Sunday, July 24, 2022

The essence
The essence in moment when time stills
The arrow moves back and forth in an instance
In the Cambrian slush and eternal engulfing Siberian traps
In the birth spell of matter and fading light of extinction
Catch the rhythm of breeze
The spirit will commune the loss and fondness
Wait for the generosity of nature
Reveal the breadth and depth of this that you can
Probe the will of all that exists, and will exist
While you are
Embrace the universe


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

There is no providence in the fall of a sparrow

 There is no providence in the fall of a sparrow 
Have you seen life wrest death?
Not unlike the ashen face in Bergman’s Seventh Seal
Waiting patiently for chess to finish
An arrangement to abide the inevitable
Life in its ethereal grit is no game
Hot sky plucks the sparrow in his flight
Blood ooze in the hemorrhage of fall
The heart beats still while death awaits
Eyes open to the deep end of space

Friday, July 15, 2022

A President for The People


Thursday, July 14, 2022

Planet’s Fight for Life

 Two books that attracted my attention in last few months are Half-Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life by Edward Wilson and Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future by Elizabeth Kolbert. These two books, and I am quite sure there many more, elaborates on seriousness of crisis we are in and significant efforts being undertaken to understand the situation, to ameliorate and adapt. The solutions that are being explored is what makes these books important particularly for policy makers and younger generations. People like me read these to increase awareness and improve my understandings of issues that impacts, as also pass the awareness as consolidated thoughts through medium like these. Access to international publications through internet and online purchase has opened minds to amazing thoughts and experiences from across the world. We are no longer stuck to putrefying pits of self-obsessed mediocrities, though must add these are always in the periphery conniving to trap into sh*tholes and then gain for their miserable lives.

Edward Wilson was iconic figure and a charming man (there are many videos available on Youtube) -who died last year, a myrmecologist he extended further into ecology and conservation. He made crucial contributions to our understanding of biodiversity. Collective intelligence of social insects was a significant step of evolution, and has much for human learning. There are exciting fields of study like swarm intelligence and algorithms from deep understanding of nature and scalable patterns. Almost three thousand years back human brain shrank with rise of collective intelligence. Collective have been repository of knowledge that individual lacks. In recent times these have refined and consolidated through researches, insights and applications. We maybe trapped in our individual aspirations or drudgeries but the collective mind is expected to warn us of the suicidal path that humanity is on.  Wilson writes “The central idea is to view the entire planet as an ecosystem, to see Earth as it is and not as we wish it to be”. Here he brings in his thoughts, surely accumulated through close association of a long and meaningful life, that could help us work out solution “Given that stability in the economy and in the environment are closely linked, they both require striving for quality of life through self-understanding as opposed to the conventional accumulation of material wealth, based on the assumption that the wealth can eventually be traded for quality of life”. Technology and awareness will help us move from quantity to quality hence consumptions that are meaningful and add value to life. Half-Earth proposes half of planet’s surface to nature. A global network of inviolable reserves. Many examples are given in the book wherein rich people are investing their money in improving ecosystem. The parks and reserves are to help biodiversity thrive but are also centers of research and education (needs to be pointed out biodiversity rich India still appoints Forest officials on the basis of archaic exams -encouraging manipulating mindset to score in the exam than passion for the job -specifically nature, as job-oriented hierarchy driven mediocre bureaucrats of the mold of colonial needs thriving on transactive and extractive value systems. I have met these, with rare exceptions are mostly wastrels. Primitive society’s valuation of education, intelligence and fate).     

It is becoming amply clear that consolidated intelligence of religions and that of market is of least help and is indeed anti-thesis to crisis that humanity face. It is science that confronts reality with human faculties and enlightened thoughts and reason. Then there are rare humans like Edward Wilson who contribute their understanding to add to the collective thinking. He argues “Despite all our pretenses and fantasies, we always have been and will remain a biological species tied to this biological world. Millions of years of evolution are indelibly encoded in our genes…wildland is our birthplace”. He proposes “Only a major shift in moral reasoning, with greater commitment given to rest of life, can meet this greatest challenge of the century.”              

If humanity continues its suicidal ways to change the global climate, eliminate ecosystem, and exhaust Earth’s natural resources, our species will very soon find itself forced into making a choice, this time engaging the conscious part of our brain. It is as follows: Shall we be existential conservatives, keeping our genetically based human nature while tapering off the activities inimical to ourselves and the rest of the biosphere? Or shall we use our technology to accommodate the changes important solely to our own species, while letting the rest of life slip away? We have only short time to decide.” The book ends with these perceptive lines “We have come a very long way through the barbaric period in which we still live, and now I believe we’ve learned enough to adopt a transcendent moral percept concerning the rest of life. It is simple and easy to say : Do no further harm to the biosphere." 

The problem seems to be the hope filled assumption that we have come a long way from barbaric period.    


Tuesday, July 12, 2022


As Mr. Spock would have said "Fascinating". 
It really puts ephemeral nature of life in context. An emotional moment 


Tuesday, July 05, 2022

The religion problem

It is becoming quite clear that religion is a threat to humanity. Climate change, pandemic, war, extinction of species, biodiversity loss, ocean degradation, air water soil pollution, land degradation, food insecurity, malnutrition, human wildlife conflict, market capitalism, wanton consumption…the list is long, are all serious and imminent threat to survival of human on earth as also other species. However, all these critical issues are subsided by threat of religion as it makes humans incapable and incapacitated to respond to changing reality. Religion undermines existential threat by offering fantastical fictions as option. It offers otherworldly explanation and god’s will -fatalism, as solution. Now, few centuries back when the awareness of reality was limited, and threat were not global and did not have ramification beyond limited region, these did make sense. It assuaged human insecurities and frailties. It helped in creating some peace through cooperation among its followers hence civilizations to take root. With increase in awareness and knowledge it was expected that the compassionate system coopted these new understandings to help humans grow into better but that didn’t happen. The system was too ossified -a byproduct of darker and simpler age, and concerned with self-perpetuation of controllers. Religion is simply incapable to handle the intricate challenges that onslaught of new ideas and thoughts brought. It has become too glaring in recent times and is woefully, in most case embarrassingly, inconsistent with growing knowledge. It is acceptable when religion creates space for spiritual yearnings in uncertain times and provides in ephemeral nature of life, for common people to share and value their feelings. But the nature of religion doesn’t really allow these benign spaces. It hinges on prescriptions and adherence, working in a context increasingly alien to contemporary world. There are nefarious forces controlling the system that seeks to establish its authority over hapless people trapped in their insecurities and miseries. It is quite saddening the way things have turned out to be. It is deeply disturbing the way religions are severely degrading democratic institutions while narrowing space for humanity to thrive.

It will be wrong to put every religion in the same context. Every religion has gone through tribulation within the context of its functioning. They have all contributed to the growth of humanity in their own way. Every religion had its obscurantist force as also empathy driven enlightening presence. This has been the constant struggle throughout the history. In the contemporary world despite the best efforts, it is really impossible for religion to play positive role. The world has progressed too far from the realities that these religions made sense. World has become a small place with latest technologies and understandings hence religion becomes segregatory, exclusionist, seeding ideas that are increasingly fanciful and dangerous. It therefore becomes easy for charlatans to tap into these systems to further degrade discourse and possibilities of better world. Religions therefore cannot be allowed carte blanche as representing some innate truth or divine intervention. It cannot appropriate sacred space. It will have to face the contemporary world and its challenges. These fantastical fictions cannot be allowed to define identity hence sneak in as diversity. It’s a degradation. This must be understood in clear terms. It is a threat to hard won values of liberty and freedom. It is a persistent threat to all the values that humanity cherish.

I have been watching Star Trek series again after so many decades. I vaguely remember some but what I recall the most is the wonder it created in young mind. They created interesting premise to probe. Now as I watch I have come to appreciate and value the subtle world they created and the attempts they made to evolve human minds through these stories and entertainment. It also shows how much effort it must have been to nurture such minds. The other day was watching wherein humanoid realizes the importance of diversity. The creation values infinite diversity. For which Mr. Spock (iconic character -part human part Vulcan, played by amiable brilliant Leonard Nimoy) replies “…and the way our differences combines to create meaning and beauty”. Diversity is something to be cherished. Nature favors diversity. It creates resilience as also opportunities to evolve to deal with reality optimally. The reason why biodiversity is critical for survival of life. Similarly, diversity of ideas and understanding adds to “meaning and beauty” of life. Religion doesn’t add to any diversity. It’s a degradation, and is usurping the space for diversity. There are some sinister feudal forces who are promoting religion in these benign garbs to play savior.             

Religion is a human created aberration on earth system. It is a virus that converts decent sentient humans into herds incapable to value life or estimate the significance of reality. It must be resisted. As societies evolved and people became aware they start to question the authority of religion. They created space for banter as also derision on this ridiculous faith in fantastical fiction that contradicted directly to easy evaluations and basic logic. This helped religion to evolve too into spiritual spaces shedding its anachronistic narrations. Things though have degraded at an alarming rate in recent times. Cunning conniving herd controllers are competing with each other for control. The failure of education, its immense possibilities confined to narrow ‘use’. Sense of insecurities pervading despite the best of possibilities for humans that could ever be imagined. Market media and capitalism hinged on wanton consumption too have contributed to discontent and apathy. Transactional relations and loneliness added to the disquiet. For unexamined minds the semantics of dealing was already trapped in alphabets of superstition and faith. It was easy for the subconscious to associate with centuries of well-entrenched traps of instincts of religion. It is heart wrenching as humans get entrapped in cesspool that denies their core being.

Life is sacrosanct. There is nothing more precious than life. So, when pernicious religion claims sanctity over human life then sane forces must realize the danger it poses to humanity. A civilized society must nurture space to ridicule religion, it must encourage blasphemy. It must encourage inquisitive minds and free souls. Survival of humanity is hinged on these. Shackles of religion holds everything that is detrimental to human progress. Ridicule is not one way process. It is not a claim that my way is better than yours. My way is very much open to ridicule, and correction. The only thing that matters here is aesthetics. Aesthetics of life that connects to nature.