Wednesday, May 12, 2021

False binaries and cost on humanity

 Israel Palestine conflict, or what is generally referred to as Middle East problem, flares up quite regularly with huge human casualties and misery particularly on Palestine side as also unintended victims like a nurse from Kerala (a small state in India where this blogger is based) who died in the crossfire yesterday. It’s again the gift of West on other part of the world. This conflict is so much discussed and analyzed threadbare that it is futile to go into it as also expect any solution when you are aware of valiant attempts by astute leaders over the decades have failed. It’s a viciously divided region and the crack spread all across the world because of its connection with controlling systems. It’s like staring into an abyss. The world is again in an impasse while many important issues like pandemic or climate catastrophes are pushed into background that the humanity can ill afford.  

This issue though has its beginning in early 20th century is rooted in systems dating back to centuries. It’s an affront on enlightened souls and evolved thoughts that helped in progress of humanity to where we are now -and intend to progress further in the exciting possibilities of future, if the same staid tools and primitive mindsets are applied to approach this pernicious problem that is becoming gangrene on humanity. It clearly needs a fresh approach, a new perspective, which reflects evolution of human societies in 21st century. If the societies don’t evolve with the minds that created these wonders of contemporary world then the technologies become dangerous and ideas become lethal weapons. Ofcourse there will be primitives but these must be relegated into the sidelines, that is, reduced to insignificant minorities, and cannot control the mainstream discourse. Humanity cannot evolve if it is stuck with primitive systems that control humans and degrade them into herds. The primacy of herd is the root cause of most problems across the world. It must be recognized that the system is the cause of the misery. Herds are just cogs paying the price. Religion the fantastical notion that was meant to sooth humans has become anachronistic nuisance with perilous consequences.

The region of Middle East is where the three prominent systems –religions, intersect. The events here have such cataclysmic impact across the world because of the number of herds associated with these influential systems and their respective orchestrated reactions. It’s the game of dominance of systems wherein herds are the pawns and humanity is the casualty. If ever any meaningful intervention is proposed then it must necessarily be to negate the system and extricate the humans. The moment humans are free they will realize the futility of fighting, meaninglessness of occupying piece of land and absurdity of defending structures of system –worship space. The problem is kept alive and accentuated by herd controllers whether its politicians or influencers of religions or media who don’t want to antagonize the herds as also seek to benefit. Jew have narration of being exterminated hence they defend to last blood while Islam works on as defender of its space. They pass narration to younger generations as the misery move from one generation to other producing generations of deeply flawed human beings. Meanwhile herds around the world choose the binary they want to associate with. The misery it spreads to human beings is least of their concern. They are seen as martyrs for the system. The narration has passed beyond absurdity and has become an embarrassment for the contemporary world we live in if it not for the deaths and mayhem. We must deconstruct the systems and walls of protection it has built at the expense of human beings. We must encourage anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, and all phobias against all religions and systems that seek to degrade and dehumanize. We are not living in 1940s. Religions fighting with each other are false binaries. There are no sides to be taken when herds fight. You can only pity at the depth of depravity. 

The world has evolved. Our understanding of the world, the access and the capacity to influence makes 1940s distant memories –fatal flaws of the past need to be understood, analyzed and surely not re-lived. Individuals need to use their faculties and possibilities to understand the potential of the world they live in. They must understand their unique context and connect to the world. They must critically scrutinize and question that which prevents these understandings. Societies must evolve and nurture values, spaces and narrations that prevent systems that seek to dehumanize and segregate. Anachronistic nuisance like religions needs to be critically analyzed and ridiculed. You must tolerate being ridiculed for putting faith on fantastical fiction. You must be pitied for your lack of common sense and inability to use your sensibilities to scrutinize world. Private personal spiritual earnings that reassert being human and unique member of humanity is how narration can be build. From this space collective association will naturally attain its possibilities. The challenges facing humanity needs free humans, free thinking minds and empathy driven world. Dehumanizing systems are not only a threat to humanity but to the very world we live in.