Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Matter of aukat


Social media is ignited by arrogance of a dimwitted Indian bureaucrat. The cog of the system created by racist brutal colonial masters as an efficient mechanism to exploit and control the people and land. So while the lawyers and left out feudals (desperately trying to capitalize on angst as conscientious souls) played freedom fighting many youngsters of the depraved society lacking ethical context were trying to get into racist bureaucracy to be conduit in colonial exploitation and lessons from racist values of exceptionalism to equate caste cannibalism and authenticate blessing -meanwhile in S.Africa a cud chewing purity seeking lawyer cringe even groveled to the racist colonizers to not club his blessed self with African black ‘indolent savages’ -in his infected mind native brutalized Africans had less "aukat" compared to white skin racist exploiters.

Aukat is a term that loosely translate to status or stature in english which is as expected inaccurate since it removes the derogatory intent and sociocultural value system. Aukat is much depraved as it carries the debauched context of primitive society hence loses the meaning in translation, and so caste cannibals easily take patronizing western fattened fluffs for bull ride of egalitarian oasis blessed by mahatmas and pandits. Few centuries back aukat was ordained by devious squatters from sanctum and distributed to bidders. Nincompoops posing as rulers queued up to be authenticated by wastrels so as to control the herd by playing on their faith and insecurities until ofcourse reality struck and were eviscerated in attack, sanctum ransacked and squatter hung on the nearest pole while people went about their fate. Britishers encouraged this crave for ‘intelligent equals’ hence to get into the colonial system, it also kept substantial population of youth from revolting against racist colonizers -they needn’t have worried nincompoops had already placed themselves into elevated next to white people over common people. Caste cannibalism had much in common with racism, they sought parity and pride. It was easy for racist brutes to play on the egos of primitives through titles and cheap sundries hence extend control without much resistance. Aukat was now distributed by racist colonizers. Bureaucrats, as carrier of colonizers legacy, were deemed as having high aukat that expected common people to supplicate. Mere cog in machine who were expected to implement policy, on whom intellect was lost, were valued as intelligent and knowledgeable by primitive society. 

 These have percolated into the degraded society. Hence dimwit egoist bureaucrats are marker of intelligence for hapless people, unathletic cricketers as sports, nepotistic mediocre movie makers as artist lacking aesthetics or sense of exquisite or deeper meaning, producing art as sentimental to nurture superficial thinking, fickle minds and loose values, cronyism and consumerism as business, herd controller opportunistic cheapskate as local leader. There is least concern for common good but ulterior motive and greed. It is all neatly packed as wonderous diverse society. Meanwhile humbleness is practiced as competitive sports with scores, slights and mishaps keenly recorded as defining factors for future dealing. Humility is not for desire to respect but self abasement to acquire credit, sharpening hypocrisy by falsifying basic human instinct. Self obsessed essentially mediocre in attribute and gross in attitude most are acutely aware of their lack hence stampede for power, position, money, award, records…to authenticate their aukat over teeming herd.

In an evolved society intelligence is inquisitiveness and awareness for better world while bureaucrat minor facilitators, sports display of athletic prowess and delight of physical possibilities and not money manipulation for lowest denominator herd entertainment, artistic expressions hold meaning and insight, innovation in latest technology is business model, enlightened ways and empathy is representation. Aukat hinges on degraded pattern of crude that salivates for more power, more money, bigger records, higher position, glittering awards…constant salivation, fear of oblivion, ego and pride as meaning of life and transactional human relation as attribute. Highest, biggest, largest, tallest, richest… are aspiration model. In the aukat defined world even size of chair is a defining moment and essential lesson to the herd to keep them in their place i.e. aukat.