Friday, February 06, 2015

Uncouth India exhibits itself at the highest level

Someone send across this picture the other day. He was very angry. The anger was on expected jingoistic framework of ‘respect the martyr’s wife’ so on. I have nothing against these, after all a nation state is duty bound to take care of its martyr. Jingoism is part of democracy in primitive societies. In countries like USA it’s on the sleeves, as the market dominated crude society just has veneer of sophistication as most don’t put premium on knowledge but on acquisition while sensibilities are outsourced to faith running rackets. It has an amazingly horrendous variety of irresponsible middle class that increasingly belligerent, uncouth and mediocre Indians have taken it as reference of everything modern.

It is therefore quite appropriate that USA President is also in the framework of this amazing travesty that one can observe in the picture. It is an occasion of highest level of prestige for the nation but look how the Indians have performed. I cannot blame the present government as they are only following the ‘tradition’. It goes back to India’s freedom fighters and the framework they put across for the modern nation, well supported by tail wagging writers, thinkers and dutifully reported by intellectually challenged journalists. It is the squatter’s framework that strives to strike balance the heftiness of modernity. Mukherjee (the temple hopper with inbuilt jee) is engrossed in his duty to the nation, so are others. The umbrella bearers are seen giving the masters respite from vicissitudes of nature so that they can concentrate on bigger matters (does their job profile mentions about umbrella holding?). That this doesn’t extend to the ‘martyr’s wife’ –a young woman arguably facing intense personal turmoil. Normal people/system would have seen to ease her discomfort.  Mukherjee, who all the while seeing rain drizzle on her, could have taken the umbrella and given her some comfort or atleast he could have asked someone, or even snapped his little finger. That he couldn’t, that nobody could, is what defines Indians. The nonviolent barbarians. It is a zombie moment at the highest level.

Now let’s come to other detail which is part of hallowed tradition. Look at the size of chair, apparently the host has bigger (ornated, oversized) chair compared to ‘chief guest’. How wonderful!! Even the most impoverished families when entertaining a guest would extend the best that is there to offer, sometimes at their own acute discomfort. They may not know much about attithi devo bhava but they understand propriety. Temple hopping Mukherjee will see nothing amiss, he is in the world of blessedness, bigger chair is ordained by higher forces which he has no control over. It's squatter’s framework modified, to show thyself the center of the world, that our freedom fighting elitist leaders and disgusting bureaucrats have put in place.

Last month I was travelling in Delhi metro, and as it happens sometimes you have some ‘nutcase’ talk loudly. This elderly man was talking to everyone who cares to listen, one or two people responded. He raised some relevant questions and one of them being; why is the President of India staying in ‘500acres house’ (I didn’t cross check, I don’t want to) while most people don’t even have place to stay. Quite relevant thought. Clearly the scoundrels who were the leaders (indeed masquerading freedom fighters but aiming at lick from the transfer of power) wanted to replicate British model, despite the apology of freedom. President was to be compared to the monarch. The so called leaders from Nehrus to Patels to Radhakrishnans didn’t see anything amiss. That the elected leader i.e. PM will be seen as subservient to someone who stands for pomp and grandeur, essentially was to put the elected leader in his/her ‘lowly’ place.  I am underlining it because this is what Indians are good at. The idea of President as an essential continuity from electoral matters is understandable but as expected they messed up on pomp. It is disgraceful that a disparity driven nation has ‘not much to do’ and ‘unelected’ head displaying the degrading pomp, a feudal reminisce. It’s amazing that they just couldn’t hide their admiration for British monarchy, essentially a self-justification for their entitled degrading squatter’s value system. This is replicated in every state in the name of Governor, a wasteful specie, a regret hoisted on state government.   

Rastrapathi Bhavan should be a museum, displaying best of India, also a part can be reserved to host foreign heads by the PM. President should be given a small two room set where he/she can undertake constitutional function when called upon to without much pomp. I know these are wishful thinking, nor have any President so far refused to stay at Rashtrapathi Bhavan, referring to colossal waste hoisted on people.  

Now to the matter of displaying military might. These are done by insecure societies, and have much pride of place in primitive societies, indeed their constant cultural references hang around these. This blogger finds people who wear fancy dress (also referred to as uniform) and trained to kill others, and in the process getting killed as extremely saddening. There are many who are ready to fight and die for the geographical region called nation, and it is duty of the nation to compensate and respect these martyrs. Considering that mullah indoctrinated rabid dogs are on constant itch across the border. But this blogger is against increased militarisation of society, soldiers needn’t be celebrated (primitive market like USA are good at these, they mainstream these through gun hugging movies). A soldier singing war mongering song to young child is not poignant moment, I think it borders to child abuse. Anachronism cannot be celebrated. A soldier is essentially someone who has to follow orders and lay his life when asked to, it needs an exceptionally low intellect human to be trained to do these. Amazingly in the construct of nation-state, feudal egos, prestige and chauvinisms these are much easier than what is assumed. There are millions who will queue up to give lives away. EU has done away with borders, a remarkable achievement. But societies across the world haven’t changed much in centuries despite modern gadgets. For instance, in India every other movie is about some low brow fellow in uniform -mostly police, as savior. Art becomes degradation, freedom an apology. But I really cannot blame since the surroundings are becoming increasingly insecure, societies are not enlightening.  

Coming to the speech made by Obama at Sirifort, the market media had their pick, indeed it all was frenzy. For people these overenthusiasm, that Indian media are prone to, are an embarrassment. Pretentious one’s looking to embarrass the government with its agenda, Obama gave the bytes that could be interpreted anyway you could. Clever fellow. This blogger though expresses his protest in his strongest terms on something market media missed. ‘Caste’ is not expression of ‘diversity’. Mr Obama should be careful with the kind of bleeding hearts from whom he gets his brief in India. These are disgraceful people. Caste/casteism is racism. He better know it and should be careful with Indians, they know how to camouflage their nastiness.
The other day I was watching Shekhar Gupta, a senior journalist -in Indian it means they may not have much insight into Indian society or any association to their problem but would know how to associate with power structure and further their career. Guptaji is battle hardened, meaning he understands the minds of devious politicians and political parties. How much is that an achievement I wouldn’t know but yes he has the power and clout. What else you need!! Now our man was interviewing Bhagwati, the economist. I am quite convinced now that economists are quite dumb people. They have not much understanding of social context, and try their best to fit in their economics theories. There is nothing original about these obnoxious people. Bhagwati seems to have issues with Sen, and does crosses lines of decency. I am not a fan of pretentious names dropper like Sen (though I like some of his writings) but Bhagwati was vicious. Never mind, why get into fight of two economists, who seems like equally dumb (with Sen having found greatness in Sanskrit. The necessary balance that he avoids makes him obnoxiously puerile. In the context of things this man should apologise). Bhagwati exhibited his lack of intellect by claiming his casteist reference ‘I am a bania, like Gandhi’. Guptaji too chucked in ‘I too am bania’. It's called camaraderie, senior journalists worth his salt are known to play these. It's an upward mobile password. It’s like referring Martin Luther King as ‘Negro’. Though caste reference is worse than racism but the funny thing is King would be appalled being referred to as Negro, while Gandhi wouldn’t have any problem being referred to as Bania. It’s called tolerance, unity in diversity. Likes of Shekhar Gupta should be in fringes of civilised society, the fact that he sashay as senior journalist is what this society is all about.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Deeply saddening

…for many many years Laxman’s cartoons began the day. I even had books of his cartoons that were quite popular. And one could look at it for hours, each stroke effortlessly well considered!! Brilliant (though I will add there were sometimes too many words, ironically the 'common man' rarely spoke!!). For most it was ‘common man’, for me it were the crows. He understood crow. You could look at them for eternity  

Friday, January 09, 2015

An enlightened culture attacked

The brutal incident in France is undoubtedly a serious attack on a society and the enlightened values that it stands for.  In the last few hundred years French society –with some eminent thinkers and philosophers, has been pivotal in our attempts to understand and create a just and equitable world, the foundation on ideas of modernity. The individual rights and liberty is the foundation on which progress of the societies are hinged, it opened up an amazing world that questioned the primacy of entitled world. A framework that sought to create just, wherein, individual liberty was paramount. The people around the world, particularly the oppressed lot, owe it to a large extend to France that provided space to some amazing thinkers. One would add that though these ideas on enlighten worldviews were present in most societies around the world, even in what is deemed as ‘most primitive’, but these were far and wide, blip here and there, and were mostly subjugated by dominant barbarity and rarely could find much outlet to thrive. It was in West, specifically France, that these found wider acceptance and became a way of life. It therefore became the framework that inspired and fuelled individuals to attain amazing heights. The modern values that were hinged on enquiry and frank, persistent, questioning of nature of things became foundation to egalitarian values. Technological advancements were to a large extent possible because of ideas of individual liberty and rights that consolidated these. The world owes French society a lot, and it is this foundational idea, this culture that is being attacked. 

Entitled world is much dangerous, as it has prejudices inbuilt. Religion becomes just another clever idea that gestates on feudal values. The reason why enlightened thoughts in religions rarely percolate, and if ever, confined to narrow section, individual space, a painful existence. That brings to a very pertinent question: Why don’t ordinary Muslims convert to some other religion or non-religion? They have all the reasons, indeed they should, to avoid these miserable realities. As much as lower section of Hindus must convert to Christianity as it promises better opportunities of education and progress. There is no change of god, there really never was, it is choosing the circumstances that makes one feel better. I guess it is the enlightened people or the oppressed who understand the value of these. Human beings are born into humanity and not into any religion. It is therefore incumbent on the society to provide space for choices herein. Everything must be questioned, few years back, restraint was the word I favoured on these matters, but things are changing as the world is. Even the basic norms of aesthetics are being questioned. Restraint cannot be cloaked in tolerance of brutal and fear of worst. This blackmail has to be resisted for the sake liberty and values that it upholds.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Lessons for Britain on Indian Sickularism

As I am now quite aware of ways of Indian mediocre elites, the shock is immense, the edifices are quite weak. I used to wonder why Indians are given such low value in international scene, though craving but constantly in denial, concomitantly making wonderful counter stories of greatness that doesn’t need international validation. These elites who are generally erstwhile squatters and quite fervently adhere to the exploitative framework, indeed they have to, since that is the only validation they can muster and entitled benefits accrued over generation is the sole possession. Then there is the networking that easily skims over any competitions, therefore entitled merit. They have conveniently spread across the spectrum of the society, stampeding where there is money and high moral ground to be taken. Consequently they are conscience keepers, and without much personal conscience to trouble their little primitive world they pupate. 

What differs from squatters who masquerade secularism and the right wing (sometime also referred to as Hindu nationalist by foreign media), is nothing significant. It’s a clever work that claims modernity through fig leaf of so called secularism. Secularism (essentially sickularism, the degradation) is about feeding mullahs. This act gets intense scorn from the right wing; therefore the sickularist flares it further and claim high moral ground herein from reaction to these provocations. The framework of sickularism may look egalitarian and compelling indicator of western modern values, a closer scrutiny will prove the sham. Feeding mullah becomes an end and all, not only there is a claim on minority protection but slyly mullah is strengthened to work on the votebank. Emboldened mullah demands further regression and society gets degraded and communalised. And so emerge bravehearts and bleeding hearts of liberalism while mullah acquires status of minority icon. Feeding him becomes final act of sickularist redemption.  

It need be noted in this play act squatter’s framework remains intact and is judiciously safeguarded as culture. Blatant casteism acquires new meanings, all torchbearers of sickularism relish these with gusto, indeed it also adds to the compelling narration of sickularism too as casteism divides Hindus therefore helps mullahs. How wonderful, this diversity! This wedge is exploited to its crudest possible manner. How much these cause misery to common people is none of their concern, nor the racism involved herein. In this primitive conception with feudal and entitled benefits they work egalitarian values. With such benefits squatters gain browny point without as much moving their butt an inch and ransack all that could be. Gandhi was the final con act. Now that he is well established as Mahatma –clearly proving sickular squatter’s firm control over narration in last many decades, the furious attempts to establish him as man of peace went unchallenged, or most likely pushed aside. The lowest sections of society were always vehemently against Gandhi, the devious Gandhians did drop in to meet ‘god’s people’. Gandhi had the audacity to claim that he represented all Hindus, wherein he was clearly not competent for the same nor had the authority but the cunningly built moral aura worked out the trick. The oppressed sections were stamped out, so was the narration of protest against Gandhi. 

Though the narration of oppressed section against Gandhi was pushed out in all its characteristic ferocity from the mainstream discourse another narration against Gandhi was exaggerated and readied for milking for sickularism sake. This was the right wing squatter narration, indeed which led to murder of Gandhi. You see, squatters can only acknowledge squatters, even leaders like Ambedkar didn’t match up (Ambedkar has been quite a spectacular resurrection in recent times…Guhaji quotes Shourie, and you know Shourie!…so thrives Ambedkar damning Gandhian heritage). The tradition of eulogising Godse is not new, what is new is recent attention by liberal squatter driven media. If Indians can take Gandhi as Mahatma, then they will have to also tolerate Godse cult, the moral hurt is a simple exaggeration. For common Indians these are from the same framework. Killing of an individual is undoubtedly an appalling act but barbaric nonviolence has caused much misery than all of holocaust manifolds. Gandhi as a mahatma is very much an exaggeration that has been planted on people, must add quite successfully. Therefore counter narrations should have its place in democracy. Right wing squatters as murderers of Gandhi was mainstreamed, therefore by implication against Gandhian values. Close analysis will point to the fact that Gandhi didn’t differ much from right wing squatters. They come from the same insular degrading framework with minor differences in trajectories. Nevertheless Sickular squatters in Congress milked this to hilt while they carried on their nefarious acts that included apart from other things blatant nepotism and corruption. It is not a surprise that BJP has quite easily appropriated Gandhi. That Nehru was man of scientific mind was taken care by revelation of his desires for astrology and other squatter preferences, ofcourse being a Panditji! You scratch a bit and you see they are all similar, even for that matter comrade Namboodripad, whatever compelling narration of personal tribulations and so on. This blogger want a full and complete disclosure of fate of Subhash Chandra Bose, that will surely put the role of India’s freedom fighters in its proper context. Incidentally they are groovy about Indian mercenaries who fought for imperial forces in WW1 but nothing of that sort for INA. Bose was pushed out as violent (so was brilliant Bhagat Singh) while during the same period ‘apostle of peace’ gave the clarion call, ‘sweet persuasion’, of ‘do or die’ and ensuing violence that led to millions of people massacred and displaced, it is being sold as independence. It needs amazing dexterity to weave in story of nonviolence, independence and celebrate colonial Britain’s mercenaries. And yes the brown sahibs know where the cookies are.  
This kind of hypocritical nonsense is what defines this society, therefore this mediocre and primitive society shouldn’t be allowed to take high moral grounds in international forums. They even had the audacity to name nuclear testing on Buddha. That is how squatters payback, the crudeness of it. Further, Indian elites have degraded European societies with their worldview that needs closer scrutiny. The swagger of arrogant sycophant like Mani Shankar Iyerji with glittering beacon has a long tale to tell. The mullah centred secularism (i.e. sickularism) has also become a mainstay in Britain. I have few questions here. Can you in the name of secularism and minority right degrade human rights? Mullah’s view is not the only understanding of Islam nor Islam the only claimant to minority, indeed nor minority only about religion. A religion that has so much of primitiveness in it cannot be allowed to hold humanity on ransom. Though egalitarian views exist they are being pushed out and a polarising degrading form of Islam is being sought to be protected as minority right and religious freedom. Furthermore what are the rights of counterviews in Islamic states? This is needed to put as necessary balance on understanding the intent of practitioner of religion. Saudi is arguably the most venom spewing society with crude worldview, how much they have caused misery in poorer societies with their petrodollar crude form of Islam is a serious matter. Mullah feeding sickular squatters in India will avoid these, as its spoils their narrations of wonderful world they create to take away attention from their stinking beacons and affiliated primitive world. 

How can entrenched patriarchy accepted as human rights? If woman is covering her face as mullah’s Islam demands then it should be equally applicable to male also.  If not, then it is violation of human rights of woman. In a devious twist (that sickular squatters in India has potential to) it is being argued as woman’s choice! Yes everyone has choice to wear what they want. We aren’t talking of individual choices here we are questioning the system here. And we find that this system is blatantly (crudely) patriarchal, acquiescing to these will therefore will be violation of human rights. Further, children brought up under such deviant/ medieval system will find it difficult be normal or accomodative, the reason why Britain finds itself asking what went wrong, as multicultural dividends blow themselves up around the world. The obnoxious practice of polygamy can exist only in mediocre society like India. This is sickular squatter’s idea of keeping right wing squatters at constant provocation as they deep chisel liberal benefits from the reactions. Polygamy can only be allowed if the same system recognises polyandry otherwise it is biased hence violation of basic rights.  In this case it is blatantly misogynistic, and Islamic countries have time and again proven it. Such amazing biases thrive to its ludicrous level in primitive Saudi. This misery is what Indian sickularism seek to proudly strut to the outside world, indeed some of them even position themselves as spokesperson of Indian culture! Overwhelming nature of patriarchal and feudal nature of society has ensconced these. 

So sickular squatters who originate from primitive conception seek to redeem themselves and divert the attention by feeding mullahs. This sickularism is a beatification process, and they constantly rub it on the right wing squatters, who are shown to be wanting on modern values. The reaction from right wing is easily played as threat to egalitarian worldview. Apart from emboldening racism as culture, it degrades people and sets in entitled mediocrity, it demeans individuals. All these while sickular squatters, in a spectacular display of hereditary cunningness, climb higher and subtler moral ground riding on mullah’s shoulders. Mullah’s worldview therefore acquires standpoint on minority. It has reached to such a ridiculous level that even in societies where they claim high social indices like kerala, mullahs fiercely demand reducing marriage age of girls, so the one who is seen as paedophile in civilised world becomes culture icon in mullah driven minority protection scheme. Sickular squatter judiciary also up the ante and tends to show some magnanimity. Mullah becomes necessary redemption tool for sickular squatters, it is an amazing conception that keeps all the cruder traditions intact as also privileges that discriminate while strutting modern world fast lane. The halo is shifted from temple precincts to greater ideals for humanity. Gandhi turned out to be the trump card. As expected they exaggerated him, so much so that one wonders whether the man was real!

One can see clear tracks of sickular squatters in Britain. Colonial regrets of coloniser morphs into patronising attitude towards former colonised, this opportunity is effectively used by Indian elite. Irony being, though Britain has reformed (nesting on colonial plunder, grand views comes easy in this luxury) Indian elite are just as primitive. Most South Asian in Britain are product of feudalistic pits, the regressive pointers from these they hawk as culture. Indians make a special case of it. Their instinctive craving for white Europeans and immense enthusiasm for monarchical references are in direct proportion to the disgust for the issues of blacks. You will rarely see them in any of these protests related to the racism, having firmly aligned themselves to the whites, they are baffled at being equated with black ‘slaves’. Innocent and unbridled souls entrenched in squatter’s world see these as an affront to their high culture and entitled world they are so used to. They therefore try to emulate the whites as an attempt to get the civilized garb. Almost all the modern references in India come from this framework, as the squatters had firm say on the narration. The reason why Indian system suffer from colonial hang-up, while elite exhibit their brown sahib credential effused in squatter’s framework in desperately hints at modernity. White Europeans always find expatriate Indians charming and agreeable lot, albeit sometimes more agreeable than expected or needed. Some even get titled as ‘Lord’, a natural trajectory for any squatter, undoubtedly an acknowledgement from god thyself. Though it needs a little tap from Aunt Elzi, and that is what takes it to newer heights of human conscience. I am told that Rushdie in his enthusiasm for freedom of expression persuasion tried to jump the queue. Lord Desaiji’s next milestone is a statue of Gandhi (there is a serious dearth of it) as a final act of redemption. Sickularism pus is overflowing and is degrading societies...