Tuesday, January 24, 2006

very free media....

We all know by now about Noushad. It’s all there in the Media for last few days. He is an Indian (a keralite to be specific) in Riyadh found guilty in a crime by a Saudi court and therefore according to Islamic laws ordered to gouge his one eye out (in medieval times these laws had its validity but in the contemporary world it is nothing short of barbarism. But then that is a different issue, we can take up later). The family of Noushad is now in Delhi to plead their case with the king of Saudi Arabia, who is to be in Delhi as chief guest of Republic Day parade. That seems unnecessary since it was reported yesterday that Noushad has been pardoned by the Saudi court, offcourse that doesn’t mean he is released and therefore might have to serve the sentence in prison…..we might say ok that is where it ends. Well no. There seems to be a conspiracy angle to the issue or better still the incident was bogus, unnecessary breast beating by the family. …
The esteemed readers of a south based “traditionally concerned” newspaper had reported as early as December 2005 that Noushad has been released, on the front page with photos of parents hugging the man (see the accompanying snap).

It had all the ingredients of a touching story, a sure shot copy seller or TRP buster as the case may be. Or probably this was not fake, it was a case of clairvoyance!!. An added attribute in journalism. Few days back I saw in one of the TVchannels an anchor being asked from the studio about a politician “what do you he might be thinking??!!!!” (well if cricket pitches can “behave” then we can know what other people are thinking verbatim live on TV. That is the job of the journos!!. Aint we in post modern world. Who said humans are not catching up with technological innovations?!!). As it turns out in the case of Noushad being “released”, the reasons are far earthier than otherworldly winking. Apparently our saviors in the media got confused. When kids go for entrance exams they sometimes get confused answering from four options, so don’t get the job. Here our crusaders in the media were faced with two nail crunching options. One was Mr.Noushad in Riyadh another was Mr.Sijo Jose in Baghdad. Sijo was taken by American invaders in iraq on some suspicion and later released. Probably both being keralaite was the confusing part. Well Riyadh could be Baghdad!!. This is about competence!!. I reckon this is something more than glorious heights of competence. This is plane arrogance of the Indian elites, which we have been experiencing for decades now. All these immigrants to gulf countries are mostly from lower middle class family. Despite the fact that their contribution to Indian economy has been substantial since early 60s they have been treated quite roughly. The facilities provided for them are substandard whether it’s the flights to gulf or support by the Indian government for the needy through embassies. There has been cases of hundreds of people going missing, some duped. Infact such is the case that there is a weekly TV program in one of the channels dealing with the issue(I personally know people who were involved in the business of duping youngsters. In fact in 70s and 80s it was as much a cottage industry. I also know lots of people who wanted to go to gulf but got duped and ended up settling in Bombay-the shame of coming back, as also those who went and made big, some brought gold in toothpaste!!! and offcourse fancy toys and then made extrabig palatial houses). The government's and media's role has been that of apathy. In such a scene getting the names wrong is not at all surprising. After all they are just numbers. So a sijo can be noushad. Ditto vice versa. The anglicized czars in media cannot “stoop”, I guess.
Apart from these glaring mistakes we come across on daily basis in Media -print and visual, the prioritizing of news by marketers on its saleabilty is a serious threat. The news in common peoples domain get trivialized or sometimes sidelined- the issue of people protesting against coca-cola pepsi factories around the country as it takes away their basic needs is an example in this context. The glamour and sensationalism is defining moment for TRP. This is not to deny that there are some spectacular and very responsible people in the Media but they have become very defensive and in most cases doing a tight rope….more on this sometime later.

Although we have serious concern on human rights violations in Saudi Arabia, a case of narrow and selective interpretation of religion, a misuse I guess. I do admire the concept of burying the dead from royal families in anonymous graves. Recently it was done to King Fahd-who incidentally was a very nice man. I have interacted with people who had spend time in Riyadh (also with a shiekh who had come for Ayurvedic massage). It's very sad, sometimes religion doesn't give much space for common people. Rather than catering to need of the situation in its context and specificities the response is sometimes robotic...
Talking of leaders from this region who recently expired but were admired was the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Maktoum. He was very much liked by people of Kerala. When monarchs of Saudi shifted into anonymity of after life the pharaohs in ancient Egypt were scared of afterlife anonymity!!!. They did everything to carry the grandeur to next world. What is the case in India??. Well there are many contradicting theories and practices and so much chaos. That makes us very funny people. A case: It was reported in a TV channel that monkeys are creating nuisance in court premise in Delhi’s lower court. The monkeys were stealing files and food, generally scaring people. The Delhi HC asked the MCD to take action. The MCD’s reply was typical: We are not into monkey catching!!!. Some of the people who talked to media had their own take. They say it was the soul of dead lawyers that has entered into monkey’s body to finish some task left incomplete when they lived!!. Considering the number of cases pending in the courts all over the country the monkey menace is just going to increase!!!!!!.