Friday, November 19, 2021

Disappearance of Peng Shuai

 The disappearance of Peng Shuai is not an issue that should be confined to tennis, not even to sports, its a matter of grave concern for humanity. How can state be complicit in disappearance of high prolife sportsperson? People do get vanished from across the world (in impoverished sections of big cities like Delhi children go missing all the time), and the life of people concerned with environmental issues are seriously periled in recent times as greedy corporate unleash its power. State is complicit in disappearance of people who threaten their power and status quo of elite. If democratic institutions are strong and if people are vigilant then these become difficult or there is severe backlash that the state cannot afford. The problem becomes acute in totalitarian states as also countries with quasi democratic systems that is controlled by elite. Disappearance of Peng Shuai becomes a grave matter since China is now becoming a powerful nation that has potential to substantially decide the fate of humanity and therefore has a responsibility. Atleast countries like USA or European nation -despite their human right violations and exploitations, provides space for outrage and protests. Since people in China have no space for protests it becomes incumbent on people across the world to voice in. Chinese authorities should not be allowed to carry on as if this is normal. This is not normal. This cannot be normal. Yes people are being killed by authoritarian state but the impunity with which an internationally known sportsperson faces the same fate should not be allowed to go without a challenge. With high profile sportspersons and internationally known celebrities joining in this must be made an example. A recognizable face like Peng Shuai must be made a rallying point against impunity of state. Chinese authorities have lot to answer. 

International bodies must take action. All sporting links with China must be suspended with immediate effect. If Chinese authorities are complicit, and it is increasingly clear they are, then there is a case for even expelling China from UN and other affiliated bodies. This matter must be taken with all seriousness it deserves.