Tuesday, April 30, 2024

High human fertility is a serious concern


Human population is multiplying at an alarming rate and is having a catastrophic impact on limited and indeed fast vanishing resources of planet earth putting severe existential pressure on other species. While it is equally true that wasteful irresponsible ways of few rich people (and substantial incremental middle class consumption emulating market hedonistic culture) is equally contributing to environmental disasters that we see around. These two reasons are not binary, and devious attempt to make it a class issue (hence high moral posturing) and scuttle the cumulative impact on planet must be resisted.

Poverty puts lots of challenges to human life. With abysmal social and health indices disease and death among infants and children are quite common across the world. The reason why they have high fertility rate, hence even a child is seen as additional earning member and an expendable security in uncertain world. It is failure of government, democratic institutions and society in general. That surely doesn’t explain the need for high fertility rate among lower middle class to richer section. Also, it is criminal to produce more children when the circumstance in which the child is going to survive is increasingly bleak. Each human life adds to consumption requirement even if it is sustained at minimum needs. Human life has long become a burden on planet. Many sane people have decided to be careful with their consumption as also value sustainable lifestyle meanwhile either deciding to have no children or less. Such evolved compassion driven places have low fertility rate and high standard of living giving space to biodiversity to thrive as also contributing to humanity through subtle values, as also integrate efficient technological innovations to sustainable solutions. The crude market media though see it as failing, and try to push in more population as some kind of moral strive. Meanwhile pushing people into prisoner’s dilemma of competing communities to grab the commons by multiplying. This is how the controllers of vicious systems vitiate the situation to bring in worst possibilities while posing as benign arbitrators for benefits. These issues therefore will be downplayed by sinister forces parasiting on people. Market needs more consumers, religion needs more followers, politicians need more voters, and mediocre media and entertainment needs more viewers and clicks. More consuming unthinking humans is better for the system that is nurtured by few while billions strive to be part of it. It has become a self-perpetuating system spiraling into catastrophe while incapacitated to do anything about its own destruction. Common sense seems to have lost connection with reality replaced by sophisticated ruse of grandeur.

Habitats are degraded. Life thriving ecosystems are collapsing. Biodiversity is vanishing at an alarming rate. Forests are fragmented. Ocean is acidifying. Every part of the world is polluted. Plastic is seeping into the blood. Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate. Climate has changed. Food and water shortages has start to impact the poorest and vulnerable. Something really catastrophic is in the horizon, and every indicator is pointing to serious consequences. Apart from wanton consumption by few and promotion of these values human population growth is severely putting stress on fragile ecosystem that sustains life on earth. But the devious controllers of the system want to suck it to the end before they abandon the hapless populace. With low knowledge of intricate life systems and even low self-awareness many of these arrogant people are coming up with fantastic solution for humanity. Market tutored confidence gives premium to exaggeration and nice talk meanwhile conducting exactly opposite is valued as smart. As they say, acting nice is Moloch's parody of kindness. 

It is important that people holding responsible positions maintain high moral and ethical standards as also exhibit compassion and concern hence sustainable lifestyles (ideally unsustainable values/products should be phased out) as also are critically scrutinized on their life choices that impacts humanity. People with high fertility rate (with more than two children) cannot be allowed to hold responsible positions. It is hypocrisy, ethical breach and moral treason to allow irresponsible narcissistic people in position of influence.