Saturday, May 06, 2023

An open letter to Mr. Charles


Dear Mr. Charles,

"We are under no king; let each vindicate himself."-Seneca 

I write this from India, a former colony of Britain that still suffers from after effects of colonial exploitation. Not that it was better off before colonialized, but then we need someone to blame and british raj ticks all the excuses. The reason I am writing in English, and not in Spanish or French, is just as fated. India was waiting to be colonized, and it just happened to be Britain. So, we common people were fated. Your luck. English is an interesting language though, and opened new areas of inquisitiveness unlike Indian languages that were stuck in time warp of unenterprising self-obsessed people. I don’t agree with civilizing mission of racist colonizers nor do I agree on accomplished civilized mission of primitive Indian elite. India was always trapped in worst of outcomes. So, nobody really can be blamed. Some talk of reparation and apology. There is really nothing to apologize for nor any need for reparation. What happened must be seen in the context of time. Line has to be drawn. Few centuries back world was a nasty place. Might and power decided what was right. Most of the world lived in terror of aggression and exploitation. Europeans were efficient and enterprising to create technology to explore the world. While much of the world lacked, it is not that they were non violent or peace loving -indeed societies are brutal and it’s a common feature, they are essentially defined by dominant value systems. Humans are as violent as nature is. For last few decades much of world has created systems of law and order, democratic institutions and justice system, hence spaces of peaceful secure existence for most people.

In the last few centuries monarchies in Europe provided for long periods of tranquility within their boundaries, and during these periods most of them encouraged and provided space for best of human expressions and ideas, that accumulated from best of all across the world through time from Greeks to Mesopotamia to Chinese and so on. Much of astounding progress of humanity in the last few decades can be traced to these. It’s not that other part of the world did not contribute. It was sporadic and most were incapable to sustain due to various factors. Britain specifically was responsible for amazing progress in science under the royal patronage. Not that science would not have progressed without royal patronage but taken much longer time (facts are already there, if not Newton someone else). Essentially this would have shifted the trajectory of human progress which we see all around us, and possibly we would still be living in the grip of fate driven fantasies and superstitions in a much-diminished world. So, European monarchies despite committing atrocities all across the world -which ofcourse seems natural in the context of time, have served humanity immensely by creating settled secure space, hence traditions of contemplating into streams of thoughts, consolidating into systematic learning and enquiry, that put foundation to further search and research. Hence thank you to the monarchs who lived during those ages. They guided for better world.

The world has come a long way since then. Humanitarian values have consolidated in most part of the world. We value freedom, equality, liberty and dignity of each individual, and these form the lynchpin of human interactions and foundations for institutions on which humanity’s progress is dependent on. Without these we are back to medieval uncertainties. Reparations and apologies are not needed but systems that sustains feudal values cannot be supported hence must go. Tradition and culture that doesn’t sustain egalitarian values are not progressive hence persistent threat and source for misery. It is therefore important for you to understand that existence of monarchy is an anachronism that is challenging all that is precious to humanity, to each and every of eight billion humans on this planet, particularly to the most vulnerable. How will you explain your position to that bright child negotiating her way to school despite overwhelming odds? Can you answer any of the question that a man working 9-5 for meagre existence has? Will you be able to answer the woman walking in treacherous heat for daily pot of water? You cannot. All your weight of history and tradition is too light to the existential realities of life. Ascriptive exceptionalism is worst of possibilities, it sustains the most degraded humans that live among us and a constant threat whether caste cannibals (hindus) or monster mullah (islam) or racist whites (christians) so on. The world is facing enough serious crisis whether climate change, species extinctions or AI generated polarizing disinformation set to be unleashed etc. and these need immediate attention. What the world is witnessing in Britain is an embarrassing display of medieval theatre of absurdity. It is an assault on humanity. It is exciting the worst kind of people from all across the world, and initiating juvenile binary discussions we don’t need. Adult humans can be better than this. Please grow up. Have a reality check. Abdicate.  

Best wishes

A concerned fellow

From your former colony