Friday, September 29, 2017

The picture speaks

Have a look at this picture, what is being poured on that dome shaped stone (whatever maybe the religious symbolism here is insignificant so is self-propitiating rituals and selfish crude conceptions) is not white coloured water. It is milk, that coloured water could not symbolise milk is amazing. In the degraded world symbolism has been assigned specific context! I am sure many of us feel distressed when we waste food, or see it being wasted. Not for the people posturing as guardians of this beleaguered society, and not ironically in a space that is supposed to provide moral-ethical context. It is an amazing degradation. Now place that in the context of a country with stupendous level of disparities and extreme poverty, where millions live in absolute misery, also note that this fellow here is in his capacity as President of the country, the first citizen (or senior politician, Union Minister, for last many decades. It needs to be noted that since the period he was Finance Minister disparities have only increased. This breast beating for India’s economy in the last few days is nauseating). What is he trying to showcase? What kind of behaviour is he seeking to spread? How can a person be so reprehensibly irresponsible, so bloody insensitive? Shouldn’t these crimes be coming under the ambit of anti-superstition law and dealt severely? Secularism can never be, and will not be allowed, to be the redemption for these serious breaches.    

India is home to largest number of hungry and malnourished people in the world. According to Global Hunger Index India ranks 67th among the worst 80 countries in terms of malnutrition with 213 million people (FAO puts it at 230million) in “serious hunger” situation, their diet lacks quantity and quality, they go hungry and are severely malnourished. If that doesn’t help to get the context the situation is worse than countries like N.Korea and Sudan.  World Bank data indicates that India has one of the world’s highest demographic of children suffering from malnutrition, it is double than that of Sub-Saharan Africa. 44% of children under the age of 5 are underweight, 72% infants are anaemic.        

So this is the reality of this society, and now let’s understands what is being wasted with any care or concern. Milk contains up to 16 nutrients that are essential for health. A glass of milk (200ml) contains several important nutrients that include calcium, protein, iodine, potassium, phosphorous, vitamins D, B2, B12 so on. It obviously means that people are not able to afford these, milk is beyond their reach, it is precious. I too recall, during childhood, milk was strictly rationed and surely not something that can be wasted. And the state/region where this criminal waste is being committed is worst on the scale, meaning you can further downgrade the above mentioned data. Imagine passing through all these heart breaking miseries and deprivations into the sanctum to commit this. Are these humans?

Go back to the picture again, see those fellows around with grimy threads judiciously showcased out of their undergarments, as if as a sign of some kind of achievement. Think of sick mindset that works like this, that too inside the sanctum -supposedly holy. Something only likes of Mukherjeejis and depraved minds can fathom and acknowledge, we ordinary people don’t understand these nuances and camaraderie that sprout with it. Seriously, we don’t want to either. Quite aware that, despite best efforts to trap people, world is not this putrefying pit. Also note that there is a Air Force official in uniform watching the proceeding with amusement, possibly bewildered if he is ruminating over why he joined AirForce. Is this his duty? Is it right to use defence personnel, state officials and state machinery for personal purposes, that too something so very sickening and morally unbecoming? So much state money is invested on this fellow, by what is essentially an impoverished society, and look what he is upto. Last but not the least, what is cameraman (camerawoman can be ruled out, if ever there will be menstruation tests to tackle the lurking impurities in the pure and purifying world and the blessed purifiers at the helm!) doing there, in what is surely an enviable angle for shoot. Clearly these are all a set up, and wily Mukherjeeji is adept in his game. “Astute politician” is the word that is used as a euphemism for these embarrassments.