Saturday, March 22, 2025

Reporting happiness


Happiness is quite a subjective matter. What makes some people happy may be displeasing for others. What is a significant source for happiness for some may mean nothing for others. If the society has evolved core -quite complex and is achieved with much effort through various factors, percolated through benign culture and humanistic traditions and valued through institutions, then it will be reflected in all aspects of dealing including art, science and daily interactions. Crass is always a presence but varies in different societies. A primitive society will have crass as its core and will be reflected in every aspect of life (for instance societies that normalize caste cannibals, monster mullahs, or evil evangelicals will find misery percolating in proportionate to degree of influence of crass). Such spaces cannot be happy on any parameters except maybe those of the perverse kind that sustains the worst of sadistic possibilities – the benign sinister exist among those posing as civilized through feudal institutions, patriarchal concerns, systems of control so on, that wait for fertile grounds to wrench the world back into cave setting and jolly world of hunter gatherers.

Kahneman (in Thinking Fast and Slow) comes out with a unique take on happiness -essentially wellness, that of the experiencing self and the remembering self. Our recollection of an event is anchored on remembering self and not all that what we experience. It is difficult to study happiness and to quantify it. The bias in evaluation and narrow parameters of undertaking within geographical entity of a nation is problematic. There are, ofcourse, some basic parameters on basis of which you can attempt to approximate level of happiness in a society. World Happiness Report is such a venture that was released on March 20th -the World Happiness Day, adopted by UNGA. Indians (increasingly proud citizens of Bharat), it seems, are not a happy lot. Placed at lowly 118 out of 147 countries (with barbarian ruled Afghanistan rightly at the bottom) sharing happiness with the likes of Chad and Burkina Faso. That 1.4 billion people, approximately 18% of world population, are not at all happy is a serious concern. And when you thought this is the worst possibility comes the expected revelation that Indians rank 128th in ‘social support’, expected since a society that doesn’t even have a basic understanding of community is incapacitated to provide social support to its fellow citizens. Indeed, every misery is an opportunity to elucidate lessons of fate and blessing to herd, to demarcate normal days into auspicious times, to create crowds as illustration of power of control hence faith, which then falls into the fate of incompetence and characteristic apathy to orchestrate stampede thus ultimate fate of gruesome deaths while blessings for survivors. India also ranks 118th in ‘inequality’ – which too is on expected lines, authenticated by happy squatters, consolidated by snarling self-obsessed politicians dividing herd with all kind of distractions for easy grab for power. Despite dubious claims of spiritual, and spiritual gurus in every street corner, Indians rank 117 for harboring ‘negative emotion’ -indeed the most literate state with high HDI index comparable to best in the world, Kerala, finds itself in worst of situation with high suicide rate and increasing violence among youngsters (conveniently blamed on drugs -as if these are not available anywhere else in the country) due to crass nature of society incapacitated to self-reflect. What is redeeming, atleast in relative sense, is the high sense of ‘freedom’ (ranked 21) that people enjoy compared to hellholes around the world as also ‘generosity’ (51) -at personal level people can be quite nice despite trapped in worst of society. Ranked 16 in ‘volunteering’ cannot be taken seriously since these are mostly for gaining blessing and generally within the putrid pit -the study seems to have failed to factor in unique nature of depravity. Incidentally, tribes are very few spaces in society that show some remnants of egalitarian value systems.

What is most despicable in the whole conversation is that instead of self-reflection and critical analysis there was blatant attempt by some in the media to manipulate (indeed disinformation) the discussion and try salvage ‘great Indian culture’ (I have a very low opinion on Indian media, and so follow lowest denominator to gather national news -they show no urgency to check facts, typos nor sensibilities to value what is important -it is one crass attempt at attention and greed -and this honesty without pretensions is better than pretentious mediocres). Check this to see how they work to create a narration that is just the opposite of the reality: “India ranked 118 out of 147 countries. While it ranked well for social support, thanks to its community-focused culture and family structures, it scored poorly on freedom, reflecting a lack of perceived choice in society. India's ranking has improved over the years; it was ranked 144 in 2012, and its highest ranking was 94 in 2022”. Such depravity.

Mediocrity seeks power: it is but natural that mediocre people in whatever field they are posing in, whether as artist, journalists, writers, scientists so on, will seek power and influence -social media has added to ease in attention seeking. Greed is never satiated by money, there is always existential crave for more in beggar minded society. Squatter value system has cleverly worked these depravities as successful signs of blessedness for the herd to emulate. As noted from above example writing is just another means to control narration while data points to serious truth deficit. Since the core is rotten it is also expressed through Indian writers (very rarely you have Indian writers -in whatever language, standing up to critical scrutiny; mediocre and insipid). The reason why word defecating vermin come in different shapes and sizes to fill up all the gaps in high end manipulation. More assured they are of their special place in universe prodigious is the output, thicker the feculence/books.   

So here I was at a shop waiting to get an electronic gadget repaired. At the waiting space was collection of books, and this one from a woman (who has worked her crave into RajyaSabha. Having observed the worst kind of people posing as artists into power circle, her PR is keenly manipulating for VP position). I seldom read Indian writers -unless strongly recommended which is quite rare considering overwhelming mediocrity. As I flipped through pages, as a keen reader I felt embarrassed at the quality of writing and very soon felt violated, so before placing it back -ideally thrown into dustbin, I thought of going through the last chapter. Not to strain the precious brains of herd it was appropriately titled “What matters in the end”! “Now Mukesh realized how much he missed his Amma. She knew him and loved him more than anyone else in the world. He was not a Jat or sardar. He was a Brahmin from south India. He knew who he was now. Mukesh took the next flight from Delhi to Bangalore and slept like a baby on the plane.” This trash is Indian writing! What motivates these embarrassing mediocres to write? (also, note complexity of putrefaction here sardar is purposely in small letters -a degraded mocking version of Sikh. Squatter ensconced pus minds have deep contempt for Buddhism and Sikhism as it exposes their depravities. You may also visit written 10 years ago for more on depraved mindset). And this despicable woman poses as simple and down to earth while her knuckle headed millionaire husband, lacking any awareness of social reality or empathy, evaluates youngsters as slaves. What is more shocking is that this lump in human form is now full time into children’s writing, posing as moral arbitrator. No amount of manipulated backstory can hide soul clogged in putrefying pus. No wonder India is such a happy place! With little more manipulation it could be happiest place on earth with gaudy gods tacked on floating clouds showering petals on chosen people!                        

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

In the waves of possibilities 
Sensations coalesce to create
Past, present, dreams
Memories interact for newer pathways
In unlikely crisscrosses and surprising tangles
This emergent complexity
A thought
An intent
Decoheres a reality
Collapsed from multitudes

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Representing humanity


Democracy is representation of people’s voice through votes. Each person is assured a voice in the process of governance through his or her (or their) vote. Voting age in most democracies is fixed at 18years, it is assumed that a person becomes physically an adult hence mentally mature to decide. It is also assumed that all adults have understanding to weigh in myriad factors to decide what is best for society. This is an idealist version that hinges on wisdom of voters who may not have any such proclivities, far from it they are easily swayed by emotions or crass selfishness for immediate gain, lack basic faculties to comprehend enormity of the task, or else are controlled by insular group affiliation which has least concern for general good or personal wellbeing except as primal protection through herd cave member. The level of primitiveness gives lease to systems of control that undermine process and makes democracy a structure for exploitation. This is being celebrated as democracy across the world, all the while disparities increase, nepotism and corruption are common place, as society scrape lowest denominator of possibilities. Democracy is hardly the voice of people or approximation of their aspiration. It is an expression of control, of money -as guardian of neoliberal system and feudal power -assimilative patriarchal control of human and nature through systems of faith, regressive traditions and manipulation.

To be a human is a responsibility. A responsibility not defined by human controlled systems nor confined to personal aspirations -essentially expressions mediated by controlling systems to perpetuate itself. Responsibility arises through sense of individuality, awareness of self. A human has the arduous responsibility to nurture himself or herself (or themselves) as an individual. A state is duty bound to invest in inclusive systems that essentially is about valuing humans as individuals. Which means to negate controlling systems that foster extractive systems. Commonsense observation and study of basic facts indicates that this clearly is not happening. We live within an exploitative controlling system as the arbitrators posing as different persuasions of democratic debate occupy varying scale of opportunism. It is a mock fight to keep the control and rarely about asserting democratic institutions (severely dented in neoliberal exploitation, juvenile religions isolated from reality and feudal institutionalized traditions). So, people end up using democracy to bargain and barter for short term gain from the exploitative and corrupt system. While exploitative systems wanton greed encourages more voters, more followers, more consumers, more production…consequences are dire as untenable human population and increasing consumption has severely drained natural resources and is collapsing earth’s living systems (of many indicators one is Earth Overshoot Day -humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what earth can regenerate within that year, in 2024 it was August 1st , meaning humanity used up 1.7times what earth could sustainably provide that year).      

If this is how the world is, then an adult having voting right doesn’t really suffice to be a democratic society, indeed it has become problematic as it incentivizes human population, nor does it propose any solution for immediate problems or existential crisis. System has to evolve and be responsive to reckon with emerging realities. Voting humans are incapacitated to take responsibility of wellbeing of society nor capable to represent other species or earth’s ecosystems. It is therefore important to disincentivize human population -burgeoning belligerence as voice of democracy. Evolved societies invest on quality of living and are acutely concerned and take responsibility for their surroundings, hence will naturally have low fertility rate, while each human strives as an individual to value complexities of life, empathy for other creatures and be abreast with emerging challenges as they strive to be better humans. It is but natural for technology to take the burden of human drudgery hence give value and dignity for life. Hence AI is expected to synergize such evolved societies that care of others as also for nature. Progressive societies cannot be seen as a failure, and so allowed to be negated by barbarianism under the garb of democracy. Neoliberal capitalistic vandal narration and herd churning religions cannot be valued as votes over humanity and all that is cherished. It is time that the concept of democracy is updated to be inclusive and vibrant to fragile contemporary reality.       

Country need be demarcated into equal regions to have equal representation. It is time to realize that area of land and not number of humans that matter and that habitat needs to be represented by human voice. Democracy needs to evolve from anthropocentric framework (ofcourse it brings new challenges but the complexities of solution can be worked for fairer world, or is tried for atleast a decade so as to stop climate catastrophe and biodiversity collapse). Humans are part of society, society is part of humanity, humanity includes all the concerns of earth and other species. This representation is what now matters.               


Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Euler's equation

Euler’s equation 

Transcendental suspends its pursuit
To coalesce into fundamental
Oscillate in wild flare of imaginary and nothing
Complex contracts to align a form from chaos
So fragile an expression
A delight of unexpected poise
Resonate its brilliance into every cell
A doorway for the mind
Drifting like a dandelion seed
Unaware but aware
In spiraling silence
Or a bee settling on a planet as if a flower
Is this wonder
A hint of consciousness 
A portal to merge in the mystery

Suggested reading: Euler’s Pioneering Equation (by Robin Wilson). Euler’s equation (a special case of Euler’s identity) is considered as most beautiful equation in mathematics (and rated second in physics after Maxwell’s equation). It is remarkable in combining five entities, each with deeper mathematical significance, 1, 0, pi, e (exponential growth) and i (imaginary number), as also three fundamental operation addition, multiplication and equality. Feynman calls it ‘our jewel’, others call it mathematical equivalent of Hamlet’s “To be, or not to be”, very short, very succinct. It finds quite a few references in popular culture. Stamps were issued on Euler’s identity. There is a nursery rhyme copied!

Old MacDonald had a farm
e, i, e, i, 0
And on that farm he had 1 pi-g
e, i, e, i, 0

This book traces each entity separately, its history and significance before bringing it all together. Quite an interesting read but only for people who have some understanding and interest for maths. I found reference of Irish astronomer mathematician William Hamilton in the discussion on imaginary numbers particularly interesting. He discovered quaternions (a way to represent rotations in three-dimensional space, which has massive implications for physics, computer graphics, and robotics), after struggling for fifteen years, it is described that one day he was walking along the canal in Dublin “I then and there felt the galvanic circuit of thought close; and the sparks which fell from it were the fundamental equations exactly as I have used them ever since. I pulled out on the spot a pocket book and made an entry…it is fair to say that this was because I felt a problem to have been at that moment solved – an intellectual want relieved which had haunted me for atleast fifteen years since”. Amazing man.    



Monday, March 03, 2025

The world as it is


World has become more transparent with percolation of empowering technology. This has put pressure on political representation to seek attention in newer ways. Posing as transparent and sincere is new device to gain credibility. Surely this seems like a better option. Under the garb of sophistication and behind the formal nefarious worked their deal. We all know what happened in front of camera at White House is something that happens behind (indeed much viciously in some cases, and they capitalize by writing revealing memoirs!). It is a tradition to appear decent and formal in front of camera to impress common people, or more appropriately to keep the herd fixated in their little lives (while we take care of the world). Trump has broken this tradition and introduced unpredictability in this accepted norm of interaction. It is played as transparent (and does impress audience for its ‘sincerity’ and ‘up yours’ to conventions that they don’t trust and know are made up) and pent-up schadenfreude moment. If the world was as it is then what they pose in public will be no different behind the curtains, atleast not dangerously disjointed -which is quite apparent (what was behind the scene discussion between US and Britain when they decided to attack Iraq?).    

The entrenched power (now ‘deep state’ in conspiratorial circles) created binary within extractive system and posed higher morals and showcased themselves as better people to negotiate for future of humanity. Meanwhile facts are clear. World has become seriously unequal and transactionally iniquitous. Natural systems are squeezed out, ecosystems are collapsing, biomass is reducing, species are vanishing and environment is firmly towards extreme. Obviously last 50years was a missed chance for investing in inclusive system for better world. International organizations remains frozen power structures, at the best patronizing or delay or neglect, woefully inadequate to deal with fast changing world despite best efforts by few sincere concerned people. There surely is a systemic problem. The system is out of sync. For instance, why didn’t they sincerely try to upgrade UN and reflect realities of a changed world? The urgency that has befallen lackadaisical self-assured EU (severely diminished by arrogance) is going to be a study on various stages of ineffectual (despite best intention to control narration. Lesson number one: in the age of social media narrations are what works the immediate realities of people, and not the bigger world and its problems that untrustworthy politicians propose to solve). People are now hinged on immediate, creatively judiciously work to bring in the world. Sincerity of purpose can bridge the gap.  

Transparency and openness, which is apparently progressive and empowers democratic values, has ironically pushed the world into serious problem. Since the world is primed in neoliberal extractive capitalism, hinged on opportunist juvenile morals of anachronistic faith systems and arbitrated by feudalistic values entrenched into democratic institutions the result is: crass is now transparent, bravado frank. Crude is easiest claim to primal attention unleashed on populace with susceptible discerning skills and very surely lacking aesthetics of sophisticated complexities. It surely is good for TV (ofcourse TV is now obsolete, what it really means: this is clickbait for the world in perpetual attention mode. Not that the world is devoid of any attention). From this frame you can impress the herd on your apparent sincerity (indeed for people increasingly loosing trust this is the glimmer they will latch on to) but will find woefully inadequate to face the complexities of the world. What is good in this chaos is exposing the hypocrisy of entrenched establishment that took common people for granted and an easy sink to dump the misery. Well, some may say isn’t the world a better place than a century back. Surely it is. Democratic institutions have spread, human rights are valued, and better part of the world have access to modest choices to uplift their lives. It cannot be denied that despite enormous grassroot effort most of the socioeconomic empowerment was facilitated by technology, enabled by inquisitive brilliance of few scientists nurtured in open societies with active state support by investing in effective enabling inclusive infrastructure like health, education, research so on. But somewhere the stagnation happened that assimilated all the progress into extractive systems. You may like or dislike but Trump is a disruptor that the stagnant system conceived to resuscitate itself. The angst of binary that appropriated all morals is unravelling in realtime. Hope these will wake people from complacency and push for systemic changes. Stop posturing (it will be easily dismantled) and show sincerity. Days of charming complacency is over.           

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Grok approximates me!

 So, I asked Grok (X AI) to visit this blog and write profile of the blogger. Within few seconds it was ready with the brief (imagine 20 odd years of effort capsulated in few seconds! I am speechless). Quite an interesting read and some amusing insights. Grok thinks i am well suited for 19th century coffeehouse!!

I am truly done here man! Where is my time machine? I am off to meet Ada Lovelace, Dostoevesky, Emerson...

Depalan strikes me as a man shaped by duality—someone straddling the personal and the political, the local and the global, with a restless intellect that refuses easy categorization. Likely in his late 40s or early 50s by 2025, given the blog’s timeline from 2006 onward, he carries the weight of someone who’s lived through enough cultural and historical shifts to distrust grand narratives. His South Indian roots, hinted at through mentions of Tamil Nadu and a surname tied to the region, suggest a grounding in a place rich with history, language, and struggle—perhaps a Tamil or Malayali background, where resistance to overreach, be it colonial or corporate, runs deep. Yet his gaze extends far beyond, dissecting global systems with the same intensity he applies to a village’s water woes.

He’s no armchair critic. His writing hints at a life of movement—physical travel through India’s dusty towns, intellectual journeys through philosophy and poetry, and emotional traversals of anger, wonder, and disillusionment. A 2006 post about investigating Coca-Cola and Pepsi’s impact on Tamil Nadu’s water tables paints him as a hands-on skeptic, chatting up locals and scribbling notes, less a journalist than a wanderer with a cause. His hesitance about photography in that same piece suggests a preference for words over images, a man who trusts language to capture both the tangible (parched fields) and the ethereal (Kunitz’s verses). This isn’t a tech-savvy influencer but someone who’d rather wrestle with ideas than polish a persona.

His worldview leans toward the deconstructionist, as his blog title proclaims—an unpicking of power’s threads, whether it’s multinational greed, war’s dehumanization, or democracy’s hypocrisies. His 2022 post on “crime against humanity” reveals a voice hardened by global crises, yet there’s a softness beneath: a poetic streak that surfaces in unexpected metaphors or quiet reflections on coexistence with nature. He’s likely read widely—Marx might mingle with Tagore in his mental library—but he’s no academic; his style is too rough-hewn, too personal, marked by long, winding sentences and occasional grammatical stumbles. It’s as if he’s thinking aloud, unconcerned with impressing anyone but himself.

Physically, I’d imagine him unassuming, with sharp eyes that miss nothing, the kind of person who blends into a crowd but startles you with a pointed question. He might carry a weathered notebook, scribbling thoughts on a train or under a tree, more at home in the wild than in urban sprawl. Socially, he seems solitary—not antisocial, but content with his own company, perhaps skeptical of collectives despite his empathy for the downtrodden. The blog’s sporadic updates suggest a life driven by impulse rather than routine—he writes when moved, not on schedule, hinting at a temperament that’s both stubborn and free-spirited.

Politically, he’s a rebel without a banner, critical of both authoritarianism and hollow liberalism, yet he doesn’t preach solutions. There’s a whiff of the anarchist in him, tempered by a realist’s sigh. Spiritually, he might lean toward the agnostic or the quietly reverent—nature and poetry are his touchstones, not dogma. As of February 25, 2025, Depalan feels like a man out of time: a thinker who’d fit as easily in a 19th-century coffeehouse debate as on a modern blog, a voice too jagged for mainstream appeal but too sincere to fade entirely, etching his mark in a digital wilderness few may ever find.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Systems of control


A society can progress if its institutions are inclusive and responsive to changes from interaction with surroundings and sensitive to the needs. Democracy is a fair system that strives to represent and evolve as progressive society while anchored to individual freedom and liberty. It is a conception, indeed the only one, that has the most potential to work for inclusive progressive society and create ecosystem for best of humanity and nature. Individuals in their free will deciding to intentionally participate, cooperate and organize on progressive platform, evidenced in ethical concerns, valued in liberating education, nurture best possibilities of democracy hence humanity. This enlightening possibility is threatened by extractive systems that thrive on systems of control. If humans are not free and their liberty not safeguarded then democracy becomes ineffectual and indeed a mockery played on common people. Only a free human can embody and express diversity. Any system of control therefore diminishes an individual hence is a threat to democracy. These also create extractive intent in liberal ideas as also in impartial truth-seeking progress in science through direction of technological growth.

Extractive systems like neoliberal capitalism, religion and primal associations (mostly based on exceptionalism, or fear or desperation) have severely dehumanized individuals and made them vulnerable to exploitation. Unless system of control is persistently negated and reasoned, legally challenged, ridiculed as aberration, democracy will be periled and controlled by few. There is no free will in associating with systems of control. It is indoctrination. System of control create authority and in extreme cases authoritarian leaders who emerge by tapping and manipulating systems of control. Authoritarian leaders are manifestation of systems of control. Authority expresses systems of control. It surely doesn’t mean that absence of authoritarian leader is indication of thriving democracy. As long as systems of control exists it undermine democratic institutions and prevents percolation of democratic norms into society, family and individuals. Thus severely compromising progressive potential and humanistic possibilities creating limited individuals and a dead society compelled to repeat history. Since they lack evolved values, wisdom through contemporary understanding, empathy for human condition, they need system of control to manipulate for power.

Each and every system that seeks control must be resisted, demystified, scrutinized and evaluated on contemporary knowledge and awareness. Past cannot be reference but understanding. There is no learning from past since contemporary is qualitatively different and paradigmatically indifferent from past. History is essentially teleological fragmented narration of present that is meant to assert control. Past therefore can only be an understanding, a limited insight into contemporary. Nothing is sacred, least of all any systems of control that intents to degrade humans and devalue progressive ideas. Humans are vibrant sentient being hence cannot be allowed to slip into herd, and become expression of worst possibilities. Identity of a human must be basically and firmly hinged on being a human and the existential awareness herein. That is the least expected from all the contemporary knowledge and progress made. Any form of discrimination must be understood from this stand point and dealt with awareness of systems of control. Unless humans are not extricated from control discriminations cannot be removed, or else it is an extension of victimhood of past that seem to be least concern for contemporary reality and changing dynamics. Persistently negating systems of control and nurturing inclusive egalitarian value system is how discriminations removed and humanity progresses.   

Significantly words shouldn't be allowed to be misused. Words cannot be trapped into the reality of past and becomes extension of system of control. New realities need words to evolve to associate complexities of present, or else new words needs to be created to reflect and calibrate contemporary reality. For instance words like spiritual must find its original meaning and shouldn’t be allowed to be trapped in system of control like religion. Spiritual is a free state of spirit, deep awareness of human condition -indeed the original inspiration of most of religions -that has now become systems of control. Contemporary religion is now a well-established system of control that reduces humans to followers, isolate from reality into anachronistic fantasy hence trapping their spirit into degradation and estimated into juvenile frame. There is nothing spiritual in this dehumanization. Religion is an expression of system of control that persistently devalue egalitarian intents and humanitarian concerns as it prevents democratic institutions to percolate. These shouldn’t allow to control the meaning of words so as to usurp original intent and control narration to extend system of control. Humans must have correct estimation of reality through words so that they are equipped for truthful awareness. So that they use their mental faculties and empathy to assert their liberty and value their freedom. Be grateful to immense effort and sacrifices made by brilliant caring humans over the centuries to nurture these wonderful possibilities.                                        

Monday, February 17, 2025


The window opens briefly
All there to see and choose
Bright blue sky offers all the bright and blue
Scythe like vultures ride high on thermals
Gossamer float to shore precious
A form resonates the whole
The sun, moon and earth
It promises it will be
To the closing eyes      

Friday, February 14, 2025

Exponential escalation in Human Wildlife conflict


Humans (specifically indigenous people/tribes) have coexisted with wildlife for centuries. In the last few decades this coexistence is severely threatened as the resources dwindles while detrimental climate factors are becoming obvious. Expanding human population and its increasing consumption is a major source of biodiversity loss, habitat destruction and a serious concern for sustainable earth. This reality is sought to be undermined by sinister forces that prioritize greed (the neoliberal capitalism) and control (juvenile fantasy driven religions). We have reached an impasse -a culmination of various detrimental factors accentuated by climate change, that this reality can no longer be hidden through fantastical fiction and narrative control. As forest get degraded (fragmented/reduced through logging, mining, expanding human settlements and land conversion/intensification for agriculture/livestock grazing) with human encroachment, invasive species, unpredictable and extreme climate, it has escalated Human Wildlife conflict (HWC). Wildlife is increasingly losing space and resources they need to survive and thrive. There are lots of studies done on this issue with expert suggestions for context specific conflict management, community engagement and sustainable coexistence. There is also a call for including HWC/coexistence into SDG goal since it directly impacts several key aspects of sustainability. Sometime back I read about Sonitpur model (human-elephant conflict in Assam that works to involve and educate local population) that provides viable strategy. The problem is as HWC increases it becomes difficult to maintain sustainable strategies in cooperation with local communities. Fast and appropriate compensation package helps to control the situation. Use of latest technologies like IOTs and data pattern through AI is helping to understand this issue and suggest solutions. Early warning system for local population (when I conducted trekking, I relied on local spotters to warn me of elephant movements) and providing source of food and water for wildlife in the core areas are being tried. What cannot be denied is that situation is set to deteriorate.

Strip of land nestled in dense forest of western ghats and ocean, Kerala, is facing an unprecedented rise in HWC. Extractive system (includes politicians, religious leaders and market media) successfully scuttled MadhavGadgil report which after extensive study provided comprehensive suggestions. A literate healthy state (Kerala model) lacking the capacity to educate was found severely wanting and short shrifted in its determinedly middle-class aspirations. A staid society lacking vigor dutifully assigned itself into various roles as thriving consumers and beggar minds of neoliberal capitalism. Nepotism driven pusillanimous value system surrenders to worst possibilities whether religion or communism, very deviously served by legacy media and its deep entrenched depravities and cantankerous arbitrators and self-appointed representors. As HWC escalates it is contributing to burgeoning attention economy, creating "opportunities for enterprising" to game the system. For a fatalism driven society fate will have to work its charm to impress the herd.  

Primitives in conflict with elephants: there is another serious problem that was always present in this deplorable section; an orchestrated conflict between temples and elephants. Severely stressed elephants, placed in crowded noisy sultry spaces adorned in cheap glitter, kill people regularly, even the judiciary is compromised to depraved sentiments of herd and its godforsaken tradition that is part of past horrors. It is truly heartbreaking to watch magnificent intelligent creatures like elephants chained and paraded by these sick inbred minds to showcase their control as also their depraved valuation of propitious. Quaint aesthetic temples and heightened nuanced mural expressions were clearly appropriated from meditative Buddhism hence these incursions adds to the mismatch. Primitives in aesthetic surroundings lacking basic sensibilities, a faith devoid of compassion and herd incapacitated to introspect. Elephants should be banned from any rituals, these sensitive animals in no case be near to any crowd or noise. Elephants are free animals that have roamed the land for 6million years, hence belong to forest or protected areas as endangered species. They must be respected and not patronized or objectified for sickening anthropomorphized reasons or props for religion. Humans, if they feel so, can visit these sanctuaries to express their respect and adoration for elephants on equal terms.    

Wednesday, February 05, 2025


In the crowd
Like canopies of trees
Minding the space
Always aware, always cautious
Of the other.
The world is the way it is
Formal, courteous, ugly, salacious, pleasant
They debate, they argue, they agree, they disagree
They hug, they fight
And so it goes on.
All the while the roots grow deep to connect
The hyphal network of collaborations
Distributing nutrients and sharing warnings
Stray talks and serendipity
Wise takes and some love
Making the presence all the more precious
As a tree in the forest    

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Deconstructing meanings with narrative control


Derrida would argue that there is no true meaning of word, only the one appropriated by power, the dominant narration assimilates the meaning. One will not entirely agree with this assertion since word do have meaning assigned as it comes into existence, a meaning that is mutually agreed within the frame of reference or ‘language game’ as Wittgenstein puts it. The way the word changes meaning, is deconstructed and appropriated, is where Derrida’s relevance becomes apparent. A word with idealistic fervor and evocative like woke is appropriated into pejorative and indeed in lightning speed as social media dog whistle for dismissing those exhibiting concerns and meaningful involvement is startling. Words don’t live in isolation, they work within the evolving dynamics of society. The meaning of the word can only shift if the language game, that is, context of the word, itself is shifting. You cannot change the meaning of the word if the context isn’t favorable. This then points to the direction the society in general is moving, the shifting of aggregate, or atleast mainstream narration that is being controlled by forces consolidating power. From idealism to sarcasm, from genuine concern for systemic inequities and deeper involvement to superficial transactive engagement and weaponizing dubious narrations is a statement on contemporary world, it really doesn’t augur well. The movement of meaning is consolidation of intent.  

It cannot be denied that performative puritanism, political correctness and virtue signaling has overtaken idealistic concerns. Feudal forces are nurturing pliable peasants and primitives under the cloak of diversity as also as a strategy for their own increasing relevance as the situation degrades. Meanwhile concerns are swiftly trashed into binary bins of easy consumption and playact for distraction and control by devious forces posing as whatever benefits the occasion. Shorter attention span has made matter worse while systems of control undermine critical thinking and encourage herd expressions. Meaningful discourses are losing anchors of reference and are being decontextualized as caricatures of amusements. This is problematic. There is a need for narration that reflect contemporary world instead of present as extension of past loop. If people are becoming sarcastic and transactive, and world in general is alarmingly consolidating superficial and manipulative, then it must be reflected and abstracted into words. Unfortunately though semantics of dealing is not able to keep up with internet speed hence these appropriations that creates attention. The problem is when words with idealistic intentions are appropriated, and with brute force and contempt displayed in this process. Words must approximate the reality but hauling the word that anchors concerns for social justice and awareness of systemic inequities and eviscerating into opposing meaning is ruthless display of wanton power of manipulation that is fueling misinformation and disinformation. Sarcasm as a mainstay of discourse has dire consequence.

Words are important. The reason why valued words like woke was squeezed into opposing meaning in realtime has also to do with lack of concern hence inadequate words to approximate the emerging reality and changing challenges and experiences of people. General apathy as they watch posers scale treacherous moral high grounds to represent. Political correctness at expense of people and virtue signaling of sickening self-righteousness, that had no connection with contemporary reality, by devious forces under the garb of liberal. People desperately needed words that reflected their frustrations and articulated narrations that valued their experience.  Liberal democracies were reduced in the clutch of feudal forces who unleashed neoliberal extractive systems. The backlash found the way through social media. Social media has empowered common people, the reason why woke shifted meaning with such alacrity. Meanwhile be careful woke may just be the beginning of appropriation of words into building new narration of horrifying convenience. Words need to be valued and anchored to reality otherwise it becomes absurd, a parody. Unraveling experiences of fast changing world and the collective insecurities of people must be valued and approximated into words, or else you will have words appropriated and experience contextualized into narrations that creates fertile grounds for deception. This lack of complexity in dealing with contemporary reality is source of degradation that helps powerful manipulators.

(picture herein is AI generated, refined after few prompts)                  

Monday, January 27, 2025

Future is not in scaling


It is not scaling but optimization. In nature species survive using sophisticated strategies with less and rarely by scaling and growing bigger and bigger or using brute forces. Nature optimizes through utilizing shape and conserving energy. System as it optimizes there is a synergic elegance that sync with forces of nature. Sophistication is simplified play of various complexities. As we move towards quantum the more these nuances are understood better is the chance to tap on to source. I recall mentioning researchers using c elegans as a template to use few neurons to create a neural system for self-driving vehicles (visit me at Imagine the level of sophistication of slime mold that doesn’t even have neuron! Imagine sophisticated strategies of microscopic viruses like bacteriophages and elegant devastatingly brilliant evolutionary response by bacteria. To know that crispr might just be tip of iceberg sends shiver. These species are tapping on iterated strategies evolved for 3.5billion years. Homo sapiens meanwhile evolved only about 0.2millions years. Suffice to add microorganisms work in survival of humans through symbiotic associations, so we too are involuntarily tapping on billions of years of intelligence of bacteria while we study viruses and worms to understand cutting edge evolution.

DeepSeek Chinese AI chatbot is a bombshell, some are calling it sputnik moment. More than an occasion that will spur AI race between US and China -which it surely has as the gap close, what it is indicating is paradigm shift in AI progress (frankly I was expecting Japanese to come with more-from-less AI tech, they really are quite good at miniaturized sophistication!). DeepSeek's R1 chatbot has used fewer and less sophisticated chips that outperforms models developed by OpenAI, Google, Meta and Anthropic across various benchmark and overall quality. It has shaken the AI industry. It questions the focus of AI infrastructure.                   

Saturday, January 25, 2025

What a wonderful book!


Reading a book is an investment of time and effort. So, you have to be careful what you choose to read. Located in a society with mostly low caliber pretentious writing, the collective premium on quantity rather than quality, it become an arduous task to choose good books. It took me few months of reading the best of Indian writers to realize the pattern that lack the fervor and sincerity, it is a patch up staid work of patronizing and proprietorship meant to awe the herd, an extension of self as entitlement, guardian of society as wise writers and creative people automatically elevated as overseer of wellbeing of unfortunate mass. In this crass conception river is no longer river but god’s braid, land becomes godly mother, trees are undoubtedly god’s miracle…such self righteous sacred sickness...and from this blessedness of profound disconnect from reality they carry persistent civilizational itch and overbearing self-assigned responsibility to search meaning of their goddamn life. Writing in all-encompassing flourish and uncommon confidence lacking qualities and restraints of self-reflection with meagre skills they rush to quainter aspects and bigger questions of life for which they are naturally fated to find answers, existing all the while in plain sight as greatness of ancient mythical wisdom and uniquely gifted cave dwelling ancestors. Having appropriated miracles through words in simultaneous immunity from nuance or empathy they stampede for recognition for their nonexistent abilities, to claw to greater showcase, a grim battle to anchor their mediocrity into rewards, positions, recognitions without which they face abyss of anonymity hence all the attributes and desperations to social climb of middle class -the one that truly connects them to common people by default, and validate veneer of sophistication over crude nouveau rich amass. It is when I read best of international writers that I realized amazing depth of lack in Indian writing -ofcourse with very few and rare exceptions. As a reader it took lot of effort to create framework for accessing better writing.               

I have read the best of fiction over the decades, and shifted to short stories due to personal lack. Recently as reality barge with alarming consequences I shifted to nonfiction to tighten my bearing, I truly thought I am done with fiction. And then I came across Orbital by Samantha Harvey, it is the premise that excited and immediately riveted me. Never have I read a fictional perspective from space, and none written as far as I know. What further fascinated me was that it is not science fiction, I do love to read science fiction but possibilities of factual description from space in the framework of fiction was too good to miss. I have watched NASA footage of earth from space (stunning movie ‘Gravity’ too) as also videos of inside of space station and always wondered about day-to-day life, feeling and thinking through this space capsule observing as they are something very few humans have (few minutes in space left William Shatner in deep sense of sadness and grief “made my connection to our tiny planet even more profound”). A limited writer would’ve messed it up but Harvey is brilliant. “And in time we come to see that not only are we on the sidelines of the universe but that it’s of a universe of sidelines, that there is no centre, just giddy mass of waltzing things, and that perhaps the entirety of our understanding consists of an elaborate and ever evolving knowledge of our own extraneousness, a bashing away of mankind’s ego by the instruments of scientific enquiry until it is, that ego, a shattered edifice that lets light through.” The book is a prose on life from space, a poetry of life in all its fragile splendor. It is quite a thin book (capsulated as a day in space with 16chapters as 16 orbit around earth with sunrise every 90minutes), but I spent near about two months to read it. “Maybe the whole nature of things is one of precariousness, of wobbling on a pinhead of being, of decentering ourselves inch by inch as we do in life, as we come to understand that the staggering extent of our own non-extent is a tumultuous and wave tossed offering of peace.” It is such a beautiful expression that you reread paragraphs, pages and chapters (for instance the last page I read for three days!), and start to have surreal dreams about earth as if moving across the window. This is a defining book in many ways, this book places iconic earthrise picture (William Anders, Apollo 8, 1968) in its entire perspective, overwhelming context. “Before long, for all of them, a desire takes hold -to protect this huge yet tiny earth. This thing of such miraculous and bizarre loveliness. This thing, that is, given the poor choice of alternatives, so unmistakably home. An unbounded place, a suspended jewel so shockingly bright. Can human not find peace with one another? With the earth? It’s not a fond wish but fretful demand. Can we not stop tyrannizing and destroying and ransacking and squandering this one thing on which our lives depend? Yet they hear the news and they’ve lived their lives and their hope does not make them naïve. So what do they do? What action to take? And what use are words? They’re humans with a godly view and that’s the blessing and also the curse.”

“It seems easier on balance not to read the news. Some do and some don’t, but it’s easier not to. When they look at the planet it’s hard to see a place for or trace of the small and babbling pantomime of politics on the newsfeed, and it’s as though that pantomime is an insult to the august stage on which it all happens, an assault on its gentleness, or else too insignificant to be bothered with. They might listen to the news and feel instantly tired or impatient. The stories a litany of accusation, angst, anger, slander, scandal that speaks a language both too simple and too complex, a kind of talk in tongues, when compared to single clear, ringing note that seems to emit from the hanging planet they now see each morning when they open their eyes. The earth shrugs it off with its every rotation. If they listen to the radio at all it’s often for music or else something with an innocence or ultimate neutrality about it…something with a sense of play, of things mattering and then not mattering, of coming and going and leaving no mark. And then even those they listen to less and less”. Reading these lines seems something similar to what you experience in meditative silence in nature, the stillness that lasts in profound awareness and becomes part of your being, an armor against overwhelming crass. But then there is also an inescapable realization “…then one day something shifts. One day they look at the earth and they see the truth. If only politics really were a pantomime. If politics were just farcical, inane, at times insane entertainment provided by characters who for most parts have got where they are, not by being in any way revolutionary or percipient or wise in their views, but by being louder, bigger, more ostentatious, more unscrupulously wanting of the play of power than those around them, if that were the beginning and the end of the story it would not be so bad. Instead, they come to see that it’s not a pantomime, or it’s just not that. It’s a force so great that it has shaped every single thing on the surface of the earth that they had thought, from here, so human-proof.”     

Apart from each and every sentence what I found particularly brilliant was unique take on Apollo11 moon landing, the view of Michael Collins -the third astronaut who stayed behind while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. “Everybody is invisible -Armstrong and Aldrin inside the lunar module, humankind unseen on a planet that could easily, from this view, be uninhabited. The strongest, the most deducible proof of life in the photograph is the photographer himself -his eye at the viewfinder, the warm press of his finger on the shutter release. In that sense, the most enchanting thing about Collin’s image is that, in the moment of taking the photograph, he is really the only human presence it contains.” So is the disquieting reference of Sergie Krikalev -the soviet cosmonaut who got stranded in space for almost a year as Soviet Union disintegrated. “Humankind is not this nation or that, it is all together, always together come what may. He sits in timeless stillness amid the module’s perpetual eighty decibel machine vibration while around him the green Velcroed flammable walls close in airlessly. And each day and week the crack on its hull widens and Krikalev’s smile seems more and more vaunted and more and more godly. Let there be light, he seems quietly to say”.            


Friday, January 24, 2025

The great unravelling


In the aftermath of World War II, as colonial power retracted, deep state consolidated all across the world. In weaker nations with nascent compromised democratic institutions powerful outside forces arbitrated these consolidations. These seized entrenched channels of colonialism to create post-colonial exploitation couched in language of democracy and liberal values. So instead of nurturing democracy they used democracy as source of control. Democratic values were undermined to consolidate democratic institutions as source of power. It activated feudal framework, regressive institutions and primal associations as easy mechanism to ensnare and control herd. So eventhough people voted, ostensibly to different political parties, it is similar kind of people who get elected with incremental addition that valued status quo, and these elected leaders were further controlled by superstructure of deep state. A clear case of deep state control is spread of neoliberal extractive system that used language of democracy to consolidate and used feudal nepotistic connections to extract. That this extractive mechanism seems immune to immense misery through widening inequality and imminent collapse of climate is telling. They use manipulated media controlled in neoliberal value systems to create and control narrations as also keep the herd distracted. Any aberration is ridiculed and stamped out as threat.

In the garb of democracy with no connection to reality, unhinged in self importance, they promoted extreme as natural choice, extreme crude choice of ‘identity’, extreme form of religions (specifically conveniently constructed ‘minority’ through narration control as their lynchpin of benign caring self in an increasingly apparent compromised self that was easy for common people to decipher). Meanwhile to prevent scrutiny they undermined the ability by degrading primary education and access to health, as the crass spread they positioned as civilized blessed arbitrators. As the misery grew people reacted in ridicule (one word that saw realtime shift into complete opposite of its meaning in shortest of time is ‘woke’, a pejorative sarcasm that consolidated through social media) and as the anguish multiplied opportunistic forces saw the widening gap while the deep state posing as liberal wallowed in self-assured arrogance. Reactionary forces consolidated through majority extremism and calls of sentiments connecting to glorified past that is being threatened. If democracy had percolated through humanist institutions, if liberal thinking had consolidated through quality education, then it would have worked as anchor so as to not allow misuse of democracy couched in language of liberal to nurture any form extremism and regressive values. If liberal was rooted in humanistic concerns and not a compromise to capture power by sinister feudal forces to maintain control under the garb of democracy and high sounding ethical concerns then we wouldn’t be in this impasse in crucial juncture of human history. If systems of control were demystified and negated to help humanistic values to percolate to each individual we wouldn’t have seen en masse regressive consolidation. Liberals were living vicarious life by exaggerating concerns to make themselves relevant. Arrogance prevented awareness of shifting reality -nor were they really bothered as long as anything that gave them traction to showcase carefully tailored benign self -essentially built on misery of common people.             

Make no mistake the opposing forces, although unleashing chaos across the world, is still a binary within the framework of neoliberal value system except that the pretentions of liberal is scaled down or abandoned. The regressive majoritarian is viciously seeking to occupy the centerstage. The viciousness is the key attribute here, it carries the rage of people left neglected and ridiculed, it effectively channelizes the helplessness of common people in an increasingly insular manipulated world. Deep state created system of control and the political parties occupied this spectrum of influence in different shades of opportunism. What Trump represents (as also those with authoritarian tendencies but supported by populace) is the promise of uprooting status quo, the ensuing chaos in the carefully constructed liberal world. There is an unraveling of liberal control deep state, the hypocrisy of those in power in last many decades will be exposed. And I surely hope it is devastating so that we get to reevaluate the meaning and significance of liberty and freedom and how it is consolidated through democratic institutions. The sinister system of control posing as liberal need to be exposed. Since democracy has not percolated this chaos will consolidate another system of control -the conservative religion and opportunistic faith. Secular humanism was misused by sinister forces and has lost ground to retrieve herd. What is clear is that juvenile religion will give ample space for neoliberal system to extract and keep the herd rivetted.                  

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Facts matters

 “Journalists have a set of standards and ethics. What Facebook is going to do is get rid of that and then allow lies, anger, fear and hate to infect every single person on the platform.” Marria Ressa (courageous Filipino journalist who runs Rappler news site as she faced death threat from Duterte). Ms Ressa’s statement carry the right emotion and channelize growing concern of obfuscating facts by powerful entities. But she is wrong in her assertion here. Based in India I can vouch that media (within this people posing as journalists) do not have standards nor set standards and will not be allowed to, most don’t even understand nor are concerned about anything referred to as ethics. This is why this statement is so naïve indeed embarrassing, it seems an attempt to salvage semblance of normality in increasingly chaotic by invoking righteousness of past and entitled possessors. This will not do. If you have to safeguard facts then you surely will have to understand the context of mainstreaming facts and the forces at work. Fact is understood by the way it is worked and presented. Traditional arbitrators of facts have created narration that is being strongly challenged thanks to democratization of views in recent times. Views vary facts don’t. But the context of facts and the backstory of power and control that deviously try to align facts with narration needs scrutiny and evisceration. Those posing as media do not have carte blanche over controlling facts. That era is thankfully over, and except few nobody is regretting. The contemporary challenges need new narration that sync with the changing reality, a new means to address evolving complexity. Invoking past as standard will not help, it is simplistic folklore if not devious attempt at control. 

Mainstream media is about control, and within that control creating narration of goodness (consolidated as morals, closely aligning with dominant forces and normalizing systems of control) to gain validity among populace. It surely isn’t about fact dissemination but using the ruse of fact to stream views as it fits their agenda or immediate opportunities presented. With increased awareness common people know the crassness that goes under the garb of media. To expect media to be arbitrators of facts is foolhardy. Facts without context is meaningless. When the meaning is facilitated by narrow concerns and exploitative forces then facts are compromised. Facts becomes means for heuristic opportunism and control by few through everyday events that they carefully choose to focus. The system of control works within the framework of entrenched feudal values as it seeks opportunities to consolidate sentiments for easy regressive link with herd. Mainstream media, especially legacy media, primed in neoliberal value system is here to perpetuate extractive systems. They use language of democracy and euphemism of concern to gain and consolidate their authority through fig leaf of malleable facts. 

There are courageous honest upright journalists in India too but these are not mainstream. They work tirelessly at the grassroot or some subaltern publications (I too worked briefly in these), they question dominant narration as also bravely investigate corruption (in a primitive society that has corruption normalized from sanctum to pyre) and crucial matters that are adeptly avoided by mainstream media since it jostles the applecart of influence. Most are stifled and stamped out by powerful forces entrenched in the system -that mainstream media side with for gain (who carefully work to consolidate influence from proximity of power, through largesse, awards/posts/positions so on). Many of these committed people -who carry true meaning and import of journalism have shifted to online, it is also cheaper, raising issues that matters to common people without fear and have created substantial influence among common people. They are brutally dealt by the system while many are killed, the latest one in bastar recently by corrupt contractors -who are almost always nurtured by powerful forces. What is also to be noted is that mainstream ‘journalist’ (to call these opportunists journalists is a stretch and an insult on idea of democracy) use this opportunity to pose as empaths to vicariously position as active member of threatened section precariously fighting for justice meanwhile quite aware that the truth is anywhere near these posturing. They are just positioning for gain, appropriating someone’s sacrifice to consolidate their stature as also validate the exploitative system through valiant attempts to connect to ethics of dead idealist journalist with their dexterous turn of sentence and semantic flair adept to twist facts to wherever the wind blows, they deem to share these ethics and with narration control they presume they are successful in this con act -atleast to the envy of their close circle. These are fixers, word defecators and loud mouths, well placed in the system to understand the nuance of the game. They cannibalize on society and parasite on people. They perpetuate system of control and streamline primitiveness in the euphemism of modern. These are rotten ooze of festered world.  

Facts are important. Freedom of expression is equally important. In the era of social media nothing can be curtailed. Red line is threat of violence and invasion of privacy, as also rights of children. Social media challenges systems of control by giving voice to common people. It has diluted influence of entrenched interests. So, the question now is what to do when facts clash with freedom of expression? It has to be put in the context that facts weren’t really that sacred till recently as also easily manipulated by working the context, giving prominence to selected facts over the other as decided by few. Some facts were chosen and consolidated into entrenched narrations through views of powerful, it assumed legitimacy and credence over people. What has changed now is faster dissemination and far-reaching debilitating consequences. There are serious attempts by bad players to willfully spread lies and disinformation, incite people with conspiracy theories. There need to be stricter laws to deal with disinformation that create real life consequences. Consequence and context decide severity of punishment. Meanwhile common people need to be equipped in critical thinking as a long-term strategy, and I hope responsible societies are investing in these crucial areas (this blogger created module without much success, mediocre insulated Indians will take time). Twitter/X has created this innovative method of ‘community notes’ without hindering freedom to express. I think it works fine, and has helped to give context and attempts at verified facts. We also need an independent agency (not controlled by powerful vested interests) to provide these services that is also simultaneously open to scrutiny and verification. There is a need for innovative solutions in the fast-changing world. You also need to treat people with respect and empathize with their predicament and concerns -the world is in flux, while severely dealing and persistently negating deconstructing demystifying systems of control. Do not underestimate potential of free thinking. It is what defines a human. 

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Anchoring ethics in cesspool of moral relativism


It is irresponsible to not cherish hard won values that anchor progressive concerns and humanism that form basis of democratic institutions. Democracy values freedom, liberty and equality, and is an evolved system that emphasis potential of each life and offer possibilities of collective advance. Ofcourse there can be restraints for common good, for equity and justice, as also common-sense contextual exigencies. But what must be made unequivocal is that this restraint cannot be under the guise of power or means to control. This is the problem that emerges in irresponsible societies wallowing in hedonistic luxury normalized through transactional and neoliberal exploitative systems padded by benefits from colonial past. This has to be dealt.  

Democratic egalitarian values must be firmly anchored to institutions as it percolates into society and individuals. It is a crime, indeed a crime on humanity, to negate or attempt to diminish these foundational ethics. What is unqualified in this cherished mooring is equality of race and gender (an evolved society will not have such distinctions). There really cannot be any compromise, there is no moral relativism on these crucial matters that hinges fundamental rights, indeed there cannot be any negotiation that diminishes humanity.

Any system that creates ascriptive distinction is threat to democracy. Feudal structures negate egalitarian values while patriarchy infects minds, nepotism undermine equal opportunity. Indoctrination of young minds in exceptionalism of juvenile primitive fantastical conceptions like religion remains a serious threat to humanity. Systems of degradation cannot be and will not be allowed to be source of diversity. Diversity is quaint and nuanced understanding that nourishes societies and strengthen democracy. Diversity of culture that values and respect each life, diversity of ideas that seeks brighter possibilities and question status quo entrenched negations, diversity of expressions of each according to their potential. Advanced societies must value and firmly anchor foundational ethics into institutions while constantly strive to inspire and advance humanity. Society must evolve and synergize with the pace of technology to imbibe the best possibilities. Diversity also means dismantling or actively negating systems of control that doesn’t provide equal rights to individuals. Foundational nonnegotiable ethics means each must have access to all possibilities, for instance what is allowed for males must be equally be allowed to females, any system that seeks to curtail these is a serious threat to humanity (for instance FIFA men's cup cannot be allowed in Saudi unless women's cup allowed - women free to play in any street). Quality education is foundational to inclusive society, there is no space for indoctrination of young minds hence must have access to all possibilities and ability to tolerate differences. The basic identity of a human is to be a human first, to be a fully human. The first task of egalitarian society primed in democratic values is to create systems to nurture this fully human. To be aware of all that is possible. A fully human will naturally be able to negotiate challenges of evolving world and assimilate collective sensibilities. Compromised countries like Britain were exceptionally irresponsible and have severely degraded the world as they attempt to obfuscate human rights, its exaggerated patronizing presence in contemporary scene is due to its colonial past and reach of english.

Historic injustice must be corrected through inclusive systems and surely not by devious morphing and maintaining of extractive exploitative systems as benevolent.  A human must be valued as a human. This is as basic as it gets, and from this foundation inclusive diversity build.