Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Noise of the matter

 Common people shouldn’t be bothered by snarling Castetva cannibals and Hindutva hooligans nor the angst of monster mullah. These are posturing for gravy, the cosmic itch to play savior as ordained by otherworldly connections. They must go by the issue at hand and whether unfolding events helping them live a better life. These fake binaries are created by manipulative controllers for their ease and signs of proprietorship over common people.

The attempts to remove loudspeakers from religious spaces is a much welcomed step that is long overdue. SC guidelines are outdated, new laws must be framed and strictly applied. All loudspeakers from public places must be removed. Loudspeakers can only be allowed in closed enclosures, auditoriums so on that doesn’t create problem for people and shouldn’t exceed 50db. Loud noise, particularly in congested densely populated places, are serious source of misery. It also harms other species too. Already there is too much noise from vehicular traffic and various celebrations of inconsiderate primitives. CPCB report points that many cities in India have more than 80db noise level (Moradabad in UP is the second most noisiest city in the world according to UNEP 2022 report with a noise pollution level of whooping 114db). Entitled inbred mediocre elite ensconced in squatter’s value system cannot really understand, indeed not really bothered -since this is another fertile source to showcase matters of blessing and fate. Lutyen’s delhi nor posh colonies across the country face noise problems hence they weren’t really bothered for decades as noise reached levels that harmed and gradually take lives of people only a few kilometers from where these saviors squat. As expected, there are no data on how many millions die due to noise induced illness. Meanwhile they claimed largesse of mind and posed as empathy driven souls tolerant to anything as long as it doesn't directly affect them. While depraved marketeers try to capitalize. They made louder shriller gadgets (even claiming through a white man in an advertisement that Indians are noisy lot hence deserve the loudest! Such temerity of louts). Even now conniving caste cannibal controlled media playing liberal reports how temple in some place switched off their loudspeakers for mosque loudspeaker during festival. This we are informed -in their entitled role as castetva herd controllers, as how secularism and syncretic culture works that Hindutva needs to learn. How these loud noises affect common people is not their concern and can never be. When you assume proprietorship control common people are always disposable for bigger narration.

A primitive society will find difficulty to accommodate latest technology since these didn’t develop organically into the society. These were byproduct of much open and enquiry driven spaces, an outcome of critical thinking that were nurtured. These are thresholds of society that had creative liberal values spread all across the spectrum. Overwhelming number of people across the world are still cave dwellers piggyback riding best of humanity. Social media is only accentuating what is innate. These are having debilitating impact on the world. BigTechs will have to take the responsibility, their primal urge to accrue money and power must be contained. Platform Accountability and Transparency Act is valiant attempt by US government. Algorithm must be opened for scrutiny by experts to trace manipulation so as to initiate stringent action. Meanwhile education system will have to focus on critical thinking and values of understanding, and strive to create more evaluation free zones to nurture free minds. Grading children and gauging education as means to multiply money leads to narrow limited views of life, it favors pecking order mindset (the reason why hierarchy driven primitive societies fails miserably to contribute to humanity except as status quoist money multipliers) that easily falls for authoritarian mindsets.