Thursday, November 03, 2011

G20 Meet and a fairytale…

There was once upon a time happy rich family who kept slaves. The slaves were told every day about how fortunate they are with so much freedom and stability in their life. The slaves could go out to see and watch. They saw the glamour and glitter, and felt blessed being in such presence. They were also given vision of fairytale future. They also learned to aspire. The slaves believed they were part of masters’ life, the more masters acquired more they felt they are developing and that their life holds much meaning. Though they worked more and created more the masters gained from their enterprise. In the meantime the masters lived an avaricious life, they partied and passed new thoughts and judgments on freedom and liberty. They also lived much beyond their means, as their lifestyle demanded such minor transgressions. So a day came when they were in serious debt. Since the slaves lives were dependent on masters’ fortune they were asked to tighten up, the slaves were to lose their salary and savings as the masters went in for austerity cut. That wasn’t enough for the masters, since their debt was too large, he called the slaves one evening after dinner and told them that they should save them. If you don’t save us you will suffer, said the masters wiping leftover food from their mouth. They asked slaves to sell their belongings so that they, the masters, can survive. Since if masters cannot survive what will happen to the slaves....

Someone may please complete the story. You could take hints and leads from speeches that will be made in Cannes!!