Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Misery driven agendas


Religion supremacists, bullies and thugs posturing for religions cannot and shouldn’t be allowed to dictate agendas. Herds as carrier of religions are given rights under democracy -which is essentially and ideally meant to give voice to humans in a participative form of governance with egalitarian intent. There are sinister forces at work. India has seen rapid communalization. It is but expected when religions are given preference over humanity and egalitarian values while worst kind of people churn degrading systems for personal gains and posturing. Unlike human being herds are easiest to deal and exploit. Instead of easing out of regressive anachronistic nuisance into universal humane concerns through awareness and immense possibilities of modern world, rabid forms of religions are spreading that seeks references from primitive past. Not at all surprising considering religions offers nothing, not even solace of existence, but mirage of grandeur as it is incapable to factor in complexities of contemporary world. It is stuck in time warp hence offer prescriptive miserable alternative least concerned about vibrant life. It can therefore only produce herds, unthinking minds, and trap dehumanized souls. It’s a failure of education. It’s a failure of society.  

Few incidents from my experience of miserable world that religion creates will help understand the immensity of crass world in an exceptionally crude society like India (one could have easily accept this as reality, and be an enthusiastic herd, but when one reads evolved thoughts and watch nuanced expressions and understandings, as also societies/individuals that value primacy of humane values, you become aware of the crude construct of reality and easily locate the arbitrators) while wile people pose as saviors. I recall as a kid when we went to Bombay (it was known as Bombay during 1980s) roads were blocked and we were asked to take a detour, it was told to us that roads are being used for Friday prayers that spilled from local mosque. The driver told us this happens in all the vicinity of mosques -and there were hundreds and thousands of males, ofcourse women have burden of modesty hence negated in public space. It created big problem for common people- as it is streets are always crowded. Nobody was bothered. These were nurtured by Castetva to showcase secularism and tolerance -clearly at the expense of common people over herds. Few years later Hindutva -through rabid ShivSena, saw the opportunity and start conducting grand maha artis right in the middle of the streets. Now cunning caretakers would argue whether these are “essential part of religion”?! Aren’t these mischievous? As can be observed; concerns of common people and their hardship were never point of reference. Castetva always had proprietorial role over common people, indeed they gained more credence through misery. (This whole narration of “essential part of religion” is mischievous Castetva ploy to gain credibility. The narration must be in the context of democratic egalitarian values and not primacy of religion. We must deny even if it is “essential part of religion”. We must protect democratic ideals and rights of common people over degrading powerful systems that seeks to trap). So, there were communal riots many common people got caught in the wrong place and were duly sacrificed for bigger cause and soon no more streets being used for praying purpose. Roads and streets were to be used as roads and streets and not for herd to congregate. Next incident was when I studying in Kerala. On Fridays we had long afternoon breaks so much so that everybody left making it half day. Now these long breaks were meant for praying time for muslims introduced as a secular masterstroke by wily Castetva congress corrupt temple hopping scoundrel who was ruling the roost. Quite surprisingly Karunakaran used to stay in our neighborhood and we all knew how corrupt and slippery character he was. Through remarkable sleight of debauchery he was also very pious. As college students we didn’t complain. We all went for movies or loitered on the beach or got drunk.

Next incident is from Delhi. I was staying at congested Nizamuddin, predominantly muslim area -as is the character of segregating religion and purity seeking caste cannibals. One day there was some loud hindu religion song from a house nearby -more noise symbolizing festive occasion. AND it went on throughout the night. Very loud. Very crass. Indeed, least concerned about others. It was probably the only hindu house in the locality. I couldn’t sleep. What kind of people would do such a thing? And, this loud Hindu cacophony was constant during my miserable stay in godforsaken place called Delhi. So much so that whenever I shifted to new locality, I made sure there were no temples or open spaces nearby (since it got converted for “function” -ranging from crude birthday parties, despicable marriages and uncouth religious gathering, had enough experience to anticipate). When I was in Bangalore once one of the students came with full face veil (whatever crap they call it) this revolting anti-social dehumanizing blot on humanity was presented in front of me. I was shocked I talked to the senior fellow at the institute expressing my discomfort. He said he understands but ‘we don’t want to create problem’. He was afraid. I too didn’t know what to do? So, ended up tolerating. I think I should have had a choice and the right to deny teaching (or even interacting) with people who aren’t concerned about others, represent worst of systems, and indeed lack basic decency. You can have your religion but cannot bully us and expect everything to be normal. There is a basic code of conduct to be followed when you are a member of society. Full face veil are not acceptable in any civilized society, those who promote these have sinister agenda and are least concerned about common people and their tribulations. I saw these amazingly crude expressions along the north Kerala - Karnataka coastal region during my cycling. Hapless people are being trapped by sinister sunni wahabi/salafi whatever and this in turn is fueling and complementing a rabid revolting form of hinduism (I recall mentioning this in my blog almost a decade back), not that caste cannibals were looking for excuses. While staying in south TN region during my cycle trip I was startled out of my sleep one morning by loudspeakers blaring from three mosques simultaneously in close vicinity.             

Caste cannibals sought redemption through mullah feeding and vicious forms of segregations as they worked into depraved caste diversity and equally impressing compromised West ready to patronize the lowest denominator. Notice whenever they mention about muslims they use stock pictures of full veiled Muslim women as if this is the norm. Cunning Kasturi&Sons expertise in this. It is meant to create negative feeling, and that is how you segregate herd. It is but natural that Hindutva is having it so easy. Also, crucial issues are being sidelined while religion-based rants occupy concerns. Beware of these conniving entitled scoundrels posing as journalists. They have no regard for common people. Even in this “hijab” case -where caste cannibals in media are over working to play savior, notice the picture used is that of full veiled wherein this is not the issue (taken from today’s Indian Express -another high moral posing caste cannibals seeking muslims to play savior). Full veil cannot be allowed in educational institutions nor in public space (you have all the right to use public space the way you want to but such expressions have severe consequences, there is a reason why poorer societies are being trapped by sinister forces to radicalize and segregate).

Quaint culture and expressions are being pushed out by competing forces. This picture here was once quite common in Kerala and still is but increasingly threatened, wherein a small colorful scarf -mostly symbolic than anything else, is being replaced by vicious form of herds. Ideally education institutes should not have any space for expressions of religions but we live in an extremely primitive and dehumanized society. Even egalitarian attempts at gender free uniforms are being questioned by religion supremacists. I think common people must start asserting. We cannot let religion play its sinister game. Also, the credibility of people who are seeking to represent is also questioned. Castetva forces created an ecosystem wherein caste cannibals worked their narrations. These were awarded and offered gravy positions. Those days are over. They don’t represent common people nor can claim to represent. They are standing on foundation of misery and dehumanized value systems. How did these mediocres emerging from putrefying pits acquire the position and clout, and seek to control the narration for common people? A country languishing in the bottom of HDI and in all known calibrations of civilization shouldn’t be allowed to take high moral grounds. Those who are posing as arbitrators -the representors, must be closely scrutinized. They are standing on misery of common people in a deeply flawed society. Caste cannibals have no place in civilized setting.