Monday, June 26, 2017

The dubious 2% control over narration

The English media in india caters to about 2% of indian population, and that is a very generous estimate. In the last decade or so handful of English TV channels have taken control over mainstream narration, and indeed are having unsettling influence on policy makers as it caters to powerful elite with unsymmetrical access and unethical base. This was particularly true when nepotism was the norm while sycophancy and patronage was touchstone of any dealing. Democratic institutions become an end in itself as they are eaten and cleaned out from inside as blatant corruption, incompetence and characteristic apathy take root while the structures are diligently kept spruced and polished so as to give the semblance of normality, as they say ‘working’ democracy. Casteist feudal primitives know all the tricks in the book. As long as this section is happily fed the world is a beautiful place and India is no doubt incredible. 

 But in the last few years things have changed, the sequestered world assigning themselves as saviour has been severely undermined. The liberal masquerading Castetva forces have been replaced by nationalist masquerading Hindutva forces. This blogger doesn’t have any problem whatsoever if castetva icons like mahatmas and pundits are replaced by hindutva icons, indeed they should. It doesn’t change anything in common people’s life trapped as they are in feudal primitive putrefying world. Many in English media, and the exaggerated species that dwells herein, see the threat to their monopoly in narration. The business of awe striking the world is being sullied is their argument. So far the NDA government has shown best of intentions and has indeed created positive impression among most people. As the world gets automated, as also with impacts of climate change, and people in the increasing grip of insular ways and threats things are going to get difficult. The government despite sufficient problems has shown a relative sense of purpose and resolve. Unless they go arrogant and start buffoonish market driven ‘shining india’ (I recall I even wrote some prose/poem critical and sarcastic on these exaggerations while these were being tried in 2003!!) nonsense this blogger doesn’t see any reason why the popular leaders like the PM Modi isn’t at the helm even after 2020. The lutyen’s Delhi coterie, that spreads to pretentious casteist feudal in all major cities across the country, who have arrogated themselves the destiny of billion people is none too happy as deceit slacken their grip on reality. Immune as they were to tragedies of social conflicts and desperations, they never factored in outsiders usurping their narrations of wonderful world. They kept the moral high ground so high they sometime get lost in the subtleties. It is amazing that in one of the most primitive and exploitation driven social context they created a purified narration. So there are indication and intents of ever soaring ethical and humanist ways while drivelling in the most inhuman ways and home truths. They talk of higher and higher planes of human rights, even going to the extent of claiming futility of punishment (take for instance the fellow involved in heinous rape case was let out free because it seems he was few months young hence juvenile). Such compassion and extravagant promises is in context of purifying to higher plains of moral bearing that not only has contempt for common people but are insular to their lives and tragedies. It is as if we are being taught the higher levels of conscience by the bunch who are themselves dwelling in inhuman contexts, and that too by a judiciary that is known for incompetence, lackadaisical ways and an apathy for plight of common people. 

 Lutyen’s denizens, who have amassed unaccountable influence over the decades have also encroached into western influence as well, and have in many cases placed their litters and caretakers in critical position to work out narrations of benignity. The region with bleakest social context, as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh dangerously spiral into violence and extremism, while Srilanka, Myanmar, Nepal too are trapped in varying degree of miseries india it seems is being projected as an oasis. This narration of spiritual heaven of wonderful people is being drivelled into since independence as regressive castetva forces consolidated their control. As people live in absolute misery while institutions tardy and incompetent, and as mediocrity and apathy grip the system there are narrations created by coterie of diversity and tolerance, of entitled role as benign guardian. Common people are kept in cages for display, as they get fatalistic and are trapped in their drudgery the clever coterie take up the entitled role of  custodian, caretaker and spokespersons of india’s greatness on their own right and leisure. The soothsayers of soul’s role in fantastic universe and infinite truth of sanctum pit is how these hilarious ideas of self took root. 

 I will have to point out few people here, those who have been living on unbridled extravagance and exaggerated self-worth.  News channels have not only degraded the institution through nepotism and casteist feudal norms but also the news itself by reducing it as entertainment, about celebrities, of promoting movies and cricket and con artists herein who later multiply their money through selling products. It’s a nice setup. Though they play the mahatma pundit narration of feudal charm and morals but scratch it and you see desperate power hungry people eking out their cleverness. The recent instance of TVnews anchor asking a Party spokesperson to get out is clear indication of not only incompetence but arrogance. They have been used to dealing with union ministers spokesperson therefore is a small fry. There are many indications of media using their clout to get close to power putting the media independence into question. Indeed, I came to know that another TV anchor (not coincidently of the same channel)  is actually married to Congress ex-union minister!! (now whether she benefited from him or vice versa is open to scrutiny). And she is the one who takes high moral grounds of whispering and not shouting, it is more of purring I say. There is a clear case of clash of interest, and it is her duty (and channels too) to have disclosed this to the audience. This is cheating, there is a clear bias that benefits her. As for anchor, who asked the party spokesperson to get out, she is being extremely unprofessional as also clear sign of incompetency. When push comes to shove, that is when reality strikes, it is habitual to pose their entitlement (“this is my show”, no it isn’t). A competent journalist would have allowed the discussion but would have meanwhile clarified his/her, or for that matter that TV channel’s position, for audience to decide. Indeed, a spokesperson of any party has every right to accuse TV channel of ‘agenda’ or whatever. 

 Atleast in the putrefying pits of Indian TV channels, where there is no hope or redemption, as everyone outdo each on degradation, the worst being the regional (some TV news channels in Andhra are even available to telecast marriages), there are some journalists one can respect but these are getting rare. I must add here that some of the discussions in Malayalam news channel are much nuanced but unfortunately these too have gone down in standard as many a times the topic, as also quality of panel, is restricted by market parameters. There is an overwhelming degradation with market consolidation in the last few decades or so. Of the 2% viewers of English news channel majority watch Goswami, people prefer him because he positions as vociferous voice of people against apathy and deviousness. Not allowing panel to speak and shouting them down is undoubtedly a winning usp, terrific marketing strategy, since that is precisely people too want instead of purring and cosing upto self-serving people and dubious market decided panel members with limited understanding. When there are competing views without insight or understanding then these entitled mediocre figures can pack their views and keep it at home. What to discuss, who should be in the panel, what insight is expected from them, their competence, what to ask, how to respond and probe…all these are basics in any nuanced responsible discussion. These are basics of visual media ethics. Entitled nepotistic elite with gift for gab and with some basics cannot be competent however earnestly they may try. It’s a replication of overwhelming nature of mediocrity thriving insular society.   Either you be truthful and honest, bring out the fact with clarity with expert panel and take the news and viewers seriously, show respect to the viewers and their tribulations (take the case where I was channel surfing the other day and witnessed anchor angel going into orgasm while having discussion on serious issue, now I thought there must be someone under table and me being me was looking forward to the seedy video!! She clarified that “india has reached final”. Not into wastefulness of cricket it took me some time to get the context. What kind of credibility these people have if they cannot be responsible and take everything as extension of some ongoing entertainment?). Be authentic or be competent on market parameters, or just get out of here. Don’t try to play games and expect respect. English TV channels points to what is wrong with media, indeed to larger extend they are marker of patronising effete elite, their unexamined assumptions of ground reality and very clear characteristic contempt for common people. If you understand what news is, the utterly skewed nature of this society, emerging problems and vulnerabilities then you will not even have time to sit, forget entertainment garbage as news. If you take responsibility then be responsible. There is no joke going on, nor are people in some weekend get together. Media cannot claim to be special without being competent, responsible and understanding. They are not sacrosanct and will have to follow the rule of law.  We very well know it is a shift from sanctum pit to media high end bypassing any rigour or awareness, it’s a tradition of defecating words. 

 There is no sudden deterioration in India as is being posited by nefarious coterie, it is also being cleverly and relentlessly arrogated as result of UPA coming to power by the entrenched who enjoyed the benefits, not only through nepotism, but also through feudal casteist structure, in the last many decades. They rarely raised any critical voice nor nurtured any marginalised (except some market attuned) in their narration or amongst them. To start with the degradation has not started now or in last few years, the society is degraded from its foundation and this is being consolidated with power structure since independence, and for which the clever elite is very much complicit. I find no difference between castetva forces and hindutva forces. Who put cow protection in fundamental duties? Surely not Ambedkar. Who brought religion into politics, and consolidated funny views on cow? Well then you will have to protect it. Further, the effete elite positioning in higher echelons of media as saviours can easily chose and neglect news as they desire. Though positioning as flag bearers of freedom of expression they actively censor news, not only in its negation but in its content and the way it presented. There is an adherence to casteist feudal narration with a clear agenda to normalise primitive ways. If there is no deterioration of situation in India it is because situation in India was always deteriorated. They kept miseries of common people under the rug with characteristic ease, as also with distractions and inanities. So laws where kept colonial (a case of amazing contempt for common people) only when heinous rape happens right in Delhi they think of changing archaic laws after seven decades of so called independence. Previously there was an attempted narration on attacks on Christians, and many more such attempts, clearly some are working overtime to payback their dues. Now lynching seems to be defining more than billion people. Unfortunate though it is the reporting is mischievous with clear agenda. For the reason that lynching is quite common here, issues differ, even this blogger was witness to brutal beating up of a fellow in UP almost two decades back, the fellow was drunk or maybe mad or something, he started hitting the cow quite badly hence people reacted, and rather viciously for the degree of crime I thought (I recall including this incidence in one my early short story, about a mentally deranged fellow getting caught in communal riot…between not many know that I do write short stories. Difficult to even convince myself that I am a writer, atleast a small time one! I guess you should write when there is something to write). People die of lynching all the time, it is nothing new. If you want to prove rape is increasing (as was the case in the aftermath of delhi crime) then keep reporting about rape, if you want to prove deaths by doctor’s negligence then keep reporting that, if you want to report that children are dying of malnutrition then keep reporting it, road accident, disease, crime….whatever you want to prove you can prove because in india these things keep happening all the time. It’s about what you want to highlight. It becomes the story when effete elite find some reason, or most likely advantageous, to report and channelize it accordingly for an agenda or market needs, otherwise these are footnotes. Let me point to some reality, and try understand the context of angst of lutyen’s coterie and their high moral ground… 
 According to National Human Rights (NHRC) report on Prevention on atrocities on Scheduled Caste, a crime is reported on ‘Dalit’ every 18 minutes, every day on an average, 3 ‘dalit’ women are raped, 2 ‘dalits’ are murdered, and 2 ‘dalit’ home burnt. 37% of ‘dalits’ live below poverty line, 2 in 10 child die before 5years of age and those who survive 54% are undernourished, while 45% remain illiterate. And those who manage to go to school 39% of ‘dalit’ children are made to sit separately while eating food, and that is millions of government schools all over India. And if eating food is the parameter just think what all other ways of discriminations are happening, and these are schools –educational institutions, and these are children, and these data are only tip of iceberg. If every day 2 ‘dalits’ are being killed and 3 ‘dalit’ women are raped then factor in that these are most marginalised and traumatised section facing a notorious law and order machinery, so there is a huge under reporting. You could easily multiply it by factor of ten to get somewhere near the reality. That is like 20 ‘dalits’ killed every day across the country, its scandalous. You will not see these published in western media nor you will find anyone questioning liberal masquerading unethical elite section posturing as kindred souls ready to speak for Indians. Also add that killing cannot be only data. What about serious debilitating injuries, as also psychological as also social tolls of these discriminations? No wonder ethical depravity is so deep of this putrid pit of a society. Also consider that discriminations have actually gone down over the years because of relative level of political empowerment and technology driven transparency, so you can very well imagine what this godforsaken society was decades back when mahatmas and pandits roam the earth and awestruck the world. Finally, as of today 48% of villages in India deny access to water source to ‘dalits’. There are millions and millions of villages in india that makes it more than a billion people. What kind of cesspool is this? Even water the basic necessity is being denied, the idea is more than denying it is establishing the degraded framework and showcase oneself as blessed in whichever pecking order one is placed. Imagine, the kind of value system that is percolating and getting hold over people’s mind. 

This society is too degraded to be even called a society. This is something else and ironically the effete elite is quite aware of these, and are quite blissful and self-assured in this realisation! The rot is so deep. I am using the ‘dalit’ reference with utmost care, this is not to fall into casteist feudal elite’s well set trap. I strongly think that like the word ‘nigger’ this reference can only be used by the most marginalised and trauma victims of casteist social structure. The perpetrators have no business to patronise. There was a fellow who went about as mahatma who sought redemption through ‘harijan’, such arrogance, meanwhile helped in nurturing and thriving casteism of which ‘dalit’ is the necessary result. There is a wicked attempt to see ‘dalit’ in isolation as god gifted ‘community’ we have to care. The feudal casteist will be sorted and exposed. Also understand that it is from this horrendous reality that likes of Ramnath Kovint –the Presidential candidate, has emerged. He has every right to be violent and support violence, be angry, had all the reason to fail and has very likely faced all attempts to put him down mentally, physically and emotionally. That he survived one of the most brutal inhuman society –traumatic reality of most heinous structural violence that humanity has known that would even put racism as sideshow, to be where he is now is commendable, that too without any malice speaks highly of him (something even "chatur bania's" non violence falls woefully inadequate, the context is also enough to understand where to place Ambedkar). Those who ask for his credential should learn to keep shut, and that is something the louts of lutyen’s delhi haven’t been programmed for as they viciously jostle for next opportunity. These are entrenched entitled mediocrities to be displaced by their own failures and too arrogant to learn from them.You could atleast claim moral breakdown but what about a society where there are no morals?

Friday, June 23, 2017

What about feral videos?

We have heard and seen viral videos but what feral videos, the one that incites violence or harm, or is about child or animal abuse? I call them feral because like the dogs, some of whom were once even domesticated, now abandoned, have taken over scavenging in the absence of vultures. They have become feral i.e. not completely wild but has potential to, and create havoc for people and other animals. Many instances of dog attacks, and deaths, have been reported in the country. Dogs have become vicious, similar is the case of some videos. They are feral videos, and difficult to weed out. Atleast, from what we learn even FaceBook finds it difficult. The data overload is too much. So I guess feral videos are here to stay.         

Friday, June 16, 2017

Don’t forget the Avocado toast !!

Alright millennials enjoy your avocado toast, and don’t give a damn about greedy moneybags hovering to trap into wage slaves, meaningless jobs, and multiply their godforsaken money.
Meanwhile this is the first I am trying avocado sandwich quite easy to make and seriously delicious, and with those mangoes…     
PS: Its high time that avocados realized that giant sloths are not around!! Those enormous seeds make these fruit less on value for money.

Monday, June 05, 2017

Nurturing nutcases, primitive pangs of ancient wisdom

Judiciary is essential part of democracy, and is indeed the lynchpin of justice for people. In a degraded primitive society like India with horrendous inequity nurtured and sustained by despicable traditions that pupated in moral vacuums these ideas of justice becomes critical. It is well known how inequity pervades indian society, and a complete lack of sensitivity and empathy on these matters baffles. All statistics and study clearly shows these amazing levels of disparities, as fattened side showcase cruder ways usurping benefits without any shade of any known competence. Indians therefore remains an overwhelmingly mediocre society that cannibalises itself meanwhile carries exaggerated estimates of its prowess.

There is always an attempt to showcase its blessedness, sometimes with surfeit claims of spiritual pout, mahatmas and pundits to awestruck the world, in mundane realities it is about breaking records, guinness or whatever is nearest possible to firmly establish the blessedness. Like domesticated species they are adept to follow, the fatalistic worldview is a constant guide, meanwhile they pit their limited mental calibre into esoterical matters to showcase their higher bearings and blessing. Over the centuries the muck accumulated as Indian philosophy, an embarrassment, a clever set of word play with utmost ease, confidence that surely couldn’t hide any competence. They strode the earth with light footed gaiety of self-assuredness with ever higher reaches of humility. Without any known competence and basic intelligence humbleness became a marker of higher bearings which easily camouflaged sycophancy to power and other ethical degradations. Fatalist outlooks for the blind followers and with heightened sense of dispenser of justice –god’s representations, judiciary became a favoured shift from putrefying sanctum. It is amazing that even in the bleakest of tragedies like colonialism (which ofcourse is much benign compared to casteism) some were able to choose career and pursue it with much vigour without even a thought of its relevance or context. It is the same reason that ethical bound and compassionate souls like Bhagat Singh or Azad were not enamored by these clever options and went ahead with their souls in right place. They paid the ultimate prize and have pride of place in the hearts of common people while lawyers turned clever manipulators therefore became negotiators for power, this deceitful tradition carries on even now. The worst of judicial system, that is so lackadaisical and tardy, has produced most of luminaires, ministers, and millionaires for this godforsaken society. Furthermore it has nurtured the unethical traditions and debauched ways, and has been the source of regressive consolidation, despite yeoman’s efforts by considerate souls over centuries.

Feudal caste debauchery were mostly in the periphery of Indian tradition, gaining significance only through squatting in sanctum and acquiescing to power, prescribing reasons for fatalism, ensnaring people in their frailties, all emanating from mediocre minds furiously working in its own limitations. These regressive cannibalistic traditions were thoroughly rejected by enlightened souls over the centuries -the best Indian traditions and philosophy find expression in these. Meanwhile squatters sought power and credence by comforting and guiding effete kings into pits of fatalisms, primitive ways and incompetence. With Indian elite wallowing in their own muck nothing remarkable was expected as they were overwhelmed in their deceitful ways. It is only after so called independence that these caste feudals finally had absolute control. Since then there has been regressive consolidation and usurping of egalitarian traditions into caste folds and attempts to normalize heinous regressive ways and traditions. Gandhi was a major instrument in this degradation.   

If a high court judge has demented and ridiculous views on cows and peacocks like for instance “cow is the only living being which intakes oxygen and emits oxygen and the animal is hospital in itself”, and this is only one of the gems there are paragraphs of ‘scientific’ and ‘logical’ explanation from this buffoon. There should be ideally an enquiry set up, all his verdicts and observations must be scrutinized and expunged. The fellow is mentally unfit to hold any responsible position whatsoever, so how did he end up as a Judge in a HC? Pity this society. And don’t be surprised there are many like him wearing different garbs and profiles with fantastic views about themselves and world around them. They have been nurtured and sustained all these decades by the degraded system that has severely eviscerated the society and dehumanized people. The reason why it is showing some signs of movement and hints of modernity is due to technological innovation emerging from outside world otherwise this is a primitive society constantly scrapping the bottom.

The vehemence with which some are classified as right wing (hindutva) is to somehow cleave a life simulating egalitarian narration. Positing as centralist liberal is a ploy to bulldoze into western narration and squeeze benefits. There are no liberal forces in Indian context, atleast not in mainstream, they have been pushed into subaltern narration after independence. Caste feudal fed and nurtured under the tutelage of mahatmas and pundits have high estimate as kindred souls. Castetva forces cannot claim, and will not be allowed, to be classified as liberal. The mask doesn’t fit. Caste references that they carry as identity is good way to start this scrutiny, these shouldn’t allowed in any civilised society and must be seen with contempt as confederate signs or nazi symbols.  It is quite startling that these primitives have quite cleverly sneaked into civilized frame and are now posing as liberals, some even as spiritual masters of the world. Buffoons like Sharma (the HC Judge) are nurtured by the same framework; the self-assured arrogance is part of the narration. It’s the degree of revelation in public that distinguish; while hindutva forces go all the way out, indeed as a reaction to decades of neglect, castetva forces (essentially a subset to hindutva forces but have cleverly cleaved for themselves with support from state machinery) masquerading as liberals keep the degradation hidden in private space, but nurture it viciously meanwhile manipulated and successfully occupied the center space in designer cloths, emulating western sophistication and high intentions. So, caste discrimination is to be shunned while caste can be celebrated is how it is being desperately worked out while the high moral ground slips under the feet. Race is objective reality, people look different, hence prejudices are unfortunately likely and not to be racist is an effort, and is an evolution towards better world. But caste is not an objective reality hence to remove caste discrimination without ‘annihilating’ caste is how hypocrisy gets defined. Dalit is not a reality but created construct, an offshoot of caste, that is nurtured by effete Indian elite to patronize and showcase to the world as kindred souls, and match it with ‘blacks’ hence position themselves as liberals. Amazing chicanery. The bluff is called. These people must be dealt sternly, with all revulsion one can muster. Like racism caste is an assault on humanity.        

The caste cannibal feudal blissful in entitled life and blessings, dispensing patronages and networking camaraderie, curdled in insular world have fantastic view of world and their special place. Unfortunately the world doesn’t see it that way. Nevertheless they gallantly propose all solutions to all the problems of the world. A “spiritual” guru, laughable as they are trying to emulate Zen entrenched in primitive worldview, even claims that he could change the world if world leaders listen to him! And the journalist slaves lap it up as another sign of miracle that India is!! There is another blessed one who has been desperately chasing Nobel, while in his arrogance and crassness forgets basic matters of environment. Market too promotes their own nominees to showcase enlightened bearings, the result is always hilarious. Take this example of fellow named Devadutt Patnaik, who is promoted by caste feudal moneybags -multiplying with state support over the decades, treading liberal and showcasing higher intents (like honourable Sharma, but much nuanced in public). This fellow as predicted carries the halo and pout of problem solver of the world, that god has blessed and anointed with ancient Indian wisdom, hence has a special secured place. He writes “Hindu ideas challenge all conventional dominant notions of justice and equality, confounding the Western scholar, who takes refuge in reducing Hinduism to casteism, feudalism and brahminism. The thought that distinguishes Indian philosophy is the idea of infinity. The world is infinite. So the truth is infinite”. So now you can tick all the boxes here of elevated selves, unique, that baffles “confounds” the world, then with a clever sleight negate scrutiny by accusing of “refuge in reducing”(?!!) and lastly usual massive morning dump of “infinite” philosophy. Truth therefore ladies and gentleman is infinite. I guess, the same logic could be applied to lie. Lie is also infinite!! Now read him further as he carefully works his degradation meanwhile patronizing other religions, hinting at amazing tolerance that scraps the bottom of the pit “The same Quran can be read differently in different part of the world, and Wahhabism is just one form of Islam that seeks to dominate. And simply because it seeks to dominate does not make it valid or invalid. It needs to exist in relationship with other views of Islam. Just as casteist Hinduism will always exist but will be contained by other forms of Hinduism that are agnostic about caste”. Yes the usual semantics and word jugglery that trickster use to startle, and many in West do get mesmerized by these. The charming world between “valid or invalid” is where these primitives lynch in their degraded mind. Careful scrutiny will show that this is an attempt at obfuscation, to muddy the water, justification of feeble and lazy, nevertheless coat it in high sounding philosophy and a benign satisfaction as overseer of world, the blessedness. Wahhabism is not “just one form of Islam” if one is aware of contemporary reality and the havoc it has created. Casteism “will always exist but will be contained” Really? How clever, and is it being contained? The degraded fellow himself is living example of caste, the audacity is amazing. The worst is to come, the fellow elaborates with characteristic confidence, that surely has no hint of basic awareness, a common symptom of entitled world “It is not about either/or in the new world order. It is about and. If we want to believe in diverse world, we have to make room for diversity, and diverse views. Keeping alternate views out of universities, or gagging them in press, is certainly not the way forward”. We do understand ‘and’ and we do know about ‘diversity’ but not the degradation in the name of diversity that seeks to dehumanise and debase reality. Diversity is a beautiful world that primitives like these are incapacitated to even comprehend, coming as he is from cannibalism driven worldview. He even has the audacity to suggest that “keeping alternate views out of universities, or gagging them is certainly not the way forward”…so by ‘alternate views’ he means “wahhabism” “casteism” or even racism, extending the logic . The fellow needs to understand that these are not views, and that it will not be taken without challenging, otherwise it means acquiescing to discriminatory ways. Yes it will be taught in universities not as an ‘alternative’ as the primitive is suggesting but with awareness of its historical context and humanitarian values. The fellow is a clear case of exaggerated soul negotiating his entitlement with mediocre outcome, they have the habit of lackadaisical superficial ways to obfuscate their lack of competence or understanding. The more they spread, more degradation they create.

Another one, this an economist, and like lawyers these are another species of bullshitters that effete Indian elite are besotted to. Arvind Subramanian is sophistication personified the kind that lutyens Delhi has much use of. On Universal Basic Income he had to tag it to Gandhi, clearly showing his intention for higher ambition, supplicating to Gandhi is short cut elevators for many around power centers. A careful look will make it clear that Gandhi would have never agreed on UBI, it’s not in his basic character to be appreciative of tribulation of common people trapped in inhuman frames; he may have had grand views to awe struck the world but the Janus face hides the hometruth. The fellow was a sucker to physical work (physical work is next to godliness it seems, and this nonsense is actively spread by religion/market to create unthinking slaves of humans), charkha –spinning wheel, being symbolic to his worldview, ah the charm of rotating and repeating for hours and hours. Only someone who doesn’t value what is to be alive, not connected to life and living, will appreciate these (I recall about late polish president Lech Walesa who went back to tightening screws, the job he initially held. I sure recall reading the quote section in Time magazine at American consulate). Clearly he was useful for caste cannibals positioning to capture power from British. Fellow like Gandhi would not have agreed on giving money without physical effort, however demeaning and degrading the job is as the charkha symbolized. Mr.Subramanian is being quoted here not to understand nuances or grander worldview from spinning charkha but for the reason that he says “Gandhiji the moralist would not say you shouldn’t give uncompensated rewards, Gandhiji the baniya would say you should be fiscally conservative..” The baniya? Isn’t that a caste slur? And yes if our man is a casteist then what would “chamar’s” worldview be like? What would be “pariah’s” views be like? Clearly our caste cannibal fellow in the effort to charm the power structure didn’t think about the consequence of his debased uttering. It’s a common happening among Indian economists and lawyers, they can bullshit whatever without any thoughts on consequences, because it doesn’t matter when “truth is infinite”!

Meanwhile after French elections the effete here are fashioning for centrist liberal, Pawan Verma (who apart from other stellar sycophantic attributes also expertise in the pronunciation of lingerie) is first out of block. Previously our man was piously pitching for indianisation through Sanskrit and even wonders why there aren’t roads named on Krishnadevaraya. One very well knows the degraded context of Sanskrit in Indian history, as also amazingly mediocre works in this language. As for Krishnadevaraya, the temple building Hindu king, he is just a footnote in Indian history, indeed all kings are, except for some with grand hindu revivalist agenda. A newspaper column had this to relate “The brainwave of the land’s Prime Minister and his advisors to withdraw a major amount of currency from circulation as legal tender, ostensibly to change black money into white prompts one to recollect an episode being retold about witty jester Tenali Rama in the court of Krishnadevaraya. Briefly the storyline is:The king’s personal barber having come to king’s private chamber to give him a shave found him asleep. However, being duty conscious, he braved and shaved the royalty successfully without waking him up. The king, who was surprised and happy on learning about barber’s professional excellence sent for him and granted him a wish which was granted namely, the barber’s elevation into an upper caste. Having come to know about outrageous act of the king, Tenali Rama took his pet dog, black one at that, to the riverside and started soaking it in water and repeatedly scrubbing it hard. The king was curious and sought to know Rama’s act, only to get the rebuff, ‘if a barber can be changed to an upper caste, why not change a black dog to white?’ making the king realise his folly”. These buffoons are what Indian media consist of and these shocking mindsets find easy acceptance, indeed it’s how camaraderie and blessings work. Compared to these judge Sharma’s ‘scientific’ elaboration on peacock is far too benign. The ossifying society with limited intellect creates deviant harmony that curdles new forms of disgust everytime everywhere it spreads. Crude traditions and values takes away the understanding of freedom hence human dignity, despite all the possibilities that democracy and technology provides. Incapacitated to experience awe and wonder, debilitated to value the vitalities and precariousness of life, and to discover, to empathise, to imagine a better world. What a putrefying pit. I feel sorry for the PM, who seems to have best of intentions; this demographic dividend is demographic uselessness. Again I call upon international community to deny visa and positively discriminate people with caste references, they are degradation on humanity and as such have no place in civilized setting.