Friday, April 04, 2014

It’s always pyrrhic win for the sake of people

When majority of people have quite low standards and little expectations on things, though they have all the opportunity to strive and ask for better, then to reach the common collective consensus the candidates will have to touch the lowest denominator with much alacrity. This is true in politics as also in entertainment. In India visceral need for social contact, and contract, has to go through the traditional temple squatter’s framework, this therefore plays a significant role in political representation too. The mediocre society is so twisted in itself that it doesn’t even know that it is being cannibalised. This is then left for the elite to manipulate and control, operate their nefarious greed. Thus the ruses of liberal, secular, development …so on. In Indian context all these will have to be closely scrutinised. 

The Congress leader, read Sonia Gandhi, is hobnobbing with mullahs, a breed that has the narrowest worldview. They are being given the position of community leaders, therefore secular symbols. On the same day she is seen doing havan, thus giving credibility to temple squatters, deviance as culture. This is symbolism of Congress party that is perfected over decades and in it you will see most problems of India. This is a party that has ruled India for most of the time since independence –having had refreshing view on independence struggle, I prefer to call it transfer of power struggle, unfortunately poor Bhagat Singh and his idealist colleagues took it too seriously!! They just transferred the power, the law and the legal framework remains oppressive, it is after years of struggle of some committed people and immense misery to common people that these are changed. The ruling elite in the meantime were working on new masks to keep the attention of people. 

Keeping caste alive, and condoning regressive rituals also keeps Hindus divided, this therefore is considered secular. It is a different matter this regressive system has caused immense miseries to common people and has kept Indian society bounded and mediocre. Assuaging the possible hurt (of egos, mostly) of elite Muslims is what secularism is reduced to, it has taken an immense toll on the society. This artificial concern has also to be put in the context that common people, who whether Hindus or Muslims don’t have much problems with each other, secularism as understood by Indians is something ingrained, they don’t need lessons on tolerance. These artificial conceptions are desperation of elite to accrue power and fill the void left by electoral demands. Another game in holier than thou framework is that in the struggle of one upmanship they try to corner each other. This pushes other side to extreme as a reaction, so mild mannered liberal Jinnah was pushed into mullahs camp. And so in the finality, temple squatters came out spiritually pure while mullahs scampered for pure land. People suffered. Land reforms should have been first thing on the list...

The liberal elite based in cities, at running distance from TV studios, play these fractures all the time for gains. Feeding mullahs therefore is secularism and feeding liberals is a step towards liberty, all at the expense of common people. Since these overlaps with feudalist nature of society have seen to it that no effective reforms to empower people were carried out (it is only recently that some movements is happening due to pressure from bottom, as things have started to spill over). The reason, that despite all grand claims, majority of Indians suffers at the bottom of table on most international statistics.

There is a ‘Save India from Modi’ campaign going on, to much amusement of common people. What these degraded people don’t realise is that Modi’s significance is because of Manmohan’s insignificance. It was a clever counter point that people lapped, tired of irresponsible leaders. This blogger though holds the view that BJP shouldn’t have declared Modi as PM candidate, it was not necessary and has opened up unnecessary interest. Wherein the discussion should have been focused on matters affecting common people and how UPA has failed miserably, indeed it is thier arrogance that prevented them from communicating even the achievement, they took people for granted. Insecurities of mullahs and liberal elite is not an issue, they feed on each other…it is quite likely that mullahs blackmail is what is seen as threat to liberals secularism. Their concerns can so easily bypass problems of common people, incidentally this also is a quaint tradition of liberals. 

I am also quite shocked at the tenor of Modi’s speech on issues indicating ‘meat eating’ therefore, by a careful default, Muslims!! What a stupid thing to bring out, it only goes against common people. I am wondering at the competence of the brand builders…et al coca cola boys, if they can package an above average sportsperson from a stupid game to Bharat Ratna why cannot they package this politician to PM? Mr.Modi should focus on issues related to common people and hypocrisy of UPA. I thought he was brilliant in bringing the matter of criminal rotting food grains and how foolishly arrogant insular PM intervened with his insight, indeed he could repeat this. He has so many things to bring out. If ever, he can focus on elite Muslims and their debauchery, they are having quite a cosy ride. There is huge gap between common people and elites, no matter what religion. Polygamy is critical issue; this regressive patriarchal conception cannot be tolerated in any civilised society. Clearly it is meant to keep the elite Muslims in good humour and is an intensely divisive issue in patriarchy driven society. He should bring this up, it will put a hole in morality of secularism as is practised!! Indeed he should go ballistic on these primitive conceptions that are tolerated in the name of secularism.

Postscript: MJ Akbar joins BJP!! Kya sirji dariya ka rukh badalthe he tairakh ho gaye!! Well he should learn from ZK &Co, they never join any political party but with wonderful muslim brand barge into any gravy train, licking all the way to top. Mewaaz khaoz maze udaozz. You will see how without joining BJP they will work out their mewaa…

Now that it is clear that the ‘young woman journalist’ was cooking up stories against Tarun Tejpal shouldn’t she be arrested? It surely was consensual and most likely for gains, and as it didn’t work it turned sore and so the concoctions and allegations. I knew from the beginning that there is something very fishy here. These laws are meant for suffering vulnerable woman, the city based slick movers know how to misuse these, and therefore should be dealt severely. If senior woman lawyer can release the details of allegations and tarnish reputation before the convictions then it is quite fair that counter views are also made public, and in detail. Great work Outlook magazine. Tarun Tejpal should be released at the earliest.