Friday, November 29, 2013

What about rights of pot bellied middle aged man?!!

People are getting quite patronizing these days trying to protect the ‘young girl’ from snooping. They are understandably agitated about bharath ki beti being snooped.  It is a common knowledge that girl becomes woman after marriage. So till then patriarchal media has every right to patronize and be protective.  Mr. Tendulkar has so graciously dedicated his Ratna to all mothers, which technically means one step ahead of being a woman. This is the most elevated position that an Indian woman can achieve that surely deserves a Bharat Ratna or atleast a dedication. It has terrific emotional returns. He surely is playing to the script. I am afraid too much on the script that he is becoming a mythical hero like zombie. Spreading happiness incidentally is also the mission of Coca cola. Touché. 

Meanwhile what about the rights of pot bellied hairy middle aged balding short darkish man at the bottom of the social pyramid? Doesn’t he have the right for privacy? Or is he a fair game for powerful people? Is snooping only concerns nubile damsels? Surely he is not a voyeuristic delight, one may faint (I don’t take responsibility of that!!), but he has his rights. Does anyone care? Here I am doing sheersaasn and trying to see whether the world is really upside down or am I imagining things.  Maybe I should morph into damsel in distress to arouse the patriarchal erotic urges of bharthiya sanskriti safeguarders. I am trying, to begin with pushing some fat into mammary gland region’s working!! One of these days I will be perfectly be suited to fight for. 

Equity is not matter of perception.