Wednesday, November 05, 2008

America rises with OBAMA !!

Finally America has come out of the morass they have been in last decade or so. Something incredible has happened: a rank outsider, and that is understatement for someone who is almost like a foreigner. I guess almost is an interesting word here since Obama is quintessentially an American, but that makes it amazing. (Despite tall claims of democracy India is mostly closed to socio-cultural outsiders, for most it is an uphill task in daily life too. Though thanks to elections there have been some political leaders who can claim to be outsiders like Mayawati. Entrenched societies have their advantages and disadvantages. Ridiculous comments on Sonia Gandhi as a foreigner during last elections fall into this context). Obama’s win is an occasion that changes the perception of USA for the better.

It is a win for America. It is a win for all that is beautiful about America. It is a symbolic win for humanity. Having said that reality check is: Obama is an American President and therefore he will have to stand for national interests (like for instance Al Quaeda remains a serious threat). One is not expecting any radical changes but yes some significant changes for better. Hopefully this will be a step for multilateralism in dealing with issues facing the world. Hopefully this is a change towards empowering UN. (Also in the Indian context this blogger hopes that the “nuclear deal” with US doesn’t mean that Indians will get away with nuclear testing. India will have to follow the international rules including CTBT. The commies might call this “sovereign right”-symptoms of schizophrenia no doubt. But then commies are good as opposition they should never be in power. It is dangerous. India’s sovereign right should not precede interest of the humanity. The deal should be nullified if Indian tries any nonsense. And yes for the record as an Indian this blogger asserts that most Indians never had any deep love for Bush. On these matters Singh is not King!!. No apologies there). This blogger strongly holds the view that the rise of authoritarian China is a serious threat to world. Also happenings in Burma is a challenge to conscience of the humanity. If someone could explain what is the crime of Aung San Suu Kyi?.

Obama’s win (indeed win for Democrats in particular leaders like Nancy Palosi) surely need to be seen as assertion of America’s rightful place in the world we live in. Nations don’t become powerful by military nor economic might, it becomes powerful by ethical force. The force of righteous, the force of liberty, the force of people to stand up for rights of common people. By this vote Americans have proved that.