“Journalists have a set of standards and ethics. What Facebook is going to do is get rid of that and then allow lies, anger, fear and hate to infect every single person on the platform.” Marria Ressa (courageous Filipino journalist who runs Rappler news site as she faced death threat from Duterte). Ms Ressa’s statement carry the right emotion and channelize growing concern of obfuscating facts by powerful entities. But she is wrong in her assertion here. Based in India I can vouch that media (within this people posing as journalists) do not have standards nor set standards and will not be allowed to, most don’t even understand nor are concerned about anything referred to as ethics. This is why this statement is so naïve indeed embarrassing, it seems an attempt to salvage semblance of normality in increasingly chaotic by invoking righteousness of past and entitled possessors. This will not do. If you have to safeguard facts then you surely will have to understand the context of mainstreaming facts and the forces at work. Fact is understood by the way it is worked and presented. Traditional arbitrators of facts have created narration that is being strongly challenged thanks to democratization of views in recent times. Views vary facts don’t. But the context of facts and the backstory of power and control that deviously try to align facts with narration needs scrutiny and evisceration. Those posing as media do not have carte blanche over controlling facts. That era is thankfully over, and except few nobody is regretting. The contemporary challenges need new narration that sync with the changing reality, a new means to address evolving complexity. Invoking past as standard will not help, it is simplistic folklore if not devious attempt at control.
Mainstream media is about control, and within that control creating narration of goodness (consolidated as morals, closely aligning with dominant forces and normalizing systems of control) to gain validity among populace. It surely isn’t about fact dissemination but using the ruse of fact to stream views as it fits their agenda or immediate opportunities presented. With increased awareness common people know the crassness that goes under the garb of media. To expect media to be arbitrators of facts is foolhardy. Facts without context is meaningless. When the meaning is facilitated by narrow concerns and exploitative forces then facts are compromised. Facts becomes means for heuristic opportunism and control by few through everyday events that they carefully choose to focus. The system of control works within the framework of entrenched feudal values as it seeks opportunities to consolidate sentiments for easy regressive link with herd. Mainstream media, especially legacy media, primed in neoliberal value system is here to perpetuate extractive systems. They use language of democracy and euphemism of concern to gain and consolidate their authority through fig leaf of malleable facts.
Facts are important. Freedom of expression is equally important. In the era of social media nothing can be curtailed. Red line is threat of violence and invasion of privacy, as also rights of children. Social media challenges systems of control by giving voice to common people. It has diluted influence of entrenched interests. So, the question now is what to do when facts clash with freedom of expression? It has to be put in the context that facts weren’t really that sacred till recently as also easily manipulated by working the context, giving prominence to selected facts over the other as decided by few. Some facts were chosen and consolidated into entrenched narrations through views of powerful, it assumed legitimacy and credence over people. What has changed now is faster dissemination and far-reaching debilitating consequences. There are serious attempts by bad players to willfully spread lies and disinformation, incite people with conspiracy theories. There need to be stricter laws to deal with disinformation that create real life consequences. Consequence and context decide severity of punishment. Meanwhile common people need to be equipped in critical thinking as a long-term strategy, and I hope responsible societies are investing in these crucial areas (this blogger created module without much success, mediocre insulated Indians will take time). Twitter/X has created this innovative method of ‘community notes’ without hindering freedom to express. I think it works fine, and has helped to give context and attempts at verified facts. We also need an independent agency (not controlled by powerful vested interests) to provide these services that is also simultaneously open to scrutiny and verification. There is a need for innovative solutions in the fast-changing world. You also need to treat people with respect and empathize with their predicament and concerns -the world is in flux, while severely dealing and persistently negating deconstructing demystifying systems of control. Do not underestimate potential of free thinking. It is what defines a human.