Thursday, December 07, 2023

A minor news


This is a minor news that I happen to read among many such minor news that happens across the primitive society -in most cases it may not lead to death but severe debilitating injury, or deep humiliation and profound dehumanizing response, for what seems to be minor mistake. Unimaginable worst atrocities have happened for decades while cunning castetva forces created template to morph these as insignificant law-and-order issues, desperate to classify these as personal skirmishes without anything more to it. India was already a british authenticated beacon of nonviolence, and with effortless ease -indeed entitled, moral compass to the world with gandhi, and clinging gandhians, awe the world with beatific smile and ethereal contented bearing as they sharpen the technique of using common people as fodder for highest moral ground.

Indians will know the nuances and all the intricate depravities hidden in the news. Western fattened fluffs will be least aware, the imperial laziness affliction in colonial comfort, and ofcourse squatters have already swarmed their little mind space to interpret and indeed represent, to efficiently suck out the patronizing goodies of colonial angst and victim binary. For last many decades charlatans and their litters have spread out across the west to represent us Indians and accrue immediate benefits, and yes, simultaneously -as a posture of great concern, our local guardians against specially carved out evil forces that we common people based in India are least aware -indeed too low intelligent to even comprehend. They perform their entitled role as some kind of great personal sacrifice for highest morals that keeps the fattened fluffs stupefied to match. It has reached an influx point. We cannot take it any longer. Fattened fluffs-squatter arrangement mutually benefited in an insular world. Moving a*se as sign of debating point discomfort, noting the wonders of turn of sentence, haggard desolate expressions, were how crucial issues dealt, and agreed with orgies and immediate schemes to pass it on to litters. Internet has opened up, and this devious alliance of wasted western fattened fluffs and caste cannibals to contain Indians in a narration for mutual benefit will not be allowed. We are not your fodder.

So, coming back to the minor news, what really happens when “used plate touch” someone? Is the fear about infection? Hygiene? Rest assured it cannot be hygiene. Caste cannibals as a characteristic trait are low on hygiene, but high on purity. Purity has nothing to do with hygiene. It is a squatter tutored mental illness, infection of soul, that is passed onto society. It is the beginning of depravities. It is how caste system works and grades. Interesting word here is “used”; it doesn’t even carry minuscule sense of what it intents in english. Caste cannibals therefore have benefited from this loss in translation, nor could they find reason for a suitable word considering that they gleefully introduced ‘pundit’ and ‘pariah’ with the help of racist colonizer. Alien language lack the nuance to carry complex meanings of the origin. In hindi the trigger word is “jhoota” that can tizzy squatter balanced world of depravities into utter meaninglessness. Words like “jhoota” carry context of barbarian culture hence cannot easily be translated nor understood. The other word that needs attention here is “touch”. Note it doesn’t mention that the food spilled or cloths got spoiled but the ‘used plate’ touched. This touch is where purity line is drawn. Squatter scums had scheme and list of ‘touchable’, and they still squat in sanctum as a c*ntdick right while equally depraved scale highest moral grounds in west into multiculture orgasm. 

So the inanimate object -plate, becomes carrier of demon incarnate appearing to vandalize pure blessed world with its touch -accidental or not -this distinction is meaningless in the context of breach. Purity is as fragile as squatter’s hold on the world and this is passed on to fate driven herd hence the bewildering reaction that is valued in life of hapless man. The beleaguered man working as a waiter -by its very logic is ‘not blessed’, hence further adding to the idea of impuring the blessed people and pattern of caste cannibalised world, furthermore gravity in debilitating incursion into pure blessed world that must be stringently dealt. And like the racist christian nutcase American ready with gun to defend from hallucination caste cannibals pounce with all ferocity on to a likely malnourished harassed man trying to make out a living. They kill him, dump him and move on. Human sacrifice to keep the world pure and blessed.    

Fattened fluffs in west will be conveniently translated to see this as minor skirmish nothing systemic of diseased mind nor caste cannibals complicit. They don’t really matter anymore. They nurtured monster mullahs and caste cannibals and unleashed ecosystem of uncouth under their influence across the world. They will not be allowed to control narration, nor patronize. They don’t really measure up to the challenges of contemporary world.