Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hooliganism to the fore


It was expected that Hindutva works the benign aspect of religion -that in itself is deeply troubling context, as opposed to vandalism by Castetva forces over the decades. Castetva cleverly played on to western narration with adept working of semantics and devious posturing as liberals. West -with recent angst over colonialism, and feudal compromised Britain, desperately seeking lowest denominator for redemption reckoning found these posturers worth cultivating. Hindutva is a necessary revolt and a closer association to reality of this society, and as it is turning out to be, a deeply contaminated one lacking humanistic concern and scraping worst of religion. Nevertheless despite these serious unraveling -and cannot be isolated from what is happening across the world, it is a necessary evolution over castetva -which surely has no place as central role in society.

This astha pastha nonsense has gone too far, and has potential to severely damage the society -which in itself is primitive. Milk is produced by cows and buffaloes for its calf, definitely not for human consumption (centrality of human is an infection of most religions) so to ‘steal’ it and work it as ‘pure’ is morally flawed. So, this angst for purity is a mental illness, an infection of soul. The issue here is contamination of food. Corruption and greed sought cheaper options. And the cheaper it gets worst it becomes. And so animal fat was used. In a society with lackadaisical value system and nonexistent concern for rules life of human is cheap and is used as lessons on fate -an occasion to work brownie points for better blessing in next life, such is the deeply immoral and unethical society. The idea of vegetarian as pure is in itself flawed and spread by knucklehead squatters with narrative control. This society was never vegetarian. Hinduism was never about vegetarianism, nor are hindus vegetarian. It is the fringe sickness of purity that worked to degrade the society. Many ancient temples used to offer animal sacrifice and still do, some even serve sacrificial meat as 'prasadam' (quite common in many temple rituals in south India, infact when I was with Jaunsari tribes in Uttarakhand - who claim themselves to Panchali of Mahabharata, they sacrificed a goat at the temple top hill and distributed it to devotees). Vegetarianism is an evolved understanding, a choice, that comes with compassion which necessarily extends to every living being including humans unlike “pure vegetarianism” perpetuated by castetva cannibals as diversity and now settled into hindutva hooligans. These attempts to ask shopkeepers -who sell food and sweets, to reveal their religion is deeply troubling. The only thing that matters is whether rules are followed and food sold clears safety and hygiene standards.

Tirupati is worst demonstration of religion. These are patronized by rich and powerful and impressed upon herd hence making this ‘god’ as potent dispenser of power and money. Moral and ethics are least concern. With immoral squatters hereditarily occupying sanctum (hence authenticating caste system as also moral foundation of religion) to accepting corrupt money as gift is how these people normalize the worst. Asking devotees to pay extra money to break queue and offering VIP treatment for chosen few -that too in front of ‘god’, is how they codify morals for herd. The incapacitated bovine herd accepts these as fate. Noisy and crowded they lack contemplation of spiritual but torment of greed. To make matter worse auspicious days and timings are marked by unenlightened cunning creating extra crowd and stampede -in the mind of herd this is akin to happy hours of gods! With easy money and power by cannibalizing and fattening some even migrated to different part of the world. Inbred dimwits are arguably the most mediocre in the world but carry highest estimation of itself. This gap in expectation and reality is where the ridiculous claims and myths are vigorously worked history retrofitted. In a parallel universe a chimp with typewriter can write a bestseller -it can happen in infinite combination and permutation stretching to infinite time and space. So, an odd ball worthy is celebrated as normal outcome meanwhile the price the society has paid is immense indeed debilitated. A little recognition from anywhere in the world (the situation is pathetic) is worked to create the aura of blessing back home and inevitability of forces to acknowledge the brahmaand wisdom -that is already known by blessed and the world is yet to know, indeed such is uniqueness, that the world may even be incapable to know! So flying machines were already known and common! It had to be such is the blessedness that anything is possible! Indeed, some claim fueled by mercury -that ‘science’ will ultimately find out and acknowledge the brahmaand wisdom. Mercury vortex engine! Getting the sophisticated semantics is how knuckleheads awe, it is a lifelong ambition, indeed the only ambition hence almost always shoddy work lacking soul or competence whether spiritual, science or literature. The monkey jump was from sanskrit to english. This jump also worked as metaphor for modernity and liberal by castetva -and for many years correctness of language was definite signs of intelligence. The fact that they couldn’t even see the potential of everyday water vapour is least of humbling matter.