This blogger extends his heartiest congratulations to Julian Assange for empowering conscientious whistleblowers (like Rudolf Elmer) across the world. This is amazing. Though I have a critical view on diplomatic ‘leaks’ that is about small talks with no much policy implication; that needn’t be basis of any value judgment it seem more of a nuisance (the market media might celebrate it as it works to their need of personalising issues and small talks, intruding privacy as freedom). There are some interesting details though, some quite devastating and the implication on recent happenings in Tunisia is no minor matter. It is also a grave matter that Assange has been implicated in some criminal case; there clearly is an attempt to malign him.
Corruption is scourge to societies around the world particularly the poorer. In a civilized world havens to park ill gotten money shouldn’t exist. This blogger has written earlier pointing to how these Swiss Banks (and other tax havens) are as much a threat as Al Qaeda if not more. Behind the veneer of sophistication they are greedy scoundrels. These revelations are fortuitous happenings and I hope the Indians who have parked illicit money anywhere in the world are accounted for. We want all the details. This blogger will be keenly following this one, in the meantime how about boycotting or some sanctions against rogue countries like Switzerland?