Friday, October 17, 2008

Arbitrary dismissals are very shocking…

The recent dismissal nearly 2000 workers from Jet Airways is shocking. The reason being the way it was handled, there are some rules and norms to be followed I guess. To be told out of the blue that you are out of job can be very distressing, anyway it is not something rare, sensitivity has no space in profit driven world. This bloggers accepts the fact that employers are within their right to dismiss employees but there should be safeguards against arbitrary actions. Also the government is not in the business of “bailing out” companies nor reduce taxes as and when some corporate demands or take policy decision for the sake of few companies. This is defined as corruption. Policy decisions are taken keeping in mind the overall context not narrow exigencies, I as a citizen would like to know more on these decisions. The companies will have to find their own way or perish. Aviation companies closing down is nothing new. A decade back there were Damania, East West Airlines and so on. What happened to them?. Industry will survive companies may collapse, it is not a miracle it is just that people who want to travel by air will find a way. Also how come the employers or the people owning these firms not responsible for the loss, clearly they are also the “flab”. Some might say their flamboyant lifestyle is their personal issue but then since when was profit earning of few companies concern of state.

Post Script: the latest news is that sacked employees are taken back, this blogger is confused as to how the Business are run!!. The hoarding above is quite ironical!!