Sunday, December 20, 2009

Polluters celebrate at Copenhagen

With so much expectation and optimism Copenhagen turned out to be a serious failure, they have with their irresponsible and criminal inaction has put the planet in peril. The attitude of some countries is unpardonable. This includes USA and BASIC countries, the industrialized countries of Europe are not without blame. They made suckers of world and must say with impunity. This blogger strongly feels that majority of the country (that includes G-77) should come together and impose embargo on products from these countries, the irresponsible behavior at Copenhagen should be punished. Concerned and affected countries of the world should come together to discuss this and take action at the earliest. The polluters should pay: Now and Here. They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with their economic clout. Just imagine if say African continent (which is least polluter) decides to ban all trade links with major polluters how remarkable things would be. In the meantime citizens of countries like USA, China, India …so on take decision not to buy products from polluting nations and companies, then there could be meaningful transition. The clout of moneybags who have nothing but profit in their mind is quite significant that is the tragedy of the market economy, there is no premium on nature, it is an entity to be exploited.

There is lots of talk on development and progress. You just have to look at the position of India and China at the HDI index to get the full story. There is lack of equitable progress and yes environment has deteriorated meaning lack of sustainable development meaning benefits accrued by certain section. Indeed they have refused to take these seriously. The reason why there was so much celebration on non binding agreement. These vested interests constitue an insignificant section of world community and therefore not very difficult to rein in if there is a will.

Human beings are at cross roads and if we (frankly I am ashamed to be part of this specie) don’t get it right things are going to get worse and poorest are going to suffer. The reason why they should take action at the earliest: Ban the polluters. Come together and take decision on who the polluters are and take immediate action. Most people in the world will definitely support such moves. Give us that option

Small fish talks