It spirals and
dizzy the mind
Tracing graph
of expanding minutes into inevitable
Striding the
days in escalating vortex that expands and expands
Into infinite
Is it pulling
in or is it pushing out you never know
It throbs
and churns like a mobius snare in the subconscious
no end, no beginning
no end, no beginning
It settles
on silent days to blooming hibiscus rushing in the breeze
Sneaks at purple-rumped
sunbird’s rap on the window pane
It’s curved
beak shaping the time at its leisure.
The thought splinters
to search million nooks
A brilliant
flash coalesce the space onto the edge of time
An instant awareness
Sets things
in place
It was so obvious
(shucks I knew it all the while!)
(shucks I knew it all the while!)
If you know you
can’t tell, if you tell you won’t know
If you choose,
it disappears, if you ignore, it appears
Like fireflies
it knows when to flicker to synchronize the dance.