting the caste feudal putrid narration into liberal narration, a task made much easier by learning from the hypocrisies of monarchy-christian feudal values of Britain (a narration they don’t forget to express gratitude, hence the Indian english media’s obsession with British royalty or indeed any such degradation anywhere in the world. While west do have evolved values, and yes monarchy though anachronistic have contributed a lot -even bringing riches of colonial exploitations, Indians were woefully mediocre and parasited on common people with the active moral vacuum blessings to authenticate, lacking any other discernible skills. Instead of fighting the colonisers they negotiated for favours, and shamelessly stooped so low for crumbs like number of gun salutes(!) that satisfied their little egos as these primates queued up in their best fancy dress to get photographed with their masters).

Evolved democracies have ‘fourth estate’ as a watch dog of democracy, despite rise of muck the core is overwhelmingly value driven but in India since the core is muck these were adorned as blessings and measured as god given opportunity by uncouths. They play tango with big money market (feeding on falling crumbs of fossil fuel profits -which in turn feeds on pride-ego and other deviant emotions of zombie population tempered by sanctum moral vacuum who see these as signs of blessing!) and other money sacks at the expense of vast population who suffer and whose voice are stifled in the milieu of competing feudal forces that looks for any opportunity for exploitation. It is akin to colonisers who exploited the land and people while the casteist feudals negotiated (and attempted to civilise by copying nuances-semantics) played liberal meanwhile the heavy price of colonial exploitation was paid by common people as the resources were depleted while caste pits consolidated their depravities. 
Sycophantic leaders nurtured and pampered metro based blessed media since they lacked mass base (dependent as they are on family names and feudal references) they worked on manipulation through fixers and perception creators. They set out to tune society according to their comfort and calibre, the society has since dredged to depths that there are very few examples in human civilisation, but characteristically maintain highest estimate of itself. Elections are another occasion of depraved consolidation.  Significant among this understanding is that common people are casteist and that their life revolve around caste. The truth being exactly the opposite, common people try their best to avoid these as these work against them and in a valueless society vulnerable pay heavy price, but constant battering in the last few decades have diminished all egalitarian references. So before the elections caste divisions highlighted, perceptions created about leaders and their ‘skills’, while common people’s miseries are glossed over since to understand that requires competence and complete change of outlook in life beginning with empathy, the kind these posturing as trustees/caretakers woefully lack or probably have no understanding since ill equipped emerging from moral vacuum. Predicting election is also about inane talks, clever posturing and riveting narration building without any basis whatsoever, opportunistic heuristics giving impression of deep thought out logic, all skills that squatters emerging from sanctum vacuum effortlessly possess. Jyothish (BS vendoring) is also a vidya around here, that has enamoured common people out of even their basic sense. Such is the talent of this primitive society. As expected, they never get any predictions right but are back with analysis, again the feudal gameplan of caste divisions, it’s a concerted effort to undermine the intelligence of people, it’s also taking people and their miseries for granted into bigger ruse to be consumed at high table discussions. Egalitarian moves to create religion out of section (lingayats) that fought against casteism has been shunted, and you could see the fervency as caste feudals in the media left no stone unturned to manipulate the narration into 'people have rejected these' (wonder why would people reject anti-casteist movement, the egalitarian basis of their association as an entity as they negate the increasingly mainstream narration of casteism?!). 

The depravity is quite strong among north-Indian based news outlets, seems like some kind of caste jehad (what type of monsters are these?). Its on the similar thought line that it's about time dalit be classified as separate religion. Since dalit assertion while being part of casteist hinduism will be assertion of casteism as also giving a leeway for caste feudals controlling the narration to play angst for western audience thus position as kindred souls for big licks. Dalit needs to be separated from hinduism. Also, being traditionally and culturally exploited section, with negligible say in narration, there must be a claim on minority status, this will also severely disprove effete elite’s angst driven gameplan with muslims since casteist will not have moral hinge to support anti-caste without being anti-caste themselves. Ofcourse these nuances are difficult to be asserted in a primitive society made chaotic by cunning exploitative feats but nevertheless it will help showcase the ethical bankruptcy of those posturing for high moral grounds.  
 Caste driven feudal media is also about creating narration of casteism to ensnare superstitious opportunistic ‘leaders’ into their estimation hence as possible leeway for bartering image building as also channel to highest power structures of the land. Sycophantic traditions have seen to it that these excuse of leaders have degraded institutions by cultivating nepotistic relations with market media -who instead of communicator see themselves as creators and dispensers of opinion. They create their cozy world away from miseries of society into a sanitized vad-samvad tradition, morphing these cannibalistic luxuries as liberalism. The society spirals down all the way while some crumbs are dropped as excuse meanwhile strong control over the narration as arbitrators of beleaguered society. Flashy words are thrown to awe strike the world. They have also co-opted and nurtured opinion makers from other religions too (mostly hedonists or closet fundamentalists sniffing for opportunity), who carry blatant casteism as sign of evolved bearing of castetva against hindutva. Indeed they habituate highest moral grounds as torchbearers of society. The sickness of it.       
It is through consistent pressure from cannibalistic casteist feudals -through control over democratic institutions, that has created a valueless impasse trapping common people. It is not surprising since it’s the same conniving casteist who worked against egalitarian values espoused by Buddhism to systematically wipe it out while evolved people and societies, from China to Japan, received these enlightened thoughts and subtle aesthetics and have since not only prospered but have vibrantly contributed to humanity. Squatter propose that Shankara won the debate, the sick minds are limited to ideas of winning wherein philosophy is matter of understanding and evolving. Not surprisingly squatters created putrid pits, and are still busy digging deeper, meanwhile exhibiting characteristic cleverness of semantics to create a smokescreen of liberal values. They even had the audacity to code 'Buddha has smiled' for nuclear explosion, shows deep seated animosity. This is deep nature of state. Pity.  

Post script: The way egalitarian, fiercely anti- caste nature of Sikhism, has been dealt needs critical scrutiny. Guru GranthSahib is an evolved and subtle value based collection of thoughts (that even contains Kabir) that caste feudal find problematic. Sikhism being attuned to realities of life was able to consolidate against exploitation and invaders. Guru Nanak was an enlightened soul, who fought against caste and casteism while seeking to place foundation of egalitarian society. He is placed at the highest esteem by most Indians. So the question arises why his burial site, which is only 4km from Indian border, was not included into India (we need details of negotiation during partition). There is clear attempt to denigrate (jokes against sikhs are part of this) and divide, and you can see the same intent during 1984 golden temple assault, sikh massacre and delay in justice. It has all the trademark of mediocre caste feudal's cunning ways. Nurturing caste into other religion is also seen as success of putrid pit value system, who gloat over these degradation since their values shine in muck, the muckier the better as humbleness becomes potent tool. The despicable ways are such that it has taken hold of the subcontinent in its vice grip. Take for instance the case of Asia bibi (accused of blasphemy in monster mullah thriving land called Pakistan). She drank water (now understand islam is quite egalitarian in these matters of sharing food so on) and was therefore accused by fellow women that " was forbidden for Christians to drink water from the utensils from which Muslims drink...". This has all the hallmark of squatter's depraved purity pit driven worldview (ofcourse monster mullah of pure land took it from there). Understand how much these have seeped into psyche of common people that it creates depravities not known to any human society. As casteist feudal effete indian elite climb higher and higher onto highest moral grounds (piggyback riding Schrodinger's despicable gandhi: He is casteist. He is not casteist. Indeed he is both, that too at the same time! Take it on your face) to awe strike the world (and ofcourse universe-brahmand) miserable people trapped in the muck dredge deeper and deeper into putrefying pit. Its an spellbinding spectacle of unity in diversity.