Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The satyagraha bling

The benign narration is being furiously spread for last many decades by castetva forces severely compromising democratic institutions spreading misery while cunningly capitalizing from these. The framework of blessedness was pushed in to keep the herds in place while deceptive rituals –with even minute details of auspicious timing was notified as god’s favored to stampede for amassing blessing, was worked out to emulate to better the fate. Meanwhile benign posers concocted liberal pointers by closely miming the angst need of fattened western fluffs. The castetva deep state henceforth took firm hold of the narration viciously dealing with dissent or attempts at dilution. State machinery worked to nurture people and institutions to back these while western fluffs bleeding to redeem their ill-gotten luxury patronized lowest denominator as wonders of diversity. Casteist racist fellow was spruced up as bearer of morality of greatest known civilization in universe. In the castetva conception of world grandness is contained in grandness of putrid pit. The world has to enter the putrid pit for better understanding. Apart from compelling western liberal pointers the native liberalism of benign all-knowing humble selves conceived liberalsutra of humility wherein secular devi was seductress always in service of nearest monster mullah. Common people and the misery that these spread was least of concern, indeed they were to be kept trapped. They were only fodders, just numbers, to fill in whenever the need arises. They were to be cannibalized at suitable occasion. All the HDI index or any index that works on egalitarian context will exhibit these algorithm of cannibalism. 
The deep state is in the process of minor shift as narration control moves from castetva to hindutva. The bleating of castetva is on expected lines. The benign posturing to distinguish themselves from hindutva is rather trite but the attempts are getting so desperate that it display various stages of hypocritical hilarities of mediocres. The other day I was reading views of indian writer (like third rate movies that is churned from this part of the world to keep the herds in putrid pit entertained and assured grandness unmatched in the universe Indian writers too are amazing opportunist mediocres trying to align with deep state to get fed. With western world showing angst for diversity effete indian elite and their litter fervently hope the standard too is compromised so that they can barge in under the garb of diversity. If the rise of China is about authoritarianism and brutal control then the rise of India is about mediocrity and crassness of life). This fellow has started to defecate book at quite an early age and seem quite attuned to the needs of the castetva deep state while trying to demarcate hindutva. It is obvious that he has been acclimatized to liberal pointers hence is being nurtured. His book title even contain obnoxious “Italian brahmin” as if these are normal. This pus is being nurtured to be bigger pus to awe the world while attempting to wrench the narration from hindutva to grandness of benign blessings –the all giving all-knowing caretakers lurking in putrid pit. To showcase this chicanery there is a stampede to control history. One pretender after another is defecating books and columns. It’s a constant endeavor of deep state to present this crude society as sacred offering to humanity.  A society with horrendous past that carries the brutal remnants with care is sought to be presented as holder of humanity’s conscience with mahatmas readied and self-appointed on short notice to oversee the greater goodness of the world while they in all assuredness of charlatans conduct ritual for world peace. Is there anything more sinister than this? 
Now this pus posits “our ancestors were far more secure of their identity” to understand what identity is he talking about an obscure medieval play (of what is essentially an overwhelmingly mediocre society with rare sparks) written by some crude feudal is presented. The little pus elaborates “it features a brahmin wooing a dalit woman” (apart from these normalizing of obnoxious references which his limited mind is incapable to comprehend, how common is this premise? Further, considering this society is a caste cannibalized society that is rotten from the foundation. Forget morals these don’t even know to conceive basic definition of society. It’s clear that this fellow is aiming for the highest moral grounds…and there is a coterie working to shoulder him. Through angst connection these arrange international awards to gain credibility). The pus explains “the brahmin says (in the play ofcourse) I drink cow’s milk and worship the cow. You eat the cow so you must be purer than me” and proclaim his grand interpretation of what is essentially a third rate play of lout wanting to f*ck a poor horribly marginalized and exploited woman, he argues to write these “tells you about cultural confidence” (the audacity of the prick to even suggest these). “the ability to laugh at ourselves”…hence “our ancestors were far more secure in their identity”. I don’t know whose ancestors this little scoundrel is talking about.  

History of crude society is waste of time. There is always attempts to work narration to redeem oneself and grandness when the reality is bleak. In a mediocre society with majority intellectually challenged and constantly using education to double their blessing these add to the collective hallucination of special place in universe. This attempts at wrenching history by snarling castetva and hindutva within the narrow range of self-fulfilling narration doesn’t help the case. This was and is indeed a cannibalistic society with worst of references that would put humanity to shame. At the most history need to be about enlightening thoughts and ideas. Instead of grandness humbling references is the need. Take for instance Yuval Harari –well-read international writer, now he looks at history in the entirety of humanity and works to take this understanding to chance the possibilities and the challenges the humanity faces. That makes him a precious historian and his insights are worthy. If there were many writers/historians like him world would be such an exciting place with possibilities.  That also makes Indians a bunch of mediocres scheming in the putrid pit to stampede the highest moral ground and showcase as benign possibly the only meaning in their little lives.


Today the roads were blocked as this bunch was celebrating a medieval king with revivalist fervor. The noise, the grand bearing as if they themselves were foot soldiers, crude aesthetics and ridiculous dancing, selfies while blatantly stopping the traffic, causing inconvenience…it has everything that defines this society in many ways. Lacking any quaint value system I can only pity them. Seeing many youngsters only confirms the bleakness of this society, and the tragedy is they procreate. Children needs a better understanding of world based on compassion and common legacy of humanity. World has changed significantly in last many decades, it’s conceivable and can be easily conjectured that the best of people who lived few centuries back would have definitely reassessed their thoughts, value systems and action if they had as much awareness of the world as we have now. This reading the history within the contemporary context to create narration of grandness is dangerous. It nurtures value system that is rarely beneficial and can only create misery. It negates the potential of humans.

This picture was taken at festival celebrating gandhi (another protagonist of nuisance narration of grandness, in this case of simplicity. Lots of public money is wasted to work this narration). The dear fellow is shown taking care of leprosy patients, and managed to photographed himself too. And in case you were wondering how this casteist racist would survive the onslaught of squatter (or he himself considering the way he valued impoverished black African) it was clarified that the patient is a fellow with squatter reference. How many times have we come across the picture of Mother Theresa attending the heartrendingly sick where the name of suffering poor is mentioned with surname for posterity? This is gandhian miracle. There is a way the game is played. Charlatans try inbreeding to get the vulgarities going. This is how regrettable gandhi worked on his mahatma (which ofcourse was title granted by squatters to elevate him as equal...since a mere "bania" would diminish their grand valuations of dealing with the world. A "great soul" who could hang out with blessed squatter since is now being confirmed as shared). This then gave the fellow the squatter's itch to be "searcher of truth", the rituals which squatters expertised, clever gandhi sought to extend it by branding through carefully chosen sanskrit references. He was a intellectually challenged eager pawn (you will notice this small time ambitious lawyer had very limited reading habit references, little bit were exaggerated -Tolstoy/Thoreau, to work on civilizationally gifted intellectual calibre that sought universal validation) readied to work on grand narration to present to the world while back home was effectively worked to control the herd. Truth it seems was a weapon. Such is the exaggeration of charlatans who pose as humble souls self appointed as trustees and guardians entitled to negotiate higher forces (which only they have privy to). Satyagraha. The seeker of godforsaken truth. The purity seekers purity of truth in putrefying pit.   

We are not interested in any truth. We are interested in meaning. Meanings are precious.