Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Dangers of both sideism, and binary narration


There is no way this can ignored, it has reached a saturation point, and is having grievous consequences. It is fueling worst kind of people and ridiculous ideas to center. Social media, and access it provides to everyone to express into public space, has made the situation much bleak. It is easy for issues to fall into ossified fractures that is maintained and nurtured by manipulative forces and carried as a burden into present without any thought or concern. Diversity of opinion cannot be and shouldn’t be straitjacketed into binary narration for the easy of control of the few. It seeds authoritarianism and has complete disregard of nuances that define life. It is the same devious people who instigate both sideism into absurd valuation of situation for majority of hapless people. They mainstream dangerous nonsense as counter view and present themselves as benign liberal arbitrators. I think we also have had enough of this liberal posturing. The word liberal itself needs to be questioned. Liberal is now equated to lazy patronizing for benefits by well placed. If liberalism has to have any value, then it will have to fall in the ambit of progressive. Progressive has no confusion. It’s easy to understand and doesn’t really fall into semantic jugglery. Responsible people must use their intellect -logical thinking and knowledge, and compassion -maturity and awareness, to understand issues that plagues humanity and is cascading quite rapidly. They must encourage diversity of opinion but when it comes to verifiable truth, researched facts, peer reviewed findings, choices of compassion, they must assert. There isn’t any both sideism. There are no binary narrations that need to be debated and ossified into two sides of political bickering and then deviously into binary political party system. Binary politics is created by devious elite to play ping pong with common people’s tribulations as they neatly partition their turf and effectively divide people into this trap. Market media exaggerations and dehumanizing religions degrade it further. Both sideism is the most dangerous contemporary problem that is causing severe setbacks in dealing with emerging reality.