Thursday, August 27, 2020

Energy of whirlpool, and stagnant pit

 Nature faced the fierceness of the elements for billions of years, it strives to optimize precious energy and material use meanwhile conserve the system that sustains. Water flow is a study on natural force's algorithm of effectively working out path of least resistance. Aesthetics that channelizes life’s energy to synergize the system. It's a template for freedom while aware of the limits. Spiraling whirlpool is consciousness of nature negotiating space and time. It's a channel for consciousness of humanity to find its way. In the beginning they copied what they saw. They enjoyed replicating on the walls. Later they painted with the play of light and made the realism striking. It was appreciated. Then they evolved to paint the impression, as to how they caught the movement of the moment. Everything is in flux, there is no exact, it’s the movement. Impressionism was evolving on realism. Meanwhile society too developed as thoughts and dealing nuanced with greater subtleties of sight and insights herein. Mind found impression not enough to sustain the reality so it evolved to contain the emotion; the expression of the witness. So as the mind gained insight greater truths of the times became obvious truths hence too small to contain the emerging reality therefore became stepping stone in search for the nature of things. What was once a joy of discovery lacked the nuance so they searched for the next milestone of enquiry. Meanwhile much of society too seeped in these amazing insights, ideas spread wider to consolidate into art, interactions and expressions. Society was beginning to synergize with individuals to find the balance. In the background as humans enlighten nature commune with the mind to explore, intuit and spread. The mind sought abstraction, the collapse of reality into its essential essence. The face of absurd, anxiety of nothingness and chaos was to be dealt, expressed to satisfy the soul for its momentary control. The existential horror of human life can only be depicted in abstraction of nothingness.

Form and colors were created to impact the feelings of observer. A new form of realism sought to take it to a deeper level of reckoning. Life isn’t linear nor the experience of time and space. At the quantum level life is random and abstraction is realism. Concomitantly it was natural for evolved mind to seek minimalism. Minimalism is quite the way nature functions to save energy space with multifunctional elegant forms. Ofcourse surrealism as exploring alternative reality, the bizarre and dream state of life. Then we have street art as vivid representation of Bansky as protest, as rejection. Much can be contained in abstraction, its interpretation is personal. Art as interaction. Art that responds to presence. It changes as the audience change. Free mind, the spiritual freedom, is anchored to the present and respond to the flux, dealing each question that is posed by life. The nature of question changes with the audience. It’s individual, and it is evolving with audience’s life. There cannot be any standard or prescription or reference to deal only how much the human is alive that determines the response. In this scheme there is no success or failure except lessons for survival and evolving to survive.

This not to say that incisive minds have not delved into these. Every era had its wisdom. But these never really percolated, and if ever, were isolated and limited in its impact, reduced to stray sterile mutants. But in the last few hundred years we have seen movements that tapped and consolidated these evolutions. It has much to do with faster and wider percolation of ideas. In the last decade or so this has reached a level that was never seen in human evolution. Sights of advanced world we see around is necessarily byproduct of these evolution of mind supported and nurtured by synchronizing progressive social system. Also the primitive world we see around is the glimpse of the collapse, the inability to tap in the advance. This regressive presence is a constant threat and a reminder of the cave origin and reptilian mind that resides. And when primitives use their cave man insights and reptilian logic into modern setting it can only be catastrophic. This paradox has become a threat as every philistine is given a right but no responsibility. Ideally right to vote need to be earned, or else rules of engagement stricter.  

The way we imagine the reality determines how we react to the moment, our effort, feelings and hopes. This therefore determines the future. There is a reason why highly evolved and nuanced creative expressions mostly arise from few regions of the world. It’s a comprehensive movement that touches every aspect of life from music to science, as is the way of nature these can only be interconnected and intertwined. These societies provide the framework for excellence and threshold for unique contribution as humans. In the meanwhile some societies waste and wallow in their own pity and become burden on humanity. Excellence here is matter of chance, this therefore becomes occasion to authenticate their blessed way of life. Their ideas and creative expressions dredge in mediocrity of obviousness, excitement of familiar and agreeable thoughts, circumstances and expressions devoid of nuanced sensibilities. They find profundity in recognizable and insights in primitive associations. While the world has long evolved away from realism into realm of abstraction these are stuck in mediocre, indeed cruder, versions of realism –a degraded obvious, to establish their emphatic incompetence. “The sensitive can only wince and avert their faces, blushing with a kind of vicarious shame for the whole of humanity” (Aldous Huxley). Their whole venture is to live in debasing obvious into everyday meaning of their repellent world and in odious denial of subtle. These philistines need to constantly assuage the reason for their miserable existence and validity of their obvious truths. Their art and expressions are towards this end. For instance, take the imperial loud narration of triumph of goodness (indeed truth), incompetently worked over humanistic concerns or any form of subtlety so much so this triumph becomes a metaphor for evil –for denial of evolved sensitivities. They gaudily beautify dead habits and regressive values as tradition, culture and faith to segregate humans and barricade society. Average humans find these assaults on sensibilities as their acceptable homes and set out diligently to create narrations of their miserable life quite unaware of any deeper meanings. Ofcourse with printing, and in recent times with internet, this contained isolated conception of society is waning substantially but nevertheless unless one is determined, and is actively present, to entrench to the best thoughts and idea from across the world it is possible to be stuck in stagnant pit and sucked in by cunning arbitrators. Onus is on the individual to create this space of excellence and connect to the evolved society and egalitarian frame that values human and assertion of free mind. Internet therefore provides opportunities to connect at an entirely different scale never achieved anytime in human history. In this Chekhovian delight we choose to be member of evolved humanity bravely pushing into new realms and possibilities, a spiraling alive stream of enlightening ideas finding its natural strength -life defining vital force, than putrefying putrid pit that rots in its own exaggerated worth.  

It is very likely that in foreseeable future mind face limitation of body and may seek to evolve out of human body. Also the limitation set by increasingly vociferous primitives can be overwhelming if the societies in general refuses to evolve and get trapped in insecurities and delusions of grandeur that anachronistic religions so fantastically nurture. This therefore can be reflected through elected representatives, consumer media and general atmosphere that works and authenticate regressive values. In such stagnant pit free mind stifles.         

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Idea of identity

 The idea of identity must be necessarily based on humanity. It can therefore only come out of free mind. A free mind anchored on free thoughts nurtured on egalitarian value system and evolved ideas that constantly aid human race to progress and thrive. This idea of identity respects each individual as a sentient being alive with faculties of senses and potential to connect to deeper truths which lights a responsible participant aware of his/her surrounding and implications of his/her actions. An awareness that he/she is indelible but minuscule part of ever evolving deeply connected system that sustains life. A witness, participant and creator of the reality, a comprehensively involved human who therefore isn’t trapped in narrow versions of self and is diminished by the overwhelming present (indeed the overwhelming nature of reality defines the human identity). An identity that carries all the promise of life and potential of individual. An identity that asserts liberty of soul and appreciate the freedom to associate and express the wonders of being a human.          

Any idea, system, tradition or culture that diminishes this idea of identity is therefore an assault on humanity hence must be vociferously and persistently resisted and rejected. Association based on fear, primitive insecurities and primal anxieties seeks to contain free mind and surrender the individual.  Feudal structures, entrenched power brokers, ego driven sociopathic herd controllers and world view aligned to these therefore becomes immediate threat. Identities that is sought to be chiseled out from these premises therefore tends to diminish human being, hence are meant to be manipulated. The identity of being a human is denied, and the potential herein negated. This is a tragedy of colossal scale. A diminished human being is an enthusiastic member of herd, incapable to think for himself or herself, lacking critical thinking faculties, they wait for savior meanwhile are easily manipulated. It’s the beginning of deterioration that has detrimental effect on society and severely negates humanity. Religion poses such a threat. There are posers using pointers of liberal to segregate humans while insidiously keeping them trapped in medieval setting. They, for their selfish reasons, inflated egos and wanton greed use these as pawns. They cunningly seek to authenticate these segregatory value system based on juvenile miracle driven anachronistic notions as human identity. This is a serious assault on humanity. It seeks to negate evolved thoughts and egalitarian gains of societies. It encourages regressive revivalism based on fanciful notions and seek to negate the potential that the better understood reality and insightful perspective presents. It creates herds enmeshed in fantastical ideas devoid from realities and mulishly immune to clear contrary evidences. It seeks to negate brilliant human achievements and amazing evolution of mind over the centuries. In a self-protective irony it disproves centuries of misery and assault on free minds, the extreme tribulation of logical human attempting to use their mental faculties –to assert their humanity, their identity.            

 This performative allyship of feudals, herd controllers and patronizing fattened fluffs in West using lip service to hard earned and precious liberal values is reflexive trap meant to assuage their moral angst over wanton consumption and loosing grip. It is dangerous and has the potential to substantially derail gains over the centuries. The challenges of 21st century cannot be solved by primitive frameworks nor minds working on the premise of 20th century. Human identity is precious. It has taken about two hundred thousand years of struggle to attain this identity. Any threat to thinking human is a threat to humanity itself. Any system that attempt to silence critical thinking is an attempt at soul of humanity.            

Correction: he/she doesn’t imply that gender is necessarily binary.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Stillness of the forest 

In between the rustling of leaves 
At the end of long intonation of cicadas calls 
Just before the hornbill wings break the afternoon 
If you still yourself 
A sincere self 
Emerge from long forgotten recess 
Beckons a strange spectacle 
Colors break free and whirl in the air 
A vital force surge through the space 
To settle the colors lightly in precise proportions 
You will be astonished where you arrived

 54.5 Degree Centigrade