Friday, October 06, 2017

On wasting precious milk

There is one aspect of the issue that slipped my mind, and occurred quite accidently while I saw this man the other morning who had a cow accompanying him through the streets. So if you want fresh milk they land up with the cow and milk it in front of you! This is not uncommon around here. In a way it’s quite charming reminder to daily life untouched by modern way. So the milk wasted is also that which is denied to the calf (and as a kid i have seen how the desperate calf is denied and finally left to suckle little that is left), and in industrialised dairy farming all kind of hormones are injected, as the poor cow is made to undergo untold suffering to produce milk. There is a pressure on native species that is increasingly getting threatened as their number dwindles with preference given to large quantity milk production. Next is the issue of packaging, the energy spent to accomplish this, the carbon emitted, all these are wasted with these irresponsible acts.

 Most critical is the issue of how these moral vacuums of sanctum trickles down and gets percolated among common people as desired behavior, as attitude, is also telling. General sense of apathy, to be insulated from other’s misery, while one is in a way responsible for it, is easily achieved without as much an afterthought. Many times these depraved acts are replicated in public space on figures one wants to treat like gods. People have even died as they slip trying to pour milk over huge cardboard cut outs of movie personalities and demigod politicians. Wasted carbon units waste as they accumulate and spread.