Saturday, August 22, 2020

Idea of identity

 The idea of identity must be necessarily based on humanity. It can therefore only come out of free mind. A free mind anchored on free thoughts nurtured on egalitarian value system and evolved ideas that constantly aid human race to progress and thrive. This idea of identity respects each individual as a sentient being alive with faculties of senses and potential to connect to deeper truths which lights a responsible participant aware of his/her surrounding and implications of his/her actions. An awareness that he/she is indelible but minuscule part of ever evolving deeply connected system that sustains life. A witness, participant and creator of the reality, a comprehensively involved human who therefore isn’t trapped in narrow versions of self and is diminished by the overwhelming present (indeed the overwhelming nature of reality defines the human identity). An identity that carries all the promise of life and potential of individual. An identity that asserts liberty of soul and appreciate the freedom to associate and express the wonders of being a human.          

Any idea, system, tradition or culture that diminishes this idea of identity is therefore an assault on humanity hence must be vociferously and persistently resisted and rejected. Association based on fear, primitive insecurities and primal anxieties seeks to contain free mind and surrender the individual.  Feudal structures, entrenched power brokers, ego driven sociopathic herd controllers and world view aligned to these therefore becomes immediate threat. Identities that is sought to be chiseled out from these premises therefore tends to diminish human being, hence are meant to be manipulated. The identity of being a human is denied, and the potential herein negated. This is a tragedy of colossal scale. A diminished human being is an enthusiastic member of herd, incapable to think for himself or herself, lacking critical thinking faculties, they wait for savior meanwhile are easily manipulated. It’s the beginning of deterioration that has detrimental effect on society and severely negates humanity. Religion poses such a threat. There are posers using pointers of liberal to segregate humans while insidiously keeping them trapped in medieval setting. They, for their selfish reasons, inflated egos and wanton greed use these as pawns. They cunningly seek to authenticate these segregatory value system based on juvenile miracle driven anachronistic notions as human identity. This is a serious assault on humanity. It seeks to negate evolved thoughts and egalitarian gains of societies. It encourages regressive revivalism based on fanciful notions and seek to negate the potential that the better understood reality and insightful perspective presents. It creates herds enmeshed in fantastical ideas devoid from realities and mulishly immune to clear contrary evidences. It seeks to negate brilliant human achievements and amazing evolution of mind over the centuries. In a self-protective irony it disproves centuries of misery and assault on free minds, the extreme tribulation of logical human attempting to use their mental faculties –to assert their humanity, their identity.            

 This performative allyship of feudals, herd controllers and patronizing fattened fluffs in West using lip service to hard earned and precious liberal values is reflexive trap meant to assuage their moral angst over wanton consumption and loosing grip. It is dangerous and has the potential to substantially derail gains over the centuries. The challenges of 21st century cannot be solved by primitive frameworks nor minds working on the premise of 20th century. Human identity is precious. It has taken about two hundred thousand years of struggle to attain this identity. Any threat to thinking human is a threat to humanity itself. Any system that attempt to silence critical thinking is an attempt at soul of humanity.            

Correction: he/she doesn’t imply that gender is necessarily binary.