Friday, December 06, 2013

Viva Mandela !!!

Maharashtra needs Article 370

Maharashtrians, particularly based in Mumbai, too are “deeply vulnerable about their identity and insecure about the future” and therefore need Article 370 and other charming safeguards. The elites for their competing reasons use nuanced arguments to further their agenda, it comes coated with egalitarian worldview. They created the boundaries as they felt right and now come with nonsense arguments which may seem protecting rights but are insidious in its intent. They encourage fundamentalism in the name of secularism and in effect position themselves as liberal. Liberalism is then extended to extreme form of hedonism. Consumption of elites therefore becomes standpoint of egalitarianism. This is precisely what is happening in Kashmir. As they party swanking their liberal concerns, the mullah strengthen their hold. The common people get trapped in this competing force, the spiraling violence are security force actions. This is a familiar pattern.   

Article 370 is a dustbin case and it most definitely violates the basic structure of the constitution, it is an affront on democratic values and civilized norms. People of this country don’t want to live in history nor do they want to relive in the past follies of self serving elites. If my rights as a citizen of the country are violated in Kashmir then that is where the argument ends. I have no interest in any historic muck. Further I believe in integrating with humanity while keeping one’s positive part of identity alive. If Kashmiriyath has to be safeguarded so will be the compelling argument of Maharashtriyath. Kashmiriyath has neither precedence nor anything unique that Maharashtriyath doesn’t offer. Indeed that is true for any part of the country. The continuation of Article 370 even after so many decades after independence is an anachronism that must be addressed. If Kashmir needs Article 370 so does Maharashtra, all the arguments are equally valid. Myth making cannot substitute this reality and as far as Indian people are concerned this is the root of Kashmir problem. Nothing nuanced can undermine misery that it spreads.