Monday, November 18, 2019

A for Ayodhya, T for Temple

 Let this be clarified at the outset that I strongly hold the view that religions are anachronistic nonsenses that are quite effortlessly being used by charlatans to control herd populace (who are trapped in their own differing scales of misery and misfortune). In recent times the exciting and unprecedented possibilities of technological as also socio-political developments have been substantially and seriously undermined by muck arising from religious contexts. Religions have become source of dehumanization as it is disconnecting people from reality. Even though a century or two back religions had some relevance to grapple the increasingly unknown reality but this very source is now attempting to deny the reality that we have understood, instead of enlightening people of the possibilities it is fictionalizing what is apparent, and this, in the process, is weakening the critical faculties of human. This is where the fake news, rumors, prejudices etc. start to have a free run and society, already cynical with market manipulations and exaggerations, finds itself dealing with unsurmountable problems. There is denial, there is escapism and then there are manipulations by charlatans. The structure of religions have ossified and are reduced to source of segregation and exploitation. They seem woefully incapable to factor in new understandings and realities. Individuals have need to find spiritual solace but they have to be intelligent enough to understand where they are being manipulated, where their individuality is being trampled and uniqueness destroyed. They need to protect their inquisitive questioning selves and should resist any attempt to reduce their reality. They must examine their life at every step and shouldn’t leave it to others. They may have direct connection to their faith but need to use their critical faculties on matter where there is a medium that is seeking to work as guide, that is occupied by manipulators who seek devotees as numbers to work their clout. They may find solace in religious texts but need to be constantly aware of the contexts and work on benign interpretations. They must understand change is for good and that it doesn’t in any way a threat to faith and infact is an exciting addition, and that the reality we are understanding through inquiry is part of revelation of unknown forces. One can indeed posit it as god. One need to creatively deal with the reality. For this to happen there must be independence of thinking. So in the contemporary world of possibilities when we you see overzealous religious youths it is always tragic for the society. It is a limitation for a human and a restriction on humanity.

Religious structures too have become bigger and vicious in its competition and posturing. The more unenlightened and primitive the society the worse it becomes. It rarely has the aesthetic connections that traces to its spiritual beginnings and benign intents. They are another extension of acquisitive culture and predatory mindset. The world doesn’t really need any more religious structures. It needs more space for silence, a place to commune with oneself and nature. The world needs more open spaces and gardens, and increasing connection and awareness of biodiversity. It’s about time that in the name of faith, hard earned and immensely valued, democratic systems are not allowed to be ransacked. Lots of damage has been done in recent times. Exciting technologies are only fueling the baser selves.

The tragedy of Ayodhya is part of this nonsense that is being served on tribulations of common people. 'Lord Ram' is significant presence for people in north India (it has pan India impact and is part of daily life in north India). When you meet someone in village the common salutation is ‘ram ram bhaiya’ when they take dead body for cremation they pray ‘ram naam satya hai’ all through the journey. These are essential part of life in north India and reference of Ram is indelible part of popular culture and tradition. 'Lord Ram' is a significant part of their faith and reality of life in this region, so is the stories related to him as avatar that is known to every Hindu which adds to the aura. What is also known to every Hindu is that Ram was born in Ayodhya, and this is an ancient 'knowledge'. These may not pass any factual scrutiny but what is true to most is that Ram was born in Ayodhya as an ancient belief. Therefore it can easily be logically be conjectured that there must have been a big temple in Ayodhya dedicated to lord ram. And it very likely that these were destroyed by Muslim invaders. And that there was nothing wrong in these acts of destruction since these were norms of the time (as also Hindus too have destroyed many Buddhist sites, so too one sect against another, it’s always byproduct of power) as also there was always intention to loot as temples were known to be endowed with riches hence easy target. Most importantly these were squatter occupied caste nurturing sites that spread the worst forms of infection into society and were centers emanating degrading value system. So the destruction temples were not entirely unwelcomed by common people.

But Ayodhya need to be seen in a different perspective since it is connected to the daily life of millions of common people and lack of temple in what is considered as the most sacred site was a glaring absence. This is an unbelievably significant emotive issue. The manipulative cunning politicians realize it. If Castetva forces had any empathetic context they would have rectified it at the onset when India got independence, it was easiest thing to do without causing any harm. But they used this emotive issue as a festering opportunity to showcase their benign self to the world (specifically West, from where they desperately seek nourishment to pose as liberals). They exhibited their unique entitlement of proprietorship over misery ridden common hindus while they patronized beleaguered muslims with fanfare called secularism they acquired to hide their primitive selves. In the meanwhile to get the enmity thriving they acted to keep the emotive issue burning and incrementally allowed it to deteriorate, to fuel the situation into crisis and went about milking it. These are the most dangerous people, they pose as benign "trustees" but cannibalize. The arrogance and special place in universe assured them that they could control it while playing liberal secular to the world. What they did not factor was Hindutva snatching the control. Indeed Castetva worked to help Hindutva to easily snowball it and gain credibility. Hindutva is the reality while Castetva is fake and devious. Whether Hindutva is able to work on the egalitarian aspects of Hinduism is the challenge. It is an uphill task since Castetva have seriously degraded the society, as also they will seek to vitiate to gain control (a study of sabarimala issue will help to understand this critical matter). So instead of finding the egalitarian references things will get reactive as Castetva will mimic soft Hindutva in an existential fight to not get sucked by it. Castetva is a subset of Hindutva, desperately posturing liberal secular will not help stop the breach. The fake will have to find their true self. Power and greed will make it easy homecoming. Castetva holds no solution, and are indeed part of the problem. It’s better for sane people to shift their attention to Hindutva and help it work to steer towards egalitarian value systems. Difficult since at the end of the day religion too is problematic.     

It was therefore but natural for temple to be at Ayodhya, it was already an emotive issue connected to millions of common hindus of this region much vitiated by cunning politicians. Anything else would have had serious ramifications. It’s not really about majoritarianism or unleashing of fascism (it's interesting castetva taking up fascism!) as is being posited by cunning posing as liberal secular. SC has dealt the matter competently and was much nuanced in its dealings. Ideally a garden would have been much better option but in the context of the heightened emotions, also understanding how much deeply it is connected to narration of faith for common Hindus in the region, it is surely sacrilegious. Mosque issue here is not connected to common Muslims and is being exaggerated by cunning section posing high morals at the expense of common people. They really want common muslims to become extreme, and yes some leaders will seek to gain but this will be against the interest of common people –whom they don’t much care when the gravy is somewhere else. These are fuelled by dangerous forces who conveniently ignore the ground reality and cataclysmic undercurrents for personal gain. Religious structures have lived their life but a temple in Ayodhya for Ram brings an end to centuries long contentious matter. It’s time to move forward.