Thursday, May 28, 2015

Discriminations as you search for room/house to live

the kind of harassment you face as you search for room/flat to stay in cities like Delhi is appalling, it only consolidates how primitive this society is. You are humiliated and made to realise your ‘position’ as tenant. It gets worse as you go down for cheaper deal. You are disgraced and treated like a lump of shit. There is no line between private and public, you are deemed a property.  Not only that once you get a room then comes another set of blatant intrusions and restrictions. It can be frustrating if you don’t keep the mind out, it can even turn you into psychopath! These kind of crude dealing makes you wonder as to who are these people who are landowners, particularly in big cities (and as you near posh colonies things become quite crystal clear), and then the pattern emerges.  

You are discriminated on any fancy notion, quirks, idiosyncrasies, most significantly superstitions (believe me the scoundrels have long list, as god is in private dalliance with them and they seem to be holder of secret ways)  of the house owner, also reverentially referred as landlords. Any kind of variance can be source of scrutiny and further exploitation, so language, accent, surname, region, eat habiting, marital status and god knows what becomes source of intense scratching. If you have Muslim name then in most cases you will be shown the door, while Christians don’t seem to have much problems (indeed south Indians, specifically keralaites are preferred, I guess since they are easily subjugated, complete change of culture and environment puts most in shells). Since my name confuses and doesn’t obviously point to Hindu, to make matter worse I was going through mandatory JNU-kurtha phase, I have been pointedly asked many times whether I am Muslim? Aap muslim tho nahin hai?...don’t know how to translate that, it is quite nuanced, in the query there is sarcasm and rejection also. Even quite recently in Mysore the broker clarified that if I am Muslim I wouldn’t be getting room in ‘this’ locality, hinting some kind of pride. Likes of MN Srinivas could  explain that in some lucid theory, for me it is clear crudeness.

Unlike likes of Sardesais, Desais, Guhas, Mishras… who carry the primitive beacon and quite self-assuredly express humbleness and otherworldly shudhtha concerns, people from lower sections tend to hide their pecking order in primitive world. Any hint of it will be detrimental in mean streets of Delhi. So unlike on your face muslims they tend to morph. This the main reason why biharis as a group are targeted, lumpenized and treated inhumanly. Indeed in many cases they seek cities to escape the atrocities from the world that Sardesais of the universe pride in. This in itself should put in context to what kind of depraved people are at the helm, the one who play saviour.  

Post script: pandit is a term for reverence to knowledge, in case people have forgotten, if it is a casteist primitive reference (that the elite pride in) then I request it need to be expunged from English language. Amitabh Matto is known for his exaggerated concerns but he should understand that unlike careless media Kashmiri Hindus cannot be referred to as pandits. That is blatant casteism. Morons in the media can be forgiven for their habitual narcissism but he positions himself as some kind of intellect. He should be careful. In the meanwhile our man even finds time to take interviews for civil service aspirants. Come on sirji sab jegeh hath daloge kya, hum jaison ko bhi tho jeene do. Wonder why these retired bureaucrats/ambassadors even serving civil servants (they should be dealt severely by the government) find it interesting to take interviews? Many lack appallingly in their contemporary knowledge and understanding. It is shocking how they seek to capitalise on their position. I wouldn’t be surprised if these are the kind of people inhabiting UPSC.