Monday, March 04, 2019

Beleaguered society seeks redemption

It’s a society that dwells in the putrid pit, the bleakest references of humanity, but still carries a very high estimation of itself. The hallucination is such that they sometime fancy as moral authority of international community. Gandhi is thrust in every conceivable occasion to refurbish the image as self-appointed caretakers –trustees, of the world. The sham has gone for too long. It’s about time that Indians apologise to the world community for inflicting a casteist racist opportunist patriarch on the world. To start with each and every positive reference of Gandhi must be removed from African continent. Meanwhile caste cannibals masquerading as entitled kindred souls in international forums must be booted out. Castetva forces that ruled India, and firmly controlled the narration, for last many decades have nurtured and fed primitive entrenched groups across the world that expertise in playing liberal. Subtle semantics and cunning positioning is added ammunition to awe strike the world. Meanwhile whatever they delve in is degraded and taken to the worst possible denomination.

There is always the highest estimation, so the entitled mediocres are ever ready to take on Einstein, Newton…revisit quantum or whatever is being dealt by the best of human minds. Blessed Indians failed to understand how is that these aren’t being attributed to their all-knowing civilizational greatness. It baffles them meanwhile Indians remain a bunch whose civilizational as well as contemporary contribution to humanity remains an embarrassing apology. Mostly showcasing as ace replicators and shallow incrementalists, all negotiated as if it is a ritual. Give them the template they will figure it out, cheaper and clever additions. It is in the same exaggerated narration, that the blessed claim to see future, these are taken as higher knowledge (in a society which rarely values knowledge except as auspicious multiplier of money hence blessing). Something no other people in world (indeed universe) can accomplish. The BS vendors are quite naturally esteemed members of primitive society, they are positioned as wise men who are consulted for making the occasion propitious by bending the laws of nature –in all humbleness, it must be added, into their favour. The deep nature of beleaguered society nurtures these conmen. Market media, despite its highest claim as guardian angels, is an extension of travesty meant to trap common people into putrid pit. This clippings from few newspapers (indeed one can safely assume that these ‘news’ must be there in more newspapers and other news outlets too, that’s is how the racket works). It’s about two ‘prominent’ astrologers (an indication of primitive society that showcase these con artists as prominent!) predicting that state government of Karnataka will fall by March 5th (that is tomorrow!). Market media finding these con artists as ‘vidwan’ (scholar) shows how much they are complicit. Further, this nonsense as news is symptomatic to larger muck that is persistently sought to envelope the society and relegate common people. This is where Castetva and Hindutva forces meet to exchange notes. While irresponsible media institutionalise these baloneys, its impact on society and hapless people can be easily be gauged, meanwhile it also opens up the insecure politicians to cultivate these to survive. Thus common people’s needs and aspiration are countered while a cunning narration, to appease unknown forces that has firm control on fate, is pushed in. These are the same who classify society as benign castes groups (community used as clever euphemism, the world needs to now rethink as to what community means. Such is the sickness of this society) ready to be herded as vote banks, while third rate casteists are elevated as astute leaders all the while degraded journalists morph and bring their innate nature as astrologers, ready with incisive crap talk on anything and everything. It’s a stellar performance. It’s a different matter that they rarely get anything right, including predictions, ironical! Devastating that maybe but they are back with renewed vigour befitting con artists assured of easy licks.

It needs people connected to surrounding reality with necessary quality of empathy that frames mindsets to understand and perceive, something blessed entitled acutely lack, indeed incapable, hence these bullshit vendoring. This fellow Verma, manipulating for bigger lick, kickstarted his ambitions by informing common people on how to pronounce, of all things, ‘lingerie’ and now refers primitive casteist feudal society as “most refined society”. Quite clearly he is degrading to factor himself in (if we have stricter understanding of ‘refined’ then a fellow with caste reference, despite adept in cunning semantics, will be early causality and kicked out), hence this constant strive and desperation. Two decades back I ticked him out. But the persistent fellow is adept in his game, a clear understanding of nuances to latch onto gravy train stampede. His career path and trajectory shows a conman at work, now though he must be securing for his litters like any nepotistic gene donor of ever refining society!

This hapless society values intelligence in bureaucracy, it’s as if bureaucrats are harbingers of wisdom. These were created to efficiently function the administration hence britishers gave them much power (and ofcourse prestige, with added money on the sly and easy privileges) so as to streamline and optimise exploitation. For beleaguered Indians with no reference of excellence or competence these become platform to showcase intelligence! Probably it fulfilled all the criteria of blessedness –power/prestige/money/privileges/hierarchy. What more divine intervention do you need?! What a disgraceful bunch. It is such a shame. So even now there is much fanfare for these jobs, and the entrance to these have been showcased as sign of high intelligence of Indians. So those already in ‘services’ (never did a word meant just the opposite, another of ‘refined’ indian marvel with words!) are seen as carriers of infinite wisdom. The truth being these are just government employees meant to execute government policies. Most really don’t have much knowledge nor understanding of wider world, stuck in manipulative surroundings throughout their life they generally become painful presence. However, with clear indications of blessed life they quite easily fall into the illusion of wisdom and grandness of being (it’s always excruciating, nevertheless funny, to watch a retired police officer or indulgent diplomat elucidate on some higher ideas of world, with characteristic authority, without absolutely no idea on what he is talking about). Just because you carried out government policies for few decades doesn’t add to anything. Just a cog, that is all. They ofcourse do write books, like any entitled Indian, to showcase higher bearing and authenticate blessings. The reason why books by Indians (with rarest of rare exceptions) are just lot of garbage.

So there, ego driven power salivating bureaucrats are the carriers of intelligence and high knowledge that is so widely acknowledged in this godforsaken society that there is a stampede, even youngsters fit in core and exciting cutting edge persuasions get into the nonsense. This society persistently creates value systems that works against in its own interests and wellbeing.  Big corporate names, prestige, is other options to showcase their heuristic value base. Then they cross link with other thriving mediocrities like stupid wastrel’s game cricket to further degrade sports (and convert people into pliable thumping couch potatoes) and amazing disgraceful fare of Indian movies as art! (every pit contributes it worst, but the cream I reckon is telegu- atrocious, its spreading). This then therefore is the culture that impressionable minds are exposed to. So, excellent engineer turned into exceedingly exaggerated dumb bureaucrat or diplomat is celebrated as intelligence, richest sporting body IPL digs the pits to shame even the idea of sports, while richest Indian movie –bahubali, is an embarrassment that in many ways defines Indian take on art (with the same amount of money other societies would have made something to savor): crass, lacking any nuance, subtlety or evolved idea. Last but not the least look at the dwelling the richest Indian (not rich because of any amazing innovation) has made for himself! If there is lowest possible expectation from any society (ofcourse except mullah’s barrenness and racist Trumpster land) in the world, then it is this.