Monday, August 12, 2024

Volatile situation and merchants of death and chaos


Bangladesh situation is still quite volatile, hopefully it is normalized and democratic institutions are consolidated. There are different versions of what is happening in Bangladesh, there is a narration for public consumption that is drumbeated by bidders and then there are sinister forces orchestrating from faraway places for strategic gains, opportunism to consolidate power, personal gains from war and mayhem or indeed sadistic pleasure -nothing really can be ruled out we live in a nasty world. These sinister forces have no value for democracy nor human life (indeed life of common people in many parts of the world have no real value in narration of strategy). There are clear evidences that Sheikh Hasina had acquired authoritarian tendencies and undermined democratic institutions, her unbecoming was playing narrow partisan politics leading to shooting of hundreds of protestors -that indicated inevitable end of her authority. That doesn’t however justify violent eviction unless there are larger forces at work. As mentioned earlier there are bigger forces at play, for them every part of the world is scheme for control. Sheikh Hasina blames US -a sinister plan to set up base, while many experts on these matter point to China and ofcourse Pakistan (from which Bangladesh bifurcated) and network of Islamists -who have found safe havens in west and are constant source of degradation all across the world. We will never know the truth, we really don’t know what are credible sources since all are compromised and working on opportunism while stampeding to control the narration for bidders meanwhile social media is filled with conspiracy, sarcasm and personal abuse. Meanwhile common people caught on the wrong side brutalized, democratic institutions undermined while charlatans pose as saviors meanwhile hoping the situation to deteriorate -a well-trodden template.

What cannot be tolerated is inflammatory assertions by socalled leaders in India. Having lost power many are smarting in the sidelines to get relevance and claw back positions which they firmly believe as entitlement. Castetva forces promoted these wastrels as leaders as they were least threatening, and hence, valued for sycophancy (a template that easily infects Indians -from personal god to leader as personal deity), lacking charisma or any redeemable connection with Indian reality they expertise in manipulation, and as trained infighting crabs, to get attention from powerful for survival. They see every event as an occasion for oneupmanship to impress, unhinged by lack of power they are crossing line and entering into anarchism that pose threat to democratic institutions and integrity of nation. Any grievance can be dealt through institutional mechanisms -if they are tardy or compromised then you are equally responsible -we common people are facing these for decades (millions of public money was spent on commissions to functionally upgrade institutions, reports languish in dusty corridors of chaltha hai/paklaam chicanery). Wasted sidelined low intellect “leaders” can rant while sensation seeking market media can work narration of doom to hook herd. These can be ignored for theatrics but any statement by person holding responsible positions that actively pushes anarchy must be severely dealt under the rule of law.