Monday, January 31, 2022

A threat to humanity

Its about time that the world takes the threat of likes of Rupert Murdoch seriously. There are little versions of Murdochs all across the world, and these greedy psychopaths have severely degraded democratic institutions and are having debilitating impact on humanity. Stop him.   

Sunday, January 30, 2022

On the other side of mob

It could be the skin colour, the otherness of thoughts or attire
The accent, a rumour, or plainly you in the wrong place
A gap to fill time
The thrill to enact, or a game to measure
Bludgeoned bodies on scales of argument
Blood as elixir of power

Friday, January 28, 2022

Color of the sea
Grey in the dawn 
Steely blue in sunny morning
Soft green of the day
Wild ochre in dusk
In the moonless night
frothing fringes mark the dark and the sane.
Some nights the moon melts
and lit planktons in blue green of the dreams.

Does the dolphin know the color of the sea?
Does he dream the color of earth?  
Does he dream? 

Book recommendation for the month end:

Obviously when they don't want you to read something they take you as herd. Human beings can take their own decision. Read what they don't want you to read. Think what they don't want you to think. Write what they don't want you to write.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Thuggery


Shouldn’t it be Britishery?

The question here is where does the reference thuggery come from? How did it get into English? Thug in hindi means cheating, and is commonly used. There is no word as thuggery in hindi it’s a british creation. Thug gets its reference from medieval times when small time highway robbers looted and strangulated travelers. When Britishers started to colonize the region through East India Company they exaggerated these and portrayed them as blood thirsty monsters in the process the racist colonizing exploiters were positioned as benign protectors. Many of these highway murderers were classified as criminal tribes and the tribe members prosecuted for no reason. Studies points to these portrayals as mostly a construct -based on no empirical evidences, by cunning britishers with narrative control ably helped by caste cannibals -playing the traditional role of enthusiastic sycophants to power. Britishers therefore created Thug Department (the irony!) in 1830s to demonize and contain these threats. These small-time criminals were isolated from their socio-economic conditions into monsters who believed in divine sanction for killing as some kind of ritual. It’s quite obvious that the myth of divine sanction can only succeed socio-economic factors, it can easily be understood as an attempt to moralize their transgress. Thug narration was worked as metaphor of other -the unpredictable sinister natives. This gave colonizers a moral authority to justify acquisition and exploitations. After transfer of power Castetva forces instead of rectifying these grievous mistakes continued with these brutalities. Ganesh Devy (in a study conducted in as late as 2000) notes that some of these tribes continue to suffer from human right violations that in many cases go unchecked by the law enforcement authorities -the police, the continued teaching of the Criminal Tribes Act in the curriculum for police training is cited as a major reason. He claims that the police are “taught” to believe that they are born criminals, leading to their continued persecution in spite of legal safeguards against the same.

In a much reasonable narration thugs can be viewed as those who rebelled against the system of exploitation and exacted what they thought appropriate in their circumstance. Thugs did in open what squatters did inside sanctum. Thugs sacrificed humans while squatters sacrificed souls. The audacity of colonizers to classify thugs as criminal tribes while they themselves were racist murderous exploiters spanning the globe needs special attention. All these elaborate ruses were hinged on something called justice system that they conceived. These were meant to streamline exploitation while giving the semblance of propriety -which was to be taken as justice. These famously harmonized with squatter’s cannibalistic framework. Therefore, the critical and common-sense question of how justice can prevail in injustice system was never confronted. There is a reason why Indians took up to becoming lawyers and ended up serving the colonizers with gusto (one fellow even went all the way to South Africa). Even now the tardiest and one of the most incompetent judicial system on earth has lawyer luminaries many of whom control power at the top most level while the society suffer.

The question that bothers me though is why the word thuggery was accepted into English without any challenge. It shows amazing level of moral vacuum among Indian elite who actively connived to normalize these (ofcourse there are worst references from putrid pit into English which is as worse as racism but still normalized, these should be expunged at the earliest). Why is that racist colonizer Britain doesn’t have any reference in English that is concomitant with its past brutalities?

Why is thuggery a word in English while britishery isn’t? Boris Johnson represents the britishery. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022


   ...for helping to understand and insights during trying times in my 20s. Mindfulness. 

*Imagine if squatters and their depraved value system had not strangulated this region we would have such wonderful people amongst us here in India (what is nurtured now is parody of entitlements and arrogance, obnoxious self help gurus trying to play Zen masters with hilarious outcomes). Also, we wouldn't have to waste time and energy on regressive values and general crassness that one see all around. Ofcourse Buddhism is another system with herds who can create horrors in Myanmar, SriLanka, Cambodia...but if you are not a follower but an observer then there is enough space for syncing with being a human, awareness of existential absurdity and humbleness of present moment.  

Friday, January 21, 2022

What kind of religion is this?


We know that religions are source of untold misery and remain potently so. Christianity has actively participated in atrocities of colonialism, nurtured racism and had nudge and wink relation with Nazis. These institutionalized depravities happened till few decades back. It is a grim note for a religion that traces back to 2000years. Indeed, it was democratic secular institutions and rule of law based on egalitarian values of liberty that reined in religion. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that remnants remain. You see these expressed across the world (not that other religions are doing better. Religion by its very nature lacks humanistic apprehensions, its concerns are status quoist for system perpetuation controlled by entrenched interests) through daily nuisance that has consolidated into alarming proportion in USA. Humanity reels under onslaught of religions that reduces decent human beings into blood baying herds or the least segregating into competing forces without any concern for any reality or existential threats.

It is in this milieu of depravities that one reads about abuse of children in Churches. Then you read that the topmost functionary of the system i.e. Pope was involved makes you sick. The fellow Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict from 2005-2013) was fully aware of the atrocities. He was incapable, indeed incapacitated, to do what even a normal person would do in such circumstances. A grievous matter like child abuse should shudder any human being and instigate immediate remedial action. Unlike “woman abuse” which can be subjective and needs investigation since it involves adults -who can be scheming, children are innocent to the darker ways of humans. There really cannot be any crime worst than what is committed on children. It’s a crime on human conscience. That a religious head couldn’t make himself cognizant to even this basic human value speaks volume of the system.

Christianity in putrid pit: like erstwhile colonies Christianity spread with brutalities of colonialism. It was in a mission to civilize. Indian society being amazingly depraved that even brutal racist colonizers did end up giving contexts of civilizational values. Though flawed in many ways it did provide framework for democracy and help underpin alien values of equality and liberty into a ruthless society. Christianity -in its vigor to spread, opened up many educational institutions thus nurtured unanticipated values of knowledge to a primitive society. That ends there. Kerala is a prime example of how religions can severely degrade society -it’s a meeting ground for lowest denominator of every religions (even communism -which has become another religion with well-defined rituals of power) to cannibalize the herds while charlatan politicians squeeze benefits. It’s a putrefying pit that Indians -as they gain literacy, are heading to. Limited by their own limitations.

To be fair Kerala had religions landing up much before the other parts in the region. These are seen as some kind of achievement but the reality is they worked to segregate an already despicable bunch. In the early part of 20th century there were many positives, and I am not here to elaborate these, it’s the contemporary concerns that matters. There is nothing charming about religions in contemporary world. Christianity in Kerala is nothing but another bunch of power broker haggling for their herds. They construct ugly monstrous structures in already densely populated region to awe the herds indicating lack of concern for contemporary reality and evolved nuances of living (huge temples and mosques are equally cringey and nauseating) and drill in miracle book that contains regressive anachronistic values and isolate from realities of life.  Kerala had the advantage of literacy that can be easily traced to Christianity but now its presence is regressive. As with everything in a primitive society religion has a control over media hence charlatans in political parties. Media outlets effortlessly identified caring interests of respective religion. Christian controlled media is quite powerful and influential meanwhile equally regressive for market driven concerns of putrid pit. They play beleaguered minority at the national level and pose as some exotic savior of secularism. These are the worst kind of people taking advantage of cannibalistic value systems that permeated into every aspect of sickening lives of herds from sanctum irrespective of religion. Christian media vehemently promotes caste organizations as part of news and shows enthusiasm for squatter’s world view as they assuage Christian herds of their special place in diversity. Degraded media is habituated to pose inanities as news. Wonder whether to call herd controllers and power brokers as journalists. They are known to openly align with Castetva congress working the narration of liberal secular saviors. A party essentially of bickering feudals. It must be reminded that it is such a deviant society that it was the only state in India that voted Congress even after brutalities of Emergency (now Hindutva has nurtured such deviant herd vote bank in north India). Such is the level of degradation. A congress “leader” (byproduct of nepotism) was quoted recently “Gandhi only said when somebody hits you on the left cheek show them the right. He never said what happens when somebody hits you on the right cheek. We will break their jaw”. It’s a veiled threat to Left party on campus violence wherein the ideas of awareness of politics in youngsters through education system is diverted by charlatans into puppets for political vendetta. Kerala finds the lowest denominator on every egalitarian attempt. Literacy is ineffectual to extricate humans out from herds. Meanwhile the 'communist' CM is in 'imperialist' USA for treatment. Now that the Kerala model has collapsed. Kerala capitalized on christianity and communism to rise spectacularly in 1960s and 70s but the primitive society just couldn’t work on itself. It now spews grandeur of putrefying pit to rally the herds.    



Saturday, January 15, 2022

Commemorating Kumar Gandharva


Not into Indian "classical" music, actually don't even recognize it. Exposed to Carnatic music -that is ensconced in squatter's world, and with very rare exception I find it tedious and unable to connect -shows the quality and self assured arrogance that permeates the music. They are promoted by racket while 'folk' is alive and strongly connected to verve of life. There is a reason why western classical connects (not the high pitch singing though, I even went for paid sessions to understand but just couldn't connect to this one) sometimes brimming in tears -its searing and yes scary that you will be lost in a such beautiful world that you may not be able come back. Hindustani has much openness but trapped in "pristine purity" of cringe -the spiritual religion. Kumar Gandharva worked his magic by bringing in the subtleties of 'folk' into 'classic'. And really changed the syntax and aesthetics of music, context and narration. I wasn't aware of him until happen to land up in a festival on Kabir in late 1990s. When it comes to Indian music Kumar Gandharva is right there in a special place. The other day I was listening to him and realized it was his death anniversary. Humanistic prose of Kabir find voice through Kumar Gandharva and epitomizes everything that is human. These humanistic value system were severely degraded by Castetva forces and now passed onto Hindutva (and the worst binary projected through Islam). Religions are serious threat to humanity. Any system that seeks to nurture religion is therefore a threat to humanity. Religion can exist in sidelines but cannot be given primacy that is being appropriated for last many decades. It cannot be allowed to intrude into human identity. Religion is a pity, and really is woefully incapable to contain vastness of life. 

Ud jayega hans hauntingly beautiful rendition.

Imagine a world where language could listen
Words could understand
Say the things soul sense
And express itself in pause 
Imagine the words as breath itself
That gives life in prose, and music

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Black hole 
There is a stillness that grows and summons at busiest of hour
Reaching the expanse of blue sky, envelopes the darkness of the space
Relating with random breeze, synchronizes with fireflies
Merges into the pastel yellows and blues of garden flowers
It presents in the most chaotic occasion as a drop of silence
Eating into loudest of noise, turning gibberish into music
Scatter thoughts into meaningless, memories into hallucination
Past into illusions
It exists, you can sense it, but is unknowable
Like a vortex in space time
When you know you cannot tell, if you tell it vanishes
What goes in cannot come out, if it comes out it’s not the same
Event horizon a realization  
Of living and dying into expanding still.