Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Stamp the scoundrels out….pledge on woman's day

There are many ways these scoundrels use women, to sell their products. Understanding that Business is important, gives living and employment to millions of needy is different from some of these elites in this field who use….manipulate will be the right word, the system and create misery. One case in hand is that of morphed figure of Actress Khushboo in some trash magazine. The lady’s face is pasted on a semi clad woman. This according to the editor (aka Marketer, it is interchangeable these days…it’s about grabbing the opportunity!!. And God forbid if you don't grab grab grab the opportunity then lick lick lick!!!!. And please don’t mistake this for enthusiasm….thanks Ravi for the input…hope sirji you are blogged in!!!) is a “funny thing” as it is a common happening abroad. The scoundrel later apologized profusely when the actress concerned thrashed him with defamation suit. I sincerely hope the court gives this fellow (and the likes of his ilk) severe and exemplary punishment. They degrade famous people (you can imagine what common people have to go through if this can happen to well known people) and then create controversy to sell more copies. Infact this issue has helped this trash magazine to publicize itself. Free of cost (an ultimate achievment!!). The ploy seems to have worked (cheers to that) offcourse at the expense of others. When profit is the defining factor who is bothered of somebody’s dignity being vulgarized or humiliated (and this we are informed is funny…such scoundrels). This was clever manipulation of earlier issue (that ultimate sacred issue of pre marital sex….the most significant issue facing humanity after offcourse Iran crisis, and Hiroshima bombing!! Strictly in that order) wherein this actress’s statement was taken out of context….and some equally clever people try to take political mileage out of it. Maybe the magazine tried to capitalize on the “sex talks”….you never know how a marketers mind works and where he/she can sniff profit. As a line in one of the Godard movie (I guess it was in Praise of Love) says …..“they make whore of our life and then sell it to make a living”. Very precise, as Godard always is. Given chance these scoundrels will denigrade any women to sell whatever they want. How about doing this to their own maa-behans, and lets see how funny it is assuming that maa-behans of these scum of humans are waiting to be used for what is assumed as funny.
Sometime back I had the misfortune to see a play titled Vaginal monologue. Actually I had gone to see this play with lots of expectations as it was being acclaimed as something worth…very disappointed indeed. A very dumb attempt no doubt. The stupid play was about some nymphomaniac get-together….funny at times. How it got the feminist twist is beyond me (probably that makes me conservative…well thank you). Tomorrow it will be about some farter club get together!!!. And that would be celebrated by elites as truly human experience!!. Such cheapskates. Time to get their priorities right, not that i am bothered. The reason why I am writing about this play is to point an interesting fact. The play had the characters celebrating womanhood (first cousins of Egyptian brotherhood atleast in their intent, albeit flawed!!!) by referring to vagina in different languages but what they didn’t dare is the most commonly used hindi term (chooth to be precise!!). Reason???. Well if they start using street language particularly of poorer societies how will they be elite?. So "Fuck you" is more sophosticated than theri gand maroo (not that i am here to celebrate these cheap talk. I never use such words unless offcourse to teach the sophosticated elites on street manner!!!. And puncture their carefully constructed world. Believe me it's hundred percent fun!!!!!! ). Got what I am saying. Its about anglicized chooths and their angst!!!. Pardon for the language but this how you deal with scoundrels. Out of touch with reality offcourse we are playing to the foreign audience….aint I right!!!!.