Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Very strongly protest

Awards does matter and doesn’t matter, its Schrodinger’s paradox. Significantly, those who are awarded can tell. Nowadays people get awarded and praised all the time, it has become a racket that is attempting to make ostentation meaningful indeed deserving. In a mediocrity thriving society every self-justifying morsel matter. Nobel Prize are different matter. Mostly for middle class these are part of general awareness another burden in unending fill in as knowledge to judge merit to clear entrance exams to get job security –hence blessing, while for high end manipulators these are “making india proud” moment. Never matter most of these gave up indian citizenship at the very first available occasion. I tried to understand economics but really couldn’t, and now realize that even economists too don’t know much. It seems to be an assortment of good intention with increasingly fallacious premise ending into consumption driven capitalism. It therefore works out on semantics and positioning while the animal spirit coquettish every loitering money bag. As a concerned person one is on lookout for intervention in this definition of development that has well passed its expiry date. Most people, as also nature, have started to suffer. This rant of elevating people from poverty is based on wrong premise of consumption. The Nobel Prize website has the gumption to celebrate Milton Freidman with the line “There is no such thing as free lunch” while the amazing concepts like the mid-day meal scheme is based on free meal. There is also much discussion on UBI among influential section who are keenly aware of unfolding scene. Indeed egalitarian concepts of religions focus on alms which was taken to highest humanitarian context by Sikhism, to share free food in communitarian gathering. Where free food becomes assertion of humanity like free air, free water, access to free sky...This then was also meant to break the casteist cannibalistic frame, the sickness that had purity of food as defining characteristic of its putrid pit where humans were conceived as defiling. Such a crude society has the temerity to position as lynchpin of peace while rogues are elevated as mahatma. It’s a racket that is being busted. Try saving yourself, the hometruth is in the open. A violent uncouth society shouldn’t be allowed to position as apostling for peace. It’s squashing on the bodies and souls of common people. 
Meanwhile Friedman authenticated neoliberal economic system is the significant reason for exploitation of humans and disastrous outcome for environment. Alfred Nobel’s will clearly asserts “greatest benefit to humankind”, not only is this economist grossly mistaken in perpetuating a system but the audacity of official website is particularly galling. This 'market thinking' has spread untold misery for common people while degrading idealistic intentions of democratic institutions. Infact it made democracy meaningless simultaneously eviscerating the environment. It was therefore crucial that likes of brilliant Greta Thunberg was extended the support. There is no time to waste. The earlier these movements, that are authenticating “greatest benefit to humankind”, are enthusiastically welcomed better it is for everything that is worthy to be valued. The priorities are clear and well laid. It’s amazing that youngsters are being so inspiringly responsible and have seized the initiative, much in desperation of the wayward ways of older generation. It is absolutely amazing and deeply disturbing that Nobel committee had to be told.     

It is in the same context that economist with casteist reference was deemed suitable. While desperate Indians appropriate a US citizen as authentication of their connection with higher truth, the castetva is meanwhile humbly working on building the background noise that trolls pick up. He is therefore a proud indian, a proud Bengali, we have to now dig deeper into the unity in diversity pit…meanwhile what the theories on poverty will not delve, nor acknowledge, is the crude system as significant factor (indeed in most case the only factor) that is systemic and deeply dehumanizing that gives insight into poverty in this part of the world that has almost 1/5th of world population with 1/4th living under abject desparation. That is not the “evidence” they are interested in. The sanitized views presented to West is how castetva normalize caste and in effect themselves as benign arbitrators. From this foundation they have the capacity to theorize to the highest level even characteristically encompassing cosmos. More than two decade back Amartya Sen was in the spot, and I being an earnest naïve was excited about prominent ideas, and not being aware of any reference, or having any background, had deducted that Nobel was definitive beginning. I consumed Amartya’s work with much enthusiasm, all the while reaction lurking in and building its space. There seem to be gap between theory and reality which was blissfully neglected while the protagonists were indeed the proponents. What really broke it was his book on justice (no time to recall the title) wherein he went about elevating ancient India into stratospheric levels in what was essentially a primitive cannibalistic society skimming on plagiarized and appropriated value system into high end sanskrit. When the deep state put money on you then you are but a zombie. He didn’t, indeed from the higher levels tutored subtlety, condescend, to look into the obvious that bursts all the myths of justice (it’s a joke to even suggest) or even any hint of civilized. And not at all out of place the book doesn’t really find much mention of serious contemporary issue of environmental justice. It’s where the economist and communist meet and see nothing but economic value of nature. The ecosystem of pride in mythical ancient India, and its ever greatest achievement (that humanity is yet to understand), is where the castetva has worked to build up the narration for hindutva. And since castetva are sham and pretentious, faking liberal by mimicking West, it’s easy for hindutva to appropriate and build its own brand of exaggeration to reach the mass. Disservice done by intellectual insincerity of likes of Amartya sen is immense. And now we have another one imposed on us. He expertise in theories on poverty without giving any hint on, as much as, the nature of society he emerged from. This neglect is always strategic, it’s a nod to deep state that nurtured him. Now the prodigal son returns not at all diminished as non-Indian citizen.  It is no surprise that castetva are excited and he is, for brief moment in time, in an exponentially declining fortunes of castetva an opportune tool against hindutva and indeed affirmation of high values that creates such merit that they are so much privy to.