Thursday, April 09, 2009

Aha what a lovely sight this is !!

The condition of women in Rajasthan is considered to be pitiable; every statistic associated with the state doesn’t favor women. But the indices may hide some remarkable changes that are happening in this region, it is a silent revolution. Sometime back I was at a Bishnoi village and saw this girl riding her bike carrying her mother and younger brother, she stopped next to the shop and helped her mother do some purchase and rode away in style!!. The best part was nobody noticed her indicating that this was quite a common happening here. I asked a boy about this he said women drive cycles and bikes here. Not only that most shops were being run by women. The tea shop were I was waiting for bus (took one hour that one) had this girl who made tea. It so happened that two men asked for tea, she brought three cups, they said they wanted only two. She replied why don’t two of you have three cups today!!. Before the men could assess the situation and come with a rejoinder she had left!!. They ended up drinking three cups!!. I liked what I saw took her pics surreptitiously. Best part here is that they are not trying to prove a point but just carrying on with their life (unlike elite who rarely face any bias, and so high on symbolism, to play victims through provocative market driven western narration). This space for change is how society progresses. How about two wheeler rallies for girls in rural areas? The remarkable coincidence here is that these photos were taken on March 8th –International day for women (I came to know about that only in the evening!!).

In contrast to Rajasthan, indices in Kerala might look like favoring women and it is true. But the reality is the State is stinking. The consumerism initiated changes are hollow and degrading (the serious consolidation of obsession for Gold in recent times by aggressive marketing is disgusting to say the least; it is a society that has started to putrefy). In contrast States like Rajasthan and TN this blogger see lots of potential. Many years back when I was looking for employment someone suggested Civil Services; I tried my luck and got a call for Main exam. They asked to write an essay on something about “literacy and education”. I did a comparative study on Kerala and Rajasthan, and tried to prove that Kerala might have more literacy but is poor on education vis-à-vis Rajasthan. I couldn’t help recalling these.

Pic here is of women waiting for bus. As I took this picture a man came and start talking to me he saw the pictures and asked how much educated I was. He said that is the difference between him and me he couldn’t go to school and now he is suffering, he is making sure that his children go to school. his gazing eyes did make me uncomfortable though.

Post script: I regret using some foul language in the earlier blog, got bit emotional (I am not very professional I guess!!). But when many victims are taking very few names of politicians (Tytler’s name being prominent. Also note he was indicted by Nanavati Commission) there must some truth in it. Further you know the machinery is politicized and they have kept it hanging it for decades and evidence easily destroyed or manipulated.