Thursday, December 13, 2012


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How are Indians cheap labours?

I happen to listen to Kapil Sibal in the Parliament during the FDI debate. He says the advantage India has is “its cheap labour”. Therefore more people will be employed, so wherein –we are told- in Switzerland a Company will be able to afford to employ only few people, the same Company is expected to employ more in India. The reason being we are having ‘cheap labour’. This will increase employment opportunities. Indeed we are incessantly fed by all kinds of ‘experts’ and economists that ‘cheap labour’ is India’s major advantage for attracting investment.

What makes Indian labour cheap? Concurrently I am also forced to think what makes a labour in Switzerland or Denmark expensive? The work they perform are same, the duration is also same. Apparently the competence and qualification are same. There doesn’t seem to be any difference. So why are we cheap? It’s quite clear that difference is matter of geography. How this then globalization? We are being fed (quite vociferously bordering belligerence) that we cannot live in isolation in a globalised world. We have to integrate with the world. It is getting clear that this integration is for the benefit of the few. As Corporate finds it increasingly easy to hop from one nation to another recruiting cheap labour, therefore maximizing profit, a citizen (from poorer countries) find it increasingly difficult to migrate. Visa restrictions have increased. It is also wishful thinking that Corporate would recruit more, they aren’t bound to.

In a more civilized understanding (which some economist may miss) these kind of classification of people as cheap labour is exploitation. Indeed it is a grievous matter and violation of right of equality in the globalised world. It is violation on basic rights of dignity and equal compensation for equal work. It is startling that countries like Denmark find themselves on the top of corruption free world, wherein people earn with minimal of effort while across the world people struggle to earn miniscule for the same effort.  This is discrimination and surely that is a form of corruption. 

The argument here is that since we are cheap therefore corporate will move here and so the pricy westerners will have to reduce their value or suffer. But that doesn’t seem to be the case as governments in US and Europe are actively pursuing to stop this slide. Indeed if people don’t earn they will not spend therefore the system will collapse. Sounds logical but it still doesn’t explain why people in poor societies are cheap despite being qualified and talented. So are we to assume that if you belong to poorer society then you are to be cheap. While a person in Denmark serving in a hotel will earn much more than most software engineers in India.    

In a globalised world capitalism need to refine itself, and not become tool of exploitation by few in the name of investment and employment. People in poorer societies are desperate, the reason why it is important that their rights need be protected. The monetary system seems to be carrying the legacy of colonialism. Capitalism seems to be having some structural issue that is fueling discrimination. The whole concept of cheap labour reeks of feudalism. Wonder what ILO has to say about ‘cheap labour’. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Prolife is a about celebrating life

It is shocking the way some societies are polarized. It needs a tragedy to make us aware how primitive some societies are. We thought they are ‘developed’ countries.    It also brings into focus how literacy may not be about education. How democracy may not be about real choices of liberty and freedom but about market and products. What is true about Ireland is also very much a reality in US. It is shocking some retrograde thoughts even find mention (like the one on rape, to think that someone will even entertain such thoughts itself is amazing, that he is a senator makes it incredible, what’s more the party leadership found it difficult to distance!), there is something really wrong with Republican Party. The run up to recent elections in US has shown what is grievously wrong with two party system and what is debated may not be about finding solution or understanding but about deep rooted prejudices that get further consolidated. At least that way India is better off, there are fringe elements alright but overall the mainstream majority isn’t that polarized.  It is in nature of societies (even each human) to be multilayered rather than This Vs That.  Life generally isn’t about choices that are extremes; it is much subtle -that indeed is determined by various factors, circumstances and choices.

Consensual sex between two adults is a private matter that shouldn’t be anybody’s business. Not in US of A, they have to resign from their job!! It is a sin of order one. The delicate family values seem to be hinged on it. Family also seems to be an important reference in election speeches. They hug each other, they kiss and pat on the back. This is democracy in action.  Such amazing hypocrites. Sometime back Tiger Wood was seen begging for forgiveness. It seems these are moral issues and person’s character is hinged to these. What kind of people are these? The more you know the so called developed countries the more you realize there is something seriously wrong.

When a woman begs for her life and the reply she gets is that it isn’t in our religion (though they have all the modern technology to save a life), it isn’t our law. What we see is sediments of barbarism these societies were known for. And the audacity to call themselves prolife! Prolife is about choices. Prolife is about loving life in its entirety. It is not about creating misery for others. It is also about showing concern for future, of humankind and the action we take. Prolife is necessarily about compassion and interpreting religious texts in that light. Yes an unborn baby also has rights but that right is in context of the body of the woman/mother. A woman has the final right/say to decide on her body, anything otherwise is imposition. It seems for long woman’s body is the battleground for moral values (and virtue, of course). It is amazing that these primitive world views still exist that too in so called developed world. What kind of world is this? I am finding it difficult to comprehend.

European Union needs to explain why Ireland is a member or whether it is worthy enough to continue as a member. In this context Nobel committee need also explain what criteria they keep when deciding awards. A member country of an organization that is awarded Nobel peace prize has such primitive world view is matter of grievous concern. We protest.

From my scribble pad (it will be transferred to as and when I start posting)…

The other side of life
is where the star shines the brightest
it needs darkness to light
it needs pain to joy.
Death’s little steps
is in life’s daily bloom.    

In Delhi
City never invites or say hello
It just sucks you in
Tossed, shed into corner
Probably that is life
It really cannot be different
Troubled breaths can narrate
Another tale.
That’s the way city is
There aren’t listeners
only onlookers.    

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

good for Americans, good for America, and good for the world it really good for the world, when the invocation is 'God bless America'?!

Post script: Could you believe Obama getting re-elected has led to increase in gold price in Kerala !!!. This society is incorrigibly sick, and they are spreading its sickness to other part of the country too through gold showrooms. Feels like puking. The worst study case is rich people wedding, it has everything that is shocking.

Earlier last month I happen to attend the Biodiversity meet at Hyderabad, and came across this precocious kid –who happens to be a Malayalee. He has painted many breeds of Indian cattle in an effort to make people aware of the diversity and need for conservation. Children like these gives us hope for future. Bravo to that!!

Saturday, November 03, 2012

It’s Britain’s call

I read this article, and the nonsense suggested by one Lord Ahmed. 

Controversial British peer Lord Ahmed has said he believes 15-year-old Pakistani activist Malala Yousufzai, who is awaiting reconstructive surgery at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, could have been shot as part of a government plot to discredit the Taliban.

Britain must answer why this nonsense is tolerated. What action are they taking against this man? I am deeply shocked and surprised that civilized world should allow such nonsense.  It is heinous. We will be watching very closely what Britain is going to do about this man.    

Karnad lambasts Naipaul: this blogger knows that Naipaul does have penchant for speaking on things that leaves one baffled, sometimes cringing. I recall in Delhi in one show he was quite rude to one panel member. Clearly it is sometimes difficult to tolerate fools but the panel member wasn’t one. I really don’t think Naipaul justified Babri demolition, atleast that is what I gather. This attempt to pigeonhole a writer (who has written some wonderful books) is rather sad. 

Now Mr. Naipaul has written three books on India. If you read them, you find that not even one of them contains any reference to music. He has gone through the whole of India without responding to Indian music. I think that only means that he is tone deaf."  

 A writer has all the right to choose what to include what not to include in his/her writing. I find it shocking that RK Narayan’s fiction doesn’t contain any reference to lower section of society and their existential predicaments (this true for MT Vasudevan Nair too). The world he created seems to contain no such social blemishes. Does that make RK "social deaf"? How is Malgudi (though charming) quintessentially Indian village?

Mr. Karnad was actively involved in Malgudi Day’s adaptation why didn’t he question that, I am not even alluding to his Sarswat Brahmin upbringing. Mr. Karnad needs to apologize for his diatribe or need to put a better defense for his claims. These are juvenile arguments and doesn’t augur well for the writer of his caliber.  

Naipaul should be celebrated through his writing, particularly his early fiction. Such charming worlds he weaved...