Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Threat to democracy


Democracy is the best form of arbitration. It hinges on evolved human beings for progressive society that values liberal ideas and expressions to associate and explore. For human beings to evolve education -that emphasis on critical thinking and logical analysis while nurturing creative minds spiritually involved with nature and life as a part of living system, becomes the lynchpin. A society that invests on these will naturally attune to better world.        

Anything that infringe on humanity is a threat to democracy. Anything that prevents assertion of being a human is a threat to free world. Religion therefore becomes a threat to democracy and all the evolved values and possibilities herein. The reason why some societies fail to nurture democratic values and ideals and are incapable to value individual liberty and equality is due to pernicious presence of feudal norms, patriarchy mindset and an incapacity to optimally use wondrous faculties of brain and senses. It is clear that religion creates frameworks that impede into progressive ideas. There is a valiant attempt to pose better version of religion to contrast the worst version in an attempt to wrest narration of religion into progressive space. Though noble it’s a futile attempt. It may help to control the herd into lull than fractious mob but its short term. Life has to be alive to thrive. Anachronistic religions have become serious threat to humanity hold ever minuscule chance of redemption. It’s a decaying premise. It’s an assault on human mind and demeaning billions of years of evolution of life to accept the ridiculous premise of religion and pose as progressive. It makes the best of intention hypocritical, and threatening.