Saturday, March 14, 2020

Going viral

This is what going viral really means. When reality strikes all fiction and sensitivities have no use. The foundation of society and human understanding that has isolated itself in abstraction of ego, expressions of parochialism and immediate gains are now forced to face the crumbling conceptions. It’s a reality check that was long overdue as hype, exaggeration and omnipotence was becoming defining parameters. Market and religions contributed to this sense of wellbeing in deviant value system. Vicious type of opportunists evolved in this ecosystem who worked to define the framework of crassness and greed. Knowledge driven inquisitive logical outlook that cared for compassion and empathy was undermined for tapping the primal base of human character, role models were created within these while society coalesced and celebrated these degradations. Crude and opportunist value systems were actively nurtured and presented as success while ruffians controlling religions showered blessing.      
  Meanwhile as some humans advanced, the societies evolved, they got more complex and the complexities were sought to be synergized with the emerging realities and to reflect humanitarian concerns. These evolved societies strived to represent the humanity. Globalization was essentially humanitarian expression to bring humanity into one frame before it was hijacked by market opportunists to extend their exploitative and crude frame. Globalized world is now a reality thanks to technological innovation that has reduced distance and made differences redundant. In this evolved world the differences that is appreciated is the one that brings the synergy of uniqueness as human. Democracy was an attempt in this direction before it was scuttled by entrenched feudal forces and reduced to joke but still remains attuned to human reality provided individuals evolves and are able to tap the potential of education and opportunities to work a better self. European Union was such expression in limited scale, and considering the history of this region it was a tremendously appreciable effort. These intentions were also in tune with emerging challenges of globalized world that is essentially a byproduct of technological innovations.    
The globalized world presents challenges that needs collaboration at the global level. Climate change, extinction events, pandemics, terrorism so on needs a globalized response. Whatever frame that nurtures divisions, segregations and false narrations of identities will fall by the side when the reality strikes. Vested interests have been nurturing deviant dehumanizing values to control common people and extract opportunities from the misery. The rise of xenophobia has much to do with pushing these opportunistic market values in the garb of globalization thus alienating common people from their unique attributes, local connections and contexts. Dehumanized frustrated people are easy fodder for nationalistic narrations and primal connections. The rise of religious fundamentalism has much to do with nurturing the anachronism of religions as identity by high end manipulators under the garb of moral angst with absolutely no skin in the game. While the common people’s aspiration and insecurities were persistently undermined. These constructed exaggerations on which some clever people were settling their redemption has been jolted in recent times by climate related challenges and increasing desperation among people. These though were sought to be undermined by working on high end angst binary. Wherein people’s insecurities where posited as rising threat to minority (which ofcourse was identified and firmly hinged on vicious religions at the expense of genuine minorities including divergent ideas). Nationalism was sought to be fought with feudal references and norms while market incursions within the comfort of hedonist luxury. Everything was sought to be dealt with control over narration and connection to deep state. Carbon footprint were ignored and climate change sought to be sidelined before they no longer could as things had start to become obvious. Anachronistic nonsenses were packed as benign religions that constantly degraded humanity, giving confidence to dangerous zombies while persistently undermining emerging threats. Science was positioned as binary to religion in this clever conception rather than natural evolution of thinking mind. An inquisitive logical critical mind could easily see through the juvenilities of religion that is striving to gain the space of spiritual inquiry within its stultifying dehumanizing segregatory frame. It was but natural for reality to strike. It strikes through natural disasters. The intensity and frequency of which have increased in recent times. But these too were cunningly factored in and juxtaposed as grand wrath of god and were judiciously isolated from reality (of climate crisis) and placed under religious frame to seek atonement. Punishment and wrath are constant references in religions meant to keep the zombies under check. Ego driven religions have special use of huge natural disasters and calamities, the imagery of deluge and floods, devastating fires so on perversely satisfies the narration of wrath of god onto common people. Afterall only our god can create such grand disasters. Hence he has to be omnipotent, in a deft move followers too share this claim of omnipotence over others as also ego driven insular megalomaniacal insights that put them firmly over common people. That is why threat by microorganism is baffling to their little mind, and is such a humbling experience.  This cannot be really fit into the grand nature of things. It is such an embarrassment to megalomaniacal driven conceptions of religions.  
When reality strikes it grabs the balls to squeeze out the hallucination. Exaggerated self-worth and manipulation has no space. Nations are lines on the map while religions are nothing more than sinister virtual games that has no sense of reality. Its strips dictators to bare and force them to share the information. Corona virus wouldn’t have spread if China was democratic and valued human rights same is the case with theocratic megalomaniacs controlling Iran who were in denial mode. USA could have initiated much better response if it were not for market driven manipulation that seeks to obfuscate reality and connection of people to their surroundings.  Human beings are part of nature that is sustained by earth’s system that took millions of years to evolve. In geological terms humans are just blip. We live in wider connection with world in this fragile space. It is quite apt that it needed only a microorganism, a virus, to show us our place in grand scheme of things. It is the great de-bullshitting event of our times. It is humbling.