Sunday, January 05, 2025

Anchoring ethics in cesspool of moral relativism


It is irresponsible to not cherish hard won values that anchor progressive concerns and humanism that form basis of democratic institutions. Democracy values freedom, liberty and equality, and is an evolved system that emphasis potential of each life and offer possibilities of collective advance. Ofcourse there can be restraints for common good, for equity and justice, as also common-sense contextual exigencies. But what must be made unequivocal is that this restraint cannot be under the guise of power or means to control. This is the problem that emerges in irresponsible societies wallowing in hedonistic luxury normalized through transactional and neoliberal exploitative systems padded by benefits from colonial past. This has to be dealt.  

Democratic egalitarian values must be firmly anchored to institutions as it percolates into society and individuals. It is a crime, indeed a crime on humanity, to negate or attempt to diminish these foundational ethics. What is unqualified in this cherished mooring is equality of race and gender (an evolved society will not have such distinctions). There really cannot be any compromise, there is no moral relativism on these crucial matters that hinges fundamental rights, indeed there cannot be any negotiation that diminishes humanity.

Any system that creates ascriptive distinction is threat to democracy. Feudal structures negate egalitarian values while patriarchy infects minds, nepotism undermine equal opportunity. Indoctrination of young minds in exceptionalism of juvenile primitive fantastical conceptions like religion remains a serious threat to humanity. Systems of degradation cannot be and will not be allowed to be source of diversity. Diversity is quaint and nuanced understanding that nourishes societies and strengthen democracy. Diversity of culture that values and respect each life, diversity of ideas that seeks brighter possibilities and question status quo entrenched negations, diversity of expressions of each according to their potential. Advanced societies must value and firmly anchor foundational ethics into institutions while constantly strive to inspire and advance humanity. Society must evolve and synergize with the pace of technology to imbibe the best possibilities. Diversity also means dismantling or actively negating systems of control that doesn’t provide equal rights to individuals. Foundational nonnegotiable ethics means each must have access to all possibilities, for instance what is allowed for males must be equally be allowed to females, any system that seeks to curtail these is a serious threat to humanity (for instance FIFA men's cup cannot be allowed in Saudi unless women's cup allowed - women free to play in any street). Quality education is foundational to inclusive society, there is no space for indoctrination of young minds hence must have access to all possibilities and ability to tolerate differences. The basic identity of a human is to be a human first, to be a fully human. The first task of egalitarian society primed in democratic values is to create systems to nurture this fully human. To be aware of all that is possible. A fully human will naturally be able to negotiate challenges of evolving world and assimilate collective sensibilities. Compromised countries like Britain were exceptionally irresponsible and have severely degraded the world as they attempt to obfuscate human rights, its exaggerated patronizing presence in contemporary scene is due to its colonial past and reach of english.

Historic injustice must be corrected through inclusive systems and surely not by devious morphing and maintaining of extractive exploitative systems as benevolent.  A human must be valued as a human. This is as basic as it gets, and from this foundation inclusive diversity build.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Arise the dreadful


Don’t forget and don’t allow manipulators to pose otherwise: this is an orchestrated result of extractive systems actively arbitrated by neoliberal values (that normalizes transactive exploitative relations) supported by fantastical exceptionalism of religion (that consolidates regressive values and isolate from existential reality). The liberal posing narcist dark empaths actively chiseled this binary lacking complexity for ease of narration for selfish reasons to consolidate power while degrading institutions and deviously consolidating very same extractive systems for benefits. The megalomaniacal psychopaths is what we get, and if Trump wasn’t there somebody equally toxic would be created, just that social media fast forwarded it. We have moved from assault of attention economy to horrors of AI weaponized intention economy. Meanwhile neoliberal market values and religions continues to snip into foundational institutions like education and society, and indeed severely intrude and crass the meaning of life itself. US is a lesson that is set to repeat in an anchorless world incapacitated to value meaninglessness and enlightened possibilities of individual iterating into collective. Much of world is stuck in sad loop of waste that extractive systems present as glitter.  What should have been a nuisance, a regrettable distraction, the crass is systematically nurtured into mainstream centerstage.